The primary objective of this research is to investigate the effects of perceived justice in service recovery on customer satisfaction of BNI (Bank Nasional Indonesia) and their behavioral outcomes. Data were collected through a survey using a structured questionnaire. The 113 respondents of this research were BNI?s customers who had made complaints to BNI regarding its services. The findings showed that the complainants? level of satisfaction with service recovery was significantly affected by perceived justice. The behavioral outcomes of the complainants in terms of trust, word-of-mouth (WOM) and loyalty were also found to be affected by their satisfaction with the service recovery. Stepwise regression analysis confirmed that interactional justice dimensions in service recovery such as explanation and effort affected significantly on complainants? level of satisfaction. Furthermore, managerial implication of this research is to show the importance of perceived justice in the BNI?s service recovery. Satisfaction with service recovery also leads to a higher level of trust, positive WOM behavior and, to a lesser extent, the level of loyalty. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggambarkan pengaruh persepsi keadilan dalam pemulihan layanan terhadap kepuasan nasabah Bank BNI Cabang Utama UI Depok, serta respon nasabah terhadap kepuasan setelah pemulihan layanan yang diberikan oleh Customer Service BNI dalam menangani keluhan nasabah. Data yang dikumpulkan melalui survey dengan menggunakan kuesioner yang terstruktur. 113 responden yang dianalisa merupakan nasabah BNI Cabang Utama UI Depok yang pernah komplain. Hasil penelitian ini bahwa kepuasan nasabah dipengaruhi oleh persepsi keadilan, serta tingkat kepercayaan, perilaku gethok tular, dan loyalitas nasabah BNI dipengaruhi oleh kepuasan nasabah setelah pemulihan layanan. Analisis regresi stepwise menunjukan bahwa dimensi keadilan interaksi yaitu pemberian penjelasan dan dorongan merupakan dimensi yang paling mempengaruhi kepuasan nasabah BNI. Implikasi manajerial penelitian ini menunjukan pentingnya persepsi keadilan, kepuasan nasabah akan meningkatkan kepercayaan nasabah, mendorong rekomendasi positif serta loyalitas pelanggan. |