Novi Widyastuti Rahayu, author
Manajemen asuhan keperawatan spesialis jiwa pada klien ansietas dengan gangguan fisik menggunakan pendekatan Teori Self Care Orem dan Teori Adaptasi Stuart di RW 10 Kelurahan Ciwaringin Bogor Tengah = Case management specialist in mental nursing at anxiety clients physical disorders using Orem's Self Care Theory and Stuart Adaptation Theory in RW 10 Village Ciwaringin Central Bogor / Novi Widyastuti Rahayu
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B Antonelda Marled Wawo, author
Perawatan ansietas pada pasien gangguan fisik menggunakan pendekatan model adaptasi stres stuart di RW 11 dan 13 Kelurahan Ciparigi Bogor Utara = Anxiety treatment on patients with physical disorders using stuart s stabilization adaptation model approach at RW 11 and 13 Ciparigi Bogor Utara Urban Village
Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2017
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Evi Tunjung Fitriani, author
Family empowerment dalam manajemen kasus spesialis isolasi sosial dan harga diri rendah menggunakan pendekatan teori Peplau, Henderson, dan king di RW 12 Kelurahan Ciwaringin Kecamatan Bogor Tengah = Family empowerment in specialized case management of social isolated and low self esteem clients using theories of Peplau, Henderson, and King in RW 12 Kelurahan Ciwaringin Kecamatan Bogor Tengah Kota Bogor
Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2015
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Alfunnafi Fahrul Rizzal, author
Asuhan Keperawatan Jiwa Spesialistik pada Klien dengan Harga Diri Rendah Kronik menggunakan Pendekatan Model Stress Adaptasi Stuart = Specialist Mental Health Nursing Care Proccess for Clients with Chronic Low Self-Esteem using the Stuart Stress Adaptation Model
Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan, 2020
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Manajemen kasus spesialis jiwa defisit perawatan diri pada klien gangguan jiwa di RW 02 dan RW 12 Kelurahan Baranang Siang Kecamatan Bogor Timur = Mental specialist case management self-care deficit for client of mental disorders at RW 02 and RW 12 Kelurahan Baranang Siang East of Bogor
Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2012
 UI - Tugas Akhir
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