Lusda Astri
Penerapan kebijakan tindakan pengamanan perdagangan (Safeguard Measures) dalam rangka perlindungan industri dalam negeri akibat dampak negatif lonjakan impor di Indonesia = Application of safeguard measures policy trade in the framework of protection of domestic industry as a result of the negative impact of import surge in Indonesia
Universitas Indonesia, 2016
 UI - Tesis Membership
Lavira Mavushi
Dalam Rangka Tindakan Pengamanan Impor Produk Benang Cotton Selain Benang Jahit (Pada Industri Spinning Benang PT. X) = Review of Policy Affect Duty Imposition of Safeguard Measures In Order To Import Products Cotton yarn other than sewing thread (In Yarn Spinning Industry PT. X)
Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2013
 UI - Skripsi Membership
Sri Prihartiningsih
Kebijakan pemerintah melindungi industri baja dalam negeri melalui tindakan pengamanan terhadap barang impor I dan H section dari baja paduan lainnya = Government policy to protect domestic steel industry through safeguards on imported goods I and H section of other alloy steels
Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2020
 UI - Tesis Membership
Ibnu Danisworo
Analisa yuridis tindakan pengamanan perdagangan atas impor produk canai lantaian dari besi atau baja bukan paduan : studi kasus DS 490 & DS 496 Indonesia v. Taiwan - Vietnam = Juridical analysis of safeguard measures import of product flat-rolled of Iron or Non-Alloy Steel : Studi Case DS 490 & DS 496 Indonesia v. Taiwan-Vietnam
 UI - Tesis Membership
Fadla Nurul Aisy
Implementasi kebijakan perpanjangan pengenaan bea masuk tindakan pengamanan atas impor produk I dan H section dari baja paduan lainnya = The implementation of the extension import duties safeguards policy on import products I and H section from parts other alloy steel
 UI - Skripsi Membership