Fitriyah Siti Indriyani, author
Penetapan hak asuh anak pasca perceraian menurut hukum Islam dan UU No. 1 tahun 1974 (Studi kasus Putusan Pengadilan Nomor 1040/Pdt.G/2008/PA.JS dan Nomor 1091/Pdt.G/2004/PA.JS) = Court decision on post divorce child custody according to Islamic law and Act No. 1/1974 (Case study of the court decisions No. 1040/Pdt.G/2008/PA.JS and No. 1091/Pdt.G/2004/PA.JS).
Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2013
 UI - Skripsi (Membership)
Susanna, author
Penerapan prinsip DIR/Floortime untuk meningkatkan kualitas interaksi ibu dan anak dalam rangka mengembangkan kemampuan regulasi diri anak yang menunjukkan gejala psikotik = The application of DIR/Floortime principles to increase the quality of mother and child relationship in order to foster the development of self regulation on child with psychotic symptoms
Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2013
 UI - Tesis (Membership)
Ary Irawan, author
Analisis yuridis hak asuh anak akibat putusnya perkawinan karena perceraian menurut hukum Islam undang undang nomor 1 tahun 1974 dan kompilasi hukum Islam studi kasus putusan Pengadilan Agama Jakarta Selatan nomor 2293/Pdt/G/2009/PA.JS = Juridical analysis due to loss of child custody divorce marriage because according to Islamic law act no 1 of 1974 and compilation of Islamic law case study of the South Jakarta religious court decision no 2293/Pdt/G/2009/PA.JS
Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2013
 UI - Skripsi (Membership)
Diah Kristiningsih, author
Implementasi undang-undang nomor 10 tahun 2012 tentang pengesahan optional protocol to the convention on the rights of the child on the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography: studi putusan kasus eksploitasi seksual anak online = Implementation on the law number 10 year 2012 regarding the legalisation of the optional protocol on the sale of children child prostitution and child pornography to the convention on the rights of the child: study on the verdict of online child sexual
 UI - Skripsi (Membership)
Santrock, John W., author
Perkembangan anak = Child development
Erlangga, 2007
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