Emergence and evolution of environmental discourses in south Korea Cho Myung-Rae
 Artikel Jurnal
Restructuring the discourses for a real multi-cultural society in south Korea
 Artikel Jurnal
Park, Tae-Gyun
An ally and empire: two myths of South Korea-United States relations, 1945-1980 / Park Tae Gyun ; translator, Ilsoo David Cho.
Academy of Korean Studies Press, 2012
 Buku Teks
Jill L. Tao
Local discretion and environmental policy making in South Korea: three models and a test / Jill L. Tao
Graduate School of Public Administration Seoul National Universiarty, 2016
 Artikel Jurnal
South-North dialogue in Korea
International Cultural Society of Korea , 1988
 Buku Teks