Stephanie Dewi, author
Pengaruh penggunaan proton pump inhibitor jangka panjang terhadap sindrom frailty pada pasien usia lanjut = The effect of long term use of proton pump inhibitor as a risk factor for frailty syndrome among geriatric patients
 UI - Tesis (Membership)
Maulidya Augustine, author
Evaluasi penggunaan obat golongan proton pump inhibitor pada pasien di Instalasi Rawat Jalan RSPAD Gatot Soebroto periode Juli 2015-Desember 2015 = Evaluation of proton pump inhibitor drugs use in outpatients at Gatot Soebroto Army Centre Hospital period of July 2015-December 2015
Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2016
 UI - Skripsi (Membership)
Silvina Natalia Setyoso, author
Proton Pump Inhibitor sebagai Terapi Refluks Laringofaring pada Anak di bawah 2 Tahun dengan Laringomalasia = Proton Pump Inhibitor as Laryngopharyngeal Reflux Therapy in Children Under 2 Years Old with Laryngomalacia
Fakultas Kedokteran, 2017
 UI - Tugas Akhir
Fili Sufangga, author
Hubungan antara Penggunaan Proton Pump Inhibitor dengan Hiperplasia Sel G pada Kasus Fundic Gland Polyp Ditinjau dari Ekspresi Gastrin = The Association between The Usage of Proton Pump Inhibitors and G Cells Hyperplasia in Fundic Gland Polyps Based on Gastrin Expressions.
 UI - Tesis (Membership)
Riza Sahyuni, author
Efektifitas pemberian proton pump inhibitor omeperazol pada bayi dan anak dengan laringomalasia = The effectivity of giving proton pump inhibitor omeperazole to the babies and child with laryngomalacia / Riza Sahyuni
 UI - Tesis (Membership)
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