[ABSTRAK Kepuasan kerja karyawan dipengaruhi oleh persepsi mengenai keadilan yangmereka terima dari organisasi. Keadilan Organisasi terdiri dari tiga dimensi utamayakni keadilan distributif, keadilan prosedural, dan keadilan interaksional. Tesisini berupaya untuk mengetahui hubungan antara dimensi-dimensi dari keadilaninteraksional, yaitu persepsi keadilan interpersonal dan keadilan informasionaldengan kepuasan kerja karyawan. Partisipan dalam penelitian ini adalah TeknisiConstruction pada perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang solusi ketenagalistrikan.Kuesioner persepsi keadilan yang dipergunakan dalam penelitian ini diadaptasidari Niehoff & Moorman (1993). Berdasarkan hasil uji reliabilitas diperoleh nilaiα = 0.80 dan 0.85 pada kedua dimensinya. Sedangkan kepuasan kerja diukurmelalui kuesioner yang telah diadaptasi dari Al-Zu'bi (2010) dengan nilai α =0.90. Berdasarkan uji korelasi Kendall?s Tau, diperoleh bahwa persepsi keadilaninterpersonal maupun keadilan informasional berhubungan secara signifikandengan kepuasan kerja karyawan (τ = 0,445 , p < 0.05; τ = 0,623, p < 0.01).Ditemukan pula bahwa keadilan informasional memiliki hubungan yang lebihsignifikan dengan kepuasan kerja. Berdasarkan hal tersebut, dilakukan sebuahintervensi berupa kegiatan Community of Practice (CoP) untuk meningkatkanpersepsi keadilan informasional dengan harapan turut meningkatkan kepuasankerja. Melalui uji Wilcoxon signed rank test diperoleh hasil bahwa terdapatpeningkatan keadilan informasional maupun kepuasan kerja yang signifikan padaTeknisi Construction setelah diberikan intervensi CoP (Z = -2.032, p < 0,05; Z =-2.032, p < 0,05). ABSTRACT Employee job satisfaction is influenced by fairness perception about theorganization. Organizational justice consist of three dimensions: distributivejustice, procedural justice, and interactional justice. This thesis attempts todetermine the relationship between dimensions of interactional justice:interpersonal justice and informational justice with employee job satisfaction.Participants of this study are Construction Technicians at an electric solutionprovider company. The interactional justice perception questionnaire in this studyadapted from Niehoff & Moorman (1993). Based on reliability analysis, theinstrument has α = 0.80 and 0.85 in the two dimensions. Meanwhile, jobsatisfaction is measured by questionnaire adapted from Al-Zu'bi (2010) that has α= 0.90. Kendall's Tau test result reveals that interpersonal justice andinformational justice perception is significantly correlated with job satisfaction (τ= 0,445 , p < 0.05; τ = 0,623, p < 0.01). It was also found that informationaljustice has more significant correlation with job satisfaction. Based on that result,an intervention conducted in the form of Community of Practice (CoP) activity toimprove informational justice perception and job satisfaction. Through theWilcoxon signed rank test, it is found a significant increase of informationaljustice perception and job satisfaction after CoP held to the ConstructionTechnicians (Z = -2.032, p < 0,05; Z = -2.032, p < 0,05).;Employee job satisfaction is influenced by fairness perception about theorganization. Organizational justice consist of three dimensions: distributivejustice, procedural justice, and interactional justice. This thesis attempts todetermine the relationship between dimensions of interactional justice:interpersonal justice and informational justice with employee job satisfaction.Participants of this study are Construction Technicians at an electric solutionprovider company. The interactional justice perception questionnaire in this studyadapted from Niehoff & Moorman (1993). Based on reliability analysis, theinstrument has α = 0.80 and 0.85 in the two dimensions. Meanwhile, jobsatisfaction is measured by questionnaire adapted from Al-Zu'bi (2010) that has α= 0.90. Kendall's Tau test result reveals that interpersonal justice andinformational justice perception is significantly correlated with job satisfaction (τ= 0,445 , p < 0.05; τ = 0,623, p < 0.01). It was also found that informationaljustice has more significant correlation with job satisfaction. Based on that result,an intervention conducted in the form of Community of Practice (CoP) activity toimprove informational justice perception and job satisfaction. Through theWilcoxon signed rank test, it is found a significant increase of informationaljustice perception and job satisfaction after CoP held to the ConstructionTechnicians (Z = -2.032, p < 0,05; Z = -2.032, p < 0,05)., Employee job satisfaction is influenced by fairness perception about theorganization. Organizational justice consist of three dimensions: distributivejustice, procedural justice, and interactional justice. This thesis attempts todetermine the relationship between dimensions of interactional justice:interpersonal justice and informational justice with employee job satisfaction.Participants of this study are Construction Technicians at an electric solutionprovider company. The interactional justice perception questionnaire in this studyadapted from Niehoff & Moorman (1993). Based on reliability analysis, theinstrument has α = 0.80 and 0.85 in the two dimensions. Meanwhile, jobsatisfaction is measured by questionnaire adapted from Al-Zu'bi (2010) that has α= 0.90. Kendall's Tau test result reveals that interpersonal justice andinformational justice perception is significantly correlated with job satisfaction (τ= 0,445 , p < 0.05; τ = 0,623, p < 0.01). It was also found that informationaljustice has more significant correlation with job satisfaction. Based on that result,an intervention conducted in the form of Community of Practice (CoP) activity toimprove informational justice perception and job satisfaction. Through theWilcoxon signed rank test, it is found a significant increase of informationaljustice perception and job satisfaction after CoP held to the ConstructionTechnicians (Z = -2.032, p < 0,05; Z = -2.032, p < 0,05).] |