Japan Philipines free trade agreement : Opportunities for the movement of workers
Artikel Jurnal
Kaneko, Motohisa
The formulation of professional and vocational universities: background and challenges of a New institutional type in japan
The Japan Institute for Labour Policy and Training, 2019
Artikel Jurnal
Jenny Simulja
Gender inequality and the division of household labor: a comparative study of middle-class, working married men and women in Japan and Indonesia / Jenny Simulja, Endah H. Wulandari, Sri Ayu Wulansari
University of Indonesia. Faculty of Humanities, 2014
Artikel Jurnal
Novia Vivianti
Tenaga kerja asing di Indonesia pasca penerbitan peraturan presiden no. 20 tahun 2018 dalam perspektif hukum investasi = Foreign workers in Indonesia after the issuance of a presidential regulation number 20 of 2018 in the perspective of investment law
Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership
Farley, Miriam S.
Aspects of Japan's labor problem
The John Day, 1950
Buku Teks