[Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis apakah terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan pada pengalaman belanja konsumen yang terdiri dari perasaan positif, orientasi hedonis, dan orientasi utilitarian, berdasarkan tipe teman belanja dan level mall identification yang berbeda dengan menggunakan MANOVA. Penelitian ini dilakukan di lima mal menengah ke atas di DKI Jakarta yang dipilih berdasarkan banyaknya pengunjung, yakni Mal Kelapa Gading, Gandaria City, Central Park, Grand Indonesia, dan Kota Kasablanka (Supriadi, 2014). Sampel penelitian ini berjumlah 150 orang. Data penelitian ini diadaptasi dari kuisioner pengalaman belanja berdasarkan tipe-tipe teman belanja dan level mall identification oleh Borges, Chebat, dan Babin (2010). Hasil penelitian ini menemukan bahwa level mall identification yang berbeda menghasilkan perbedaan yang signifikan pada perasaan positif dan orientasi hedonis. Level mall identification yang berbeda tidak menghasilkan perbedaan yang signifikan pada orientasi utilitarian, serta tipe-tipe teman belanja tidak menghasilkan perbedaanyang signifikan pula pada orientasi utilitarian, orientasi hedonis, dan perasaan positif. The aim of this study is to analyze whether there is significant difference in consumer shopping behavior consisted of positive affect, hedonic orientation, andutilitarian orientation, based on different shopping companion type and level of mall identification using MANOVA. The sample of this research took place at five top middle upper malls in DKI Jakarta, which are Kelapa Gading Mall, Gandaria City, Central Park, Grand Indonesia, and Kota Kasablanka, selected from the amount of visitors (Supriadi, 2014). The total samples of this researchare 150 people. The data of this research is adapted from shopping experience questionnaire based on types of shopping companion and levels of mall identification (Borges, Chebat, & Babin, 2010). This research found that different levels of mall identification have significant differences in positive affect and hedonic orientation. Different levels of mall identification do not generatesignificant differences in utilitarian orientation, while different types of shopping companion do not generate significant differences as well in utilitarian orientation, hedonic orientation, and positive affect.;The aim of this study is to analyze whether there is significant difference inconsumer shopping behavior consisted of positive affect, hedonic orientation, andutilitarian orientation, based on different shopping companion type and level ofmall identification using MANOVA. The sample of this research took place atfive top middle upper malls in DKI Jakarta, which are Kelapa Gading Mall,Gandaria City, Central Park, Grand Indonesia, and Kota Kasablanka, selectedfrom the amount of visitors (Supriadi, 2014). The total samples of this researchare 150 people. The data of this research is adapted from shopping experiencequestionnaire based on types of shopping companion and levels of mallidentification (Borges, Chebat, & Babin, 2010). This research found that differentlevels of mall identification have significant differences in positive affect andhedonic orientation. Different levels of mall identification do not generatesignificant differences in utilitarian orientation, while different types of shoppingcompanion do not generate significant differences as well in utilitarianorientation, hedonic orientation, and positive affect., The aim of this study is to analyze whether there is significant difference inconsumer shopping behavior consisted of positive affect, hedonic orientation, andutilitarian orientation, based on different shopping companion type and level ofmall identification using MANOVA. The sample of this research took place atfive top middle upper malls in DKI Jakarta, which are Kelapa Gading Mall,Gandaria City, Central Park, Grand Indonesia, and Kota Kasablanka, selectedfrom the amount of visitors (Supriadi, 2014). The total samples of this researchare 150 people. The data of this research is adapted from shopping experiencequestionnaire based on types of shopping companion and levels of mallidentification (Borges, Chebat, & Babin, 2010). This research found that differentlevels of mall identification have significant differences in positive affect andhedonic orientation. Different levels of mall identification do not generatesignificant differences in utilitarian orientation, while different types of shoppingcompanion do not generate significant differences as well in utilitarianorientation, hedonic orientation, and positive affect.] |