Penelitian ini menguji pengaruh ekuitas merek berbasis pelanggan seperti loyalitas merek, kesadaran merek, persepsi kualitas dan citra merek terhadap sikap merek dan niat beli konsumen terhadap hotel mewah di Jakarta. Penelitian ini mengumpulkan 213 responden yang tinggal di sekitar wilayah JABODETABEK untuk mengisi kuesioner. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa loyalitas merek, persepsi kualitas tidak berpengaruh positif terhadap sikap merek konsumen. Di sisi lain, kesadaran merek dan citra merek secara positif mempengaruhi sikap merek terhadap hotel mewah. Selain itu, seluruh dimensi model CBBE tidak berpengaruh positif terhadap niat beli konsumen terhadap hotel mewah di Jakarta. Dalam penelitian ini, sikap merek juga tidak memediasi pengaruh antara dimensi-dimensi CBBE dan niat pembelian konsumen sedangkan kinerja merek sebagai moderasi mempengaruhi hubungan antara sikap merek dan niat pembelian konsumen. Penelitian ini menerapkan teori CBBE di hotel-hotel mewah di Jakarta untuk mengetahui perbedaan reaksi konsumen di negara berkembang seperti Indonesia dengan menganalisis pengaruh langsung dan tidak langsung dari masing-masing dimensi CBBE terhadap sikap merek dan niat membeli. This research examines the effect of customer based brand equity such as brand loyalty, brand awareness, perceived quality and brand image toward brand attitude and consumer purchase intention toward luxury hotels in Jakarta. This study collected 213 respondents who live around the JABODETABEK to fill the questionnaire. The research shows that brand loyalty and perceived quality do not have positive effect on consumer brand attitude. On the other hand, brand awareness and brand image positively influence the brand attitude toward luxury hotels. In addition, the whole dimensions of CBBE model do not positively affect the consumer 39 s purchase intention toward luxury hotels in Jakarta. In this research, brand attitude does not mediate the effect of the CBBE dimensions and consumer purchase intention while brand performance as moderation affects the relationship between brand attitude and consumer purchase intention. This research applied the CBBE theory in luxury hotels in Jakarta to know the different reaction of the consumers in the developing country such as Indonesia by analyzing the direct and indirect effect of each CBBE dimension on brand attitude and purchase intention. |