Ratna Djuwita
Index of atherogenicity and thrombogenicity of dietary fatty acids of variety of foods as a predictor risk of coronary heart disease
Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2013
 UI - Laporan Penelitian
Idral Purnakarya
Hubungan asupan, pola makan, dan kualitas diet berbasis lokal dengan status seng pada ibu hamil Minangkabau di Sumatera Barat, Indonesia = Relationship of local based dietary intake patterns and quality with zinc status among Minangkabau pregnant women in West Sumatera Indonesia
Universitas Indonesia, 2017
 UI - Disertasi Membership
Coronary heart disease risk factors among women aged older than 45 years old in makassar
Tamalatea school of health science, makassar, public health, department of epidemiology, 2016
 Artikel Jurnal
Fatty acids intake among diverse ethnic groups in Indonesia; Minangkabau ethnic groups had poor quality of dietary fat pattern and ...
 Artikel Jurnal
Rita Ibrahim
Nutrition and coronary heart disease risk factors of the elderly living in South Jakarta
 UI - Tesis Membership