Makhabbah Jamilatun
Rhizopus oryzae a processing starter in fermentation of unripened cheese
Indonesian Center for Biotechnology and Biodiversity Research and Development (UNS), {s.a.}
 Artikel Jurnal
Potensi rhizopus microsporus V. Tiegh. UICC 519, 520, dan 521 dalam menghasilkan enzim proteolitik dan penentuan PH serta suhu optimum aktivitas proteolitik rhizopus microsporus V. Tiegh. UICC 520
 UI - Tesis Membership
Fenty Prameswari
Pengujian kemampuan rhizopus microsporus UICC 500, 531, dan 539 memfermentasi campuran lumpur dan bungkil sawit = Fermentation of slurry and palm kernel cake mixtures by rhizopus microsporus UICC 500, 531, and 539
 UI - Skripsi Membership
Yura Vebliza
Re-identifikasi lima strain rhizopus arrhizus fischer koleksi UICC berdasarkan data sequence daerah internal transcribed spacers ribosomal dna = Re identification of five strains of rhizopus arrhizus fischer from UICC collection based on internal transcribed spacers region of ribosomal dna sequemce data
Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2016
 UI - Skripsi Membership
Ripening for improving the quality inoculated cheese rhizopus oryzae
 Artikel Jurnal