Estu Linuwih Purwanto, author
Studi kasus analisis biaya manfaat program pengadilan narkoba di “Euphoria” = Case study: Euphoria drug court program benefit cost analysis
[Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Indonesia, ], 2016
 UI - Makalah dan Kertas Kerja
Cut Nabila Zuhra, author
Analisis biaya manfaat program pengadilan narkoba di Euphoria, Republik Federal of Oz = Bca of a proposed drug court program in the state of Euphoria, Federal Republic of Oz
Universitas Indonesia Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis, 2017
 UI - Makalah dan Kertas Kerja
Court life and the compilation of Uigwe during the Late Joseaon
 Artikel Jurnal
Nizam Zakka Arrizal, author
Keabsahan kuasa menjual berdasarkan amar putusan pengadilan : studi kasus putusan pengadilan negeri bandung nomor 204/PDT.G/2015./PN. BDG = The Validity of Selling Power Based on Court Decision : Case Study Decision of Bandung Distric's Court Number 204/PDT.G/2015/PN.BDG
 UI - Tesis (Membership)
Muhammad Diaz Arda Kusuma, author
Penerapan good public governance studi kasus pada Pengadilan Pajak tahun 2014 = The implementation of good public governance case study in tax court year 2014
Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2014
 UI - Skripsi (Membership)
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