Juwarti Hafsah
Defrivasi relatif dalam perjuangan bangsa Palestina : studi kasus aksi syahid pejuang Palestina dalam perang Palestina-Israel
Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2006
UI - Tesis Membership
Tiffany Karisma
Menelusuri Perbedaan Inside dan Outside sebagai sebuah Pengalaman Ruang melalui Karya The Hunchback of Notre-Dame = Examining the Difference Between Inside and Outside on Experiencing Space through The Hunchback of Notre-Dame
Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership
Miserables, Les
The Works of Victor Hugo : the hunchback of the Notre-Dame / by Les Miserables
Longmeadow, 1991
Buku Teks
Peter Suwarno
Resolving religious conflicts through expanding inter-religious communication: Issues and challenges
UIN Sunan Kalijaga, 2005
Artikel Jurnal
Konflik sosial sebagai implikasi kerenggangan hubungan sosial dalam masyarakat: Social conflict as social relation gap implication in community
Artikel Jurnal