Raden Gitawati Purwana, author
Keabsahan Pembuatan Perjanjian Perkawinan yang Mengatur Akibat Hukum Perceraian di Hadapan Notaris Tanpa Diikuti Pengesahan oleh Kantor Catatan Sipil (Studi Putusan Pengadilan Tinggi Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta Nomor 62/PDT/2022/PT DKI) = The Legality in Making a Postnuptial Agreement that Stipulates the Legal Consequences of a Divorce Attested by a Notary without being Followed by the Ratification from the Civil Registry Office (Study of the Verdict of the High Court for the Special Capit
Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2023
 UI - Tesis (Membership)
Raden Gitawati Purwana, author
Keabsahan Pembuatan Perjanjian Perkawinan yang Mengatur Akibat Hukum Perceraian di Hadapan Notaris Tanpa Diikuti Pengesahan oleh Kantor Catatan Sipil (Studi Putusan Pengadilan Tinggi Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta Nomor 62/PDT/2022/PT DKI) = The Legality in Making a Postnuptial Agreement that Stipulates the Legal Consequences of a Divorce Attested by a Notary without being Followed by the Ratification from the Civil Registry Office (Study of the Verdict of the High Court for the Special Capit
Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2023
 UI - Tesis (Membership)
Billquis Kamil Arasy, author
Tanggung jawab notaris terhadap Akta Pengikatan Perjanjian Jual Beli yang disahkan oleh putusan pengadilan tetapi dibatalkan oleh para pihak (Studi Putusan Pengadilan Negeri Sidoarjo Nomor 354/Pdt.g/2019/Pn Sda) = The notary's responsibility for the sale and purchase agreement deed which was legalized by a court decision but canceled by the parties (study of the Sidoarjo district court decision number 354/Pdt.g/2019/Pn Sda)
Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2022
 UI - Tesis (Membership)
Nur Mutia, author
Akibat hukum pembuatan akta perjanjian pengikatan jual beli oleh notaris berdasarkan hutang piutang tanpa penyerahan bukti autentik oleh penjual (studi kasus putusan Pengadilan Negeri Depok nomor 161/pdt.g/2018/pn.dpk) = Legal due to making agreement binding agreement for buying by notary based on receivable loans without authentication of authentic documents by seller (case study decision of the depok district court number 161/pdt.g/2018/pn.dpk)
Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2020
 UI - Tesis (Membership)
Ellyzabeth Tanaya, author
Akibat hukum pembuatan kesepakatan pembagian harta bersama yang isinya merugikan salah satu pihak: studi putusan Mahkamah Agung nomor 1553 K/PDT/2017 = Legal consequences of joint assets distribution agreement whose contents adverse one of the parties: study on decision number 1553 K/PDT/2017
Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2020
 UI - Tesis (Membership)
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