Tarigan, Rianita Rehulina
Tinjauan Yuridis Terhadap Kekuatan Final Dan Mengikat Putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi Nomor 33/PUU-XIV/2016 Terhadap Pasal 30C Huruf H Undang-Undang Nomor 11 Tahun 2021 Tentang Kejaksaan Republik Indonesia = Juridical Review of Final and Binding Decisions of the Constitutional Court Number 33/PUU-XIV/2016 Against Article 30C Letter H of Law Number 11 of 2021 concerning the Prosecutor's Office of the Republic of Indonesia
Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2022
 UI - Tesis Membership
La Ode Muhammad Faisal Akbar
Pengaruh Hukum Aturan Peralihan Undang-Undang Dasar Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 1945 Terhadap Pembentukan Peraturan Perundang-Undangan = The Influence of the Legal Provisions on the Amandement of the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia in 1945 on the Formatio of Legislation
Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2023
 UI - Tesis Membership
Nadya Demadevina
Urgensi kewenangan mengadili perkara pengaduan konstitusional constitutional complaint pada Mahkamah Konstitusi Republik Indonesia = The urgency of giving the jurisdiction over constitutional complaint to The Constitutional Court Of Republic Of Indonesia
 UI - Skripsi Membership
Rizka Khaira
Implikasi putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi Nomor 11-14-21- 126-136/PUU-VII/2009 mengenai pengujian Undang-undang Badan Hukum Pendidikan terhadap status hukum Universitas Indonesia = Implication of the Constitutional Court Decision Number 11-14-21-126-136/PUU-VII/2009 on the judicial review of Law for Educational Legal Entity (UU BHP) on the legal status of University of Indonesia
Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2012
 UI - Skripsi Open
Lidya Corry
Persetujuan tertulis presiden dalam pemanggilan dan permintaan keterangan terhadap anggota Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Republik Indonesia: analisis putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi no. 76/PUU-XII/2014 = President's written authorization in summoning and questioning the member of the house of representatives of the Republic of Indonesia: analysis of Constitutional Court's decision no. 76/PUU-XII/2014
Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2016
 UI - Skripsi Membership