Ayu Kartika, author
Pelanggaran terhadap larangan penggunaan media elektronik sebagai sarana publikasi atau promosi diri dalam menjalankan profesi sebagai notaris selaku pejabat umum (mobile officium) ditinjau dari kode etik notaris = Violation to prohibition of use electronic media as publication facilities or self promotion in implement profession of notary as public official (mobile officium) in terms of notary code of ethics
 UI - Tesis (Membership)
Okky Patra Yudha, author
Efektifitas Putusan Majelis Pengawas Notaris terhadap notaris yang melakukan pelanggaran terhadap kode etik notaris = The effectiveness of the Decision of the Notary Supervisory board against a notary who commits a violation against the notary code of ethics
Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2018
 UI - Tesis (Membership)
Reinaldo Khresna Airlangga, author
Batasan Penggunaan Media Elektronik bagi Notaris sebagai Sarana Informasi kepada Masyarakat menurut Kode Etik Notaris. = The Limitation of the use of Electronic Media by Notaries as a Information Media as to the Public Based on the Notarial Ethical Code
Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2017
 UI - Tesis (Membership)
Silaban, David Mulia, author
Pentingnya ketaatan pada kode etik profesi bagi para notaris dan PPAT dalam membantu pelaksanaan program pemerintah yang baik = The importance of adherence to the ethics code of profession for the notary and land deed official in assisting the implementation of the good governance program
 UI - Tesis (Membership)
Ferdinand Renaldi, author
Notaris Influencer dan Media Sosial (Analisis Berdasarkan Pasal 4 Nomor 3 Kode Etik Notaris 2015) = Notary-Influencers and Social Media (Analysis Based on Article 4 Number 3 of the 2015 Notary Code of Ethics)
Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2024
 UI - Tesis Membership
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