[Perilaku fans yang mengantre saat membeli tiket konser idol group menunjukkanbahwa selebriti yang dipapar oleh media dapat mempengaruhi berbagai aspekemosional dan psikologis jutaan audiens. Proses audiens terlibat secara emosional danpsikologis dengan selebritis disebut audience involvement. Ada dua tipe audienceinvolvement, yaitu interaksi parasosial dan identifikasi. Interaksi parasosial merupakansebuah proses dimana audiens membangun pseudofriendship dengan persona,sedangkan identifikasi merupakan proses dimana audiens mengadopsi sikap,keyakinan, dan tingkah laku persona. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahuiperbedaan audience involvement pada remaja yang menjadi anggota fanclub dan nonfanclub.Sampel penelitian ini ialah remaja berumur 11-24 tahun yang belum pernahmenikah dan memiliki idola band/boyband/girlband. 165 partisipan diminta mengisikuesioner yaitu Celebrity-Persona Parasocial Interaction dan Celebrity-PersonaIdentification yang dikembangkan oleh Bocarnea dan Brown (2007). Hasilmenunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan interaksi parasosial yang signifikan padaremaja anggota fanclub dan non-fanclub (t(163)=3,774, p < 0,01, two-tailed), danterdapat perbedaan identifikasi yang signifikan pada remaja anggota fanclub dan nonfanclub(t(163)=3,389, p < 0,01, two-tailed).;The behavior of fans who lined up when buying concert tickets of idol group showedthat celebrities which exposed by the media could influence the emotional andpsychological aspects of millions of audience. The process of engaging the audienceemotionally and psychologically with celebrities is called audience involvement.There were two types of audience involvement, parasosial interaction andidentification. Parasosial interaction was a process which the audience builtpseudofriendship with persona, while identification was the process in which theaudience adopted the attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors of persona. This study aimed todetermine the differences in audience involvement in adolescents who became fancluband non-fanclub members. The sample of this study was adolescents aged 11-24 yearswho had never been married and had an idol of band/boyband/girlband. 165participants were asked to fill out a questionnaire of Celebrity-Persona ParasocialInteraction and Celebrity-Persona Identification developed by Bocarnea and Brown(2007). The results indicated that there were significant differences in parasocialinteraction in adolescents of fanclub and non-fanclub members (t (163) = 3.774, p<0.01, two-tailed), and also there were significant differences in identification inadolescents of fanclub and non-fanclub members (t (163) = 3.389, p <0.01, twotailed)., The behavior of fans who lined up when buying concert tickets of idol group showedthat celebrities which exposed by the media could influence the emotional andpsychological aspects of millions of audience. The process of engaging the audienceemotionally and psychologically with celebrities is called audience involvement.There were two types of audience involvement, parasosial interaction andidentification. Parasosial interaction was a process which the audience builtpseudofriendship with persona, while identification was the process in which theaudience adopted the attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors of persona. This study aimed todetermine the differences in audience involvement in adolescents who became fancluband non-fanclub members. The sample of this study was adolescents aged 11-24 yearswho had never been married and had an idol of band/boyband/girlband. 165participants were asked to fill out a questionnaire of Celebrity-Persona ParasocialInteraction and Celebrity-Persona Identification developed by Bocarnea and Brown(2007). The results indicated that there were significant differences in parasocialinteraction in adolescents of fanclub and non-fanclub members (t (163) = 3.774, p<0.01, two-tailed), and also there were significant differences in identification inadolescents of fanclub and non-fanclub members (t (163) = 3.389, p <0.01, twotailed).] |