Impulse Bidding: An empirical analysis of ebay web site
Artikel Jurnal
Sugeng Riyanta
Identifikasi faktor-faktor risiko underestimate cost dan overestimate cost tahap lelang yang disebabkan kompetensi cost engineer yang berpengaruh terhadap kinerja tim tender pada perusahaan jasa konstruksi = Identification of risk factors on underestimate cost and overestimate cost caused by cost engineer competences at the bidding stage to the tender team performance in the construction company
Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2010
UI - Tesis Open
Wina Geuma Yunita
Identifikasi faktor risiko dalam proses estimate costs pada tahap pelelangan proyek konstruksi yang berpengaruh terhadap akurasi activity cost estimates berbasis PMBOK Guide 5th Edition = Identification of risk factor during estimate costs process for construction project bidding affecting accuracy of activity cost estimates based on PMBOK Guide 5th Edition / Adwina Desiyandri
UI - Skripsi Membership
Raseesha Nauratul Gustia
Studi dokumen pengadaan jasa konstruksi dengan sistem pengadaaan internasional JICA dan kaitannya dengan accomplishment proyek rumah sakit. Studi kasus: Rumah Sakit Universitas Indonesia = Study of procurement document for construction services with JICA international bidding system and the connection with hospital project's accomplishment. Study case: Universitas Indonesia Hospital
Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Skripsi Membership
Skelton, Robin
Spellcraft: a handbook of invocations, blessings, protections, healing spells, binding and bidding
McClelland and Stewart, 1978
Buku Teks SO