Patricia Dian Ferissa, author
Peran dan tanggung jawab notaris selaku pejabat umum terhadap perjanjian dalam bentuk lisan antara para pihak (analisis kasus putusan Majelis Pengawas Pusat Notaris Nomor 05/B/MJ.PPN/VI/2014 = Roles and responsibilities of a notary public officials of an oral agreement between the parties analysis case to supreme supervisory of notary assembly decision No 05/B/MJ.PPN/VI/2014
Universitas Indonesia, 2015
 UI - Tesis (Membership)
Edmon Makarim, author
Notaris & transaksi elektronik: kajian hukum tentang cybernotary atau electronic notary
Rajawali, 2012
 Buku Teks
Agnes Rita Sri Kurniarum, author
Peran notaris dalam perumusan klausula perjanjian untuk meminimalisasi perbedaan penafsiran antara para pihak berhubungan dengan hak opsi dalam pengakhiran perjanjian (analisis putusan nomor 305/PDT.G/BANI/2014/PN JKT.UTR tanggal 30 September 2014) = Notary's role in terms of formulate agreement clause to minimize differences in interpretation between the parties since the rights of option on terminate the agreement analysis verdict No 305/PDT.G/BANI /2014/PN. JKT.UTR tanggal 30 September 2014 / Agnes Rita Sri Kurniarum
Universitas Indonesia, 2016
 UI - Tesis (Membership)
Berliana Chandra Dewi, author
Peran dan Fungsi Notaris dalam Mekanisme Pengesahan Legalitas Badan Hukum Generasi Muda FKPPI yang Mengalami Konflik Internal dalam Peleburan = Role and Functions of the Notary in the Legality Approval Mechanism FKPPI Young Generation Legal Entities which Experience Conflict Internals in Smelting
Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2023
 UI - Tesis (Membership)
Iffah Almitra, author
Perlindungan hukum terhadap para pihak dalam akta notaris berdasarkan undang-undang Nomor 30 tahun 2004 dan perubahannya undang-undang Nomor 2 tahun 2014 tentang jabatan notaris dan kode etik notaris = Legal protection against the parties in notarized under law no 30 of 2004 concerning the notary office and act no 2 of 2014 on amendments to the law notary and notary code
Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2015
 UI - Tesis (Membership)
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