Education and macroeconomic performance in indonesia: cmperative perspective to ither ASEAN economies Akhmad Bayhaqi
 Artikel Jurnal
Akhmad Bayhaqi, author
Education and macroeconomic performance in Indonesia: comparative perspective to other ASEAN economies
 Artikel Jurnal
Social apect of higher education: the case of indonesia Akhmad Bayhaqi
 Artikel Jurnal
Wong, John, author
ASEAN economies in perspective : a comparative study of Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, and Thailand
Macmillan, 1979
 Buku Teks
Analisa peringkat penagnggulangan kemiskinan kabupaten/kota Thia Jasmina,Akhmad Bayhaqi,Ledi Triadi,Usman
 Artikel Jurnal
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