Ketatnya persaingan usaha di bidang jasa layanan telekomunikasi memunculkan implikasi makin gencarnya pariwara mengenai aneka produk layanan jasa telekomunikasi, khususnya di televisi. Pariwara, termasuk di televisi, seyogyanya mentaati butir-butir ketentuan Etika Pariwara Indonesia (EPI) sebagai kode etik yang memayungi dunia periklanan. Kenyataannya, Badan Pengawas Periklanan Persatuan Perusahaan Periklanan Indonesia (BPP-PPPI) masih menemukan sejumlah pelanggaran EPI, termasuk pada produk layanan jasa telekomunikasi. Penelitian kualitatif ini berupaya mendeskripsikan sejauhmana EPI itu ditegakkan serta bentukbentuk pelanggaran yang terjadi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan terjadi indikasi pelanggaran EPI berkelanjutan, tercermin dari masih terus munculnya kata-kata superlatif akibat dorongan persaingan usaha. Jika hal itu tidak segera diakhiri dengan membangkitkan kesadaran akan pentingnya kontrol internal demi penegakan etika sebagai bagian fungsi tanggung jawab sosial media massa, maka dikhawatirkan kredibilitas iklan kian merosot. The tight competition in the field of business telecommunications services led to implication of more vigorous advertisement about the various products of telecommunications services, particularly on television. Advertisement, including on television, should comply with the provisions of grains of Etika Pariwara Indonesia (EPI) as an overarching ethical code of advertising. In fact, advertising regulatory agency ? Badan Pengawas Periklanan Persatuan Perusahaan Periklanan Indonesia (BPP PPPI) still finds some infringement of EPI, including the products of telecommunications services. This qualitative study seeks to describe how far the EPI was enforced as well as other forms of violations. The results of this study showed there indications of ongoing violations of EPI, reflected in the continued emergence of superlative words of encouragement from competition. If it is not immediately terminated by raising awareness of the importance of internal controls for the enforcement of ethics as part of social responsibility function of the mass media, then worry about getting the credibility of advertising slump. |