Novia Ariyana, author
Perancangan knowledge management system: studi kasus Pusintek Kementerian Keuangan = Designing of knowledge management system: a case study at Pusintek the Ministry of Finance
Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Indonesia, 2017
 UI - Tugas Akhir
Andrianto Susilo, author
Perancangan model representasi pengetahuan berbasis ontologi pada aplikasi sipelantik: studi kasus Pusintek Kementerian Keuangan = designing of ontology - based knowledge representation models on the application sipelantik: a case study of Pusintek Ministry of Finance / Andrianto Susilo
 UI - Tugas Akhir
Luh Putu Sri Aryani, author
Preservasi pengetahuan lontar sebagai upaya menjaga keberlanjutan kebudayaan Bali dalam konteks kebijakan pemerintah daerah : studi kasus Perpustakaan Gedong Kirtya Singaraja = Knowledge preservation of lontar as efforts of keeping the sustainability of Balinese culture in the context of regional policy : a case study at Gedong Kirtya Library Singaraja
 UI - Tesis (Membership)
Brachman, Ronald J., author
Knowledge representation and reasoning
Elsevier, 2004
 Buku Teks
Bruno Rumyaru, author
Pemenuhan ontologi eksistensi manusia = The fulfillment of human existence ontology
Universitas Indonesia, 2016
 UI - Disertasi (Membership)
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