Asseta Ismadhianti Kadar
Studi pengaruh komposisi sarapan berdasarkan nilai kkal terhadap performa kognitif dan fisik siswa/i SMP/SMA Negeri Khusus Olahragawan Ragunan = The study of the effects of breakfast composition based on kcal valueto the cognitive and physical performance of the Junior and Senior High School for Athletes Ragunan students
Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2012
 UI - Skripsi (Open)
Florentinus Gregorius Winarno
Kimia pangan dan gizi
Gramedia, 1997
 Buku Teks
Florentinus Gregorius Winarno
Kimia pangan dan gizi
Gramedia, 1986
 Buku Teks
Dyah Styarini
Studi penambahan (spiking) analit (-endosulfan dan bifentrin) dan proses homogenisasi pada pengembangan bahan acuan pestisida dalam teh hitam = Study of the spiking of analytes (-endosulfan and bifenthrin) and homogenization process on the development of reference material of pesticide residue in black tea
 UI - Tesis (Open)
Ainy Suchianti
Pengaruh pencantuman desain label gizi front-of-package traffic light (FOP-TL) terhadap daya terima dan pemahaman pada penderita hipertensi di Rt 05 dan 12, Rw 09 Kelurahan Kramat Jati, Jakarta Timur tahun 2018 = The effect of inclusioning the nutritional labelling front-of-package traffic light (FOP-TL)s design towards the acceptability and understanding of hypertensive people in Rt 05 and 12, Rw 09 Kelurahan Kramat Jati, East Jakarta 2018
Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2018
 UI - Skripsi (Membership)