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Ditemukan 1128 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Lo, Chi, author
The biggest causes of dissatisfaction in the current analysis of China's mega trends is the lack of serious economic research effort. This has resulted in confusion and misunderstanding about the development and direction of mega trends and blind acceptance of these trends. This all leads to potentially erroneous business and...
United Kingdom: Emerald, 2017
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mountford, Benjamin, author
Towards the end of the nineteenth century the British empire was confronted by two great Chinese questions. The first of these questions (often known as the Far Eastern question to contemporaries) related specifically to the maintenance of British interests on the China coast and the broader implications for British foreign...
Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2016
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Kandil, Hazem, author
This book explores the genesis and structure of the coup-installed regimes in Iran, Turkey, and Egypt, with particular emphasis on the interactions between the three ruling institutions across several decades: military, security, and politics. It analyzes the revolutions from above in these three countries and the trajectories of their respective...
Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2016
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Syifa Nabilah Humaira, author
Strategi Marketing Public Relations atau MPR merupakan salah satu cara meningkatkan pelayanan atau produk. Tulisan ini dikhususkan untuk perusahaan musik asal Korea Selatan, SM Entertainment, yang menggunakan strategi MPR dalam pemasaran artisnya, EXO. Tujuan penulisan ini adalah untuk mengetahui strategi MPR apa yang mereka gunakan serta mana yang paling mempengaruhi...
UI - Makalah dan Kertas Kerja  Universitas Indonesia Library
Marbun, Nelson Sahat Victor, author
Perusahan membutuhkan dana yang akan dikelola oleh manajemen perusahaan untuk meningkatkan dan mengembangkan usahanya. Kebutuhan dana yang diambil perusahaan dari dirinya sendiri melalui keuntungan yang didapat dari hasil usaha tentunya berkaitan dengan pemilik perusahaan atau pemegang saham perusahaan. Sedangkan dana dari luar dirinya didapat antara lain dari pemilik modal dan...
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2001
UI - Tesis (Membership)  Universitas Indonesia Library
Suzie Sri Suparin S. Sudarman, author
The relationship of political identities to human interest is complex but it is credible to think that political identities can play such decisive roles. A good example of this is the preception of threats, which is often a function of what others intend to do with their power. In turn...
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Readers will finish "Face It" feeling like they've just left a session with their own personal coach, ready to face their fear and achieve success. "Face It" guides readers through a unique self-assessment program. Readers will come to understand which of these basic behavioral profiles they may unintentionally be falling...
New York: [American Management Association, ], 2004
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sartain, Libby, author
Human resources professionals are entrusted, perhaps more than any other corporate designates, with the well-being of their organization?s population. They bridge the gaps between the individual and the collective, the person and the purpose. The most successful and effective HR professionals see their careers as a calling, and their work,...
New York: [American Management Association, ], 2003
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Robert Candra Eka Putra, author
Kehumasan bagi suatu organisasi merupakan suatu yang penting dan harus ada secara fungsional. Bagi organisasi pemerintah saat ini kehumasan merupakan suatu pembicaraan yang hangat yang terlihat dari diadakannya berbagai seminar dan diskusi dengan tema kehumasan pemerintah. Salah satu fungsi bagian humas pemerintah yang terpenting adalah media relations karena tujuan utama...
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2005
UI - Tesis (Membership)  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fielding, Leslie, author
London: I.B. Tauris, 2008
959.604 FIE b
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library