Reninta Praptadewi, author
Implikasi hukum dalam melakukan pengurusan terhadap pembuatan sertipikat tanah pengganti yang dilakukan oleh notaris: studi kasus putusan majelis pengawas pusat notaris nomor: 08/B/Mj.PPN/XI/2010 = Legal implications in handling the issuance of substitute land certificate performed by notary: case study of the decision of the notary central council examiner number No: 08/B/Mj.PPN/XI/2010
Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2015
 UI - Tesis (Membership)
Gigih Anangda Perwira, author
Penerapan hukum majelis pemeriksa dalam memutus suatu perkara tingkat banding pada majelis pengawas notaris studi kasus putusan majelis pemeriksa pusat notaris nomor 02/B/MJ.PPN/VI/2012 = Law enforcement examiner council in deciding a case on the appellate of panel of supervisors notary case study of the decision of the notary central council examiner number 02/B/MJ.PPN/VI/2012
Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2014
 UI - Tesis (Membership)
Rydho Ilhammy, author
Analisa Yuridis Mengenai Pertimbangan Hukum Majelis Pengawas Pusat Dalam Menjatuhkan Putusan Terhadap Notaris Yang Melakukan Pelanggaran Sumpah Jabatan (Studi Kasus : Keputusan Majelis Pengawas Pusat Notaris tanggal 30 November 2010 Nomor : 05/Mj.PPN/XI/2010 dan Keputusan Majelis Pengawas Pusat Notaris tanggal 02 Desember 2010 Nomor : 11/B/Mj.PPN/XI/2010) = Legal Considerations Regarding Juridical Analysis of the Supervisory Council Decision Against Drop In Center for the Performing Notary Public Oath Breach Position (Case Study: Central Supervisory Council Decision of 30 November 2010 Notary Number: 05/Mj.PPN/XI/2010 and Supervisory Council Decision dated 02 Notary Center December 2010 Number: 11/B/Mj.PPN/XI/2010)
Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2012
 UI - Tesis (Open)
Jane Miranda Gasali, author
Analisis yuridis mengenai kekuatan dan perbedaan putusan yang dijatuhkan oleh majelis pengawas wilayah notaris dan majelis pengawas pusat notaris : studi kasus Putusan Majelis Pengawas Wilayah Notaris Nomor W29/PSTN/Not.14/2010 dan Putusan Majelis Pengawas Pusat Notaris Nomor 11/B/MJ.PPN/XI/2010 = Juridical analysis on power of and distinction between decision rendered by the district supervisory council for notary (Majelis Pengawas Wilayah Notaris) and central supervisory council for notary (Majelis Pengawas Pusat Notaris) : case analysis on Decision of District Supervisory Council for Notary Number W29/PSTN/Not.14/2010 and Decision of Central Supervisory Council for Notary Number 11/B/MJ.PPN/XI/2010
Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2014
 UI - Tesis (Membership)
Indra Wahyu Nugraha, author
Penerapan Sanksi Jabatan Oleh Majelis Pengawas Notaris Terhadap Notaris Yang Merangkap Sebagai PPAT (Analisa Putusan Majelis Pemeriksa Pusat Notaris Nomor 04/B/MPPN/2016) = Law Enforcement by The Notary Supervisor Council Against a Notary who Concurrently as a PPAT (Analysis of Final Decision of The Notary Central Council Examiner Number 04/B/MPPN/VIII/2016)
Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2019
 UI - Tesis (Membership)
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