Geraldine Mustika Ayu, author
Perbandingan kewenangan perawat dalam hukum keperawatan di Indonesia dan Singapura = Comparison between authority of the nurse in nursing law in Indonesia and Singapore
 UI - Skripsi (Membership)
Rika Sabri, author
Efektifitas Model Keperawatan Pendampingan Berbasis Budaya Minang, Meningkatkan Kualitas Asuhan, Status Kesehatan, Kepuasan dan Kualitas Hidup Lansia di PSTW Sumbar = Effectiveness of Nursing Models : Culture-based Assistance to Improve Quality of Care, Health Status, Life of Satisfaction and Quality of Life, in The Institutional-care of West Sumatera
Universitas Indonesia, 2019
 UI - Disertasi (Membership)
Robinson, Denise, author
Core concepts in advanced practice nursing
Mosby, 2001
 Buku Teks
Selvyyanny Tedjomuljo, author
Gambaran tingkat pengetahuan mahasiswa keperawatan tentang kode etik dan caring dalam profesi keperawatan = A representation of the level of knowledge of the nursing profession's code of ethics and caring among nursing students / Selvyyanny Tedjomuljo
 UI - Skripsi (Membership)
Hasibuan, Novi Sandra, author
Penerapan prinsip etik keperawatan melalui fungsi pengarahan kepala ruang rawat = Application of ethical principles of nursing through the function of directing the head nurse
Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2022
 UI - Tesis (Membership)
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