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edited by Guy S. Goodwin-Gill and Helene Lambert
Cambridge University Press, 2010
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Folsom, Ralph Haughwout, author
European Union law in a nutshell
West Group, 1995
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Folsom, Ralph Haughwout, author
European union law : in a nut shell
West Group, 2011
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Rizkita Alamanda, author
Pengambilan keputusan dalam organisasi internasional Uni Eropa setelah berlakunya Traktat Lisbon tahun 2007 = Decision making of European Union as an international organization after the implementation of Lisbon Treaty 2007
Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2012
 UI - Skripsi Open
Foster, Nigel, author
Eu Law
Oxford University Press, 2011
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