Study of microbial pollution in the Aceh coastal waters and its vicinity
Artikel Jurnal
Nabila Ukhty, author
Isolation of endophytic fungi from the coastal plant terong pungo (solanum sp.) And its antibacterial activity against oral pathogenic bacteria
Seameo Biotrop, 2017
Artikel Jurnal
Kenaikan lapisan termoklin akibat tsunami 2004 di perairan Nangro Aceh Darussalam
Artikel Jurnal
The phylogenetic tree of alexandrium , prorocentrum and pseudo-nitzschia of harmful and toxic algae in Vietnam coastal waters based on sequences of 18s rDNA,ITS1-5ITS2 gene fragments and single cell PCR method
Artikel Jurnal
Ocean and coastal law : cases and materials
by Alison Rieser ... [and others]
West Academic Publishing, 2013
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