Well-being: the foundations of hedonic psychology
editors Daniel Kahneman, Ed Diener, and Norbet Schwarz
Russel Sage Foumdation, 1999
 Buku Teks
Nelson, Geoffrey
Community psychology: in pursuit of liberation and well-being
Palgrave, 2005
 Buku Teks
Diah Nurayu Kusumawardani
Pengaruh spiritual well-being dan illness perception terhadap health-related quality of life pasien jantung: kecenderungan depresi sebagai mediator = The effect of spiritual well-being and illness perception on health-related quality of life in heart disease patients: depressive symptoms as a mediator
 UI - Tesis Membership
Vania Lauditta Chairunnisa
Antara karir, keluarga, dan kebahagiaan: sebuah analisis tingkat kepuasan hidup wanita menikah di Indonesia dengan menggunakan parameter subjective well-being = Between career, family, and happiness: an analysis of the level of life satisfaction of married women in Indonesia using subjective well-being as parameter
 UI - Skripsi Membership
Yusi Sofiyah
Hubungan kesejahteraan spiritual orang tua dengan kesejahteraan spiritual dan kualitas hidup anak yang mengalami kanker = Relationship between parent spiritual well being againts children spiritual well being and children quality of life who have cancer / Yusi Sofiyah
 UI - Tesis Membership