Kewenangan kreditor pemegang hak tanggungan pertama dalam menentukan nilai limit tanah dan bangunan objek lelang hak tanggungan serta upaya perlindungan hukum bagi debitor tereksekusi/pemilik barang (studi kasus putusan PN Sukoharjo No.67/Pdt.G/2008/PN.SKB.Jo Putusan PT Semarang No.105/Pdt/2010/PT.SMG) = The authority of the first mortgage holder/creditor in determining the reserve price of the land and building as the object of mortgage auction and legal protection for the executed debtor/ owner of the collateral (case study on the decision of PN Sukoharjo No. 67/Pdt.G/2008/PN.SKH Jo the decision of PT Semarang No. 105/Pdt/2010/PT. SMG)