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"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan bagaimana gambaran budaya organisasi di lingkungan Universitas Negeri Jakarta, menggambarkan nilai budaya organisasi yang dominan di lingkungan Universitas Negeri Jakarta, dan menjelaskan bagaimana memelihara budaya organisasi yang sehat di lingkungan Universitas Negeri Jakarta. Sampel diambil sebanyak 92 responden, dari 1111 populasi yang ada, teknik penarikan sampel probalitia yang digunakan adalah teknik acak berkelompok (cluster random sampling), teknik pengumpulan data yaitu dengan teknik survei, dan pendekatan penelitian yang digunakan yaitu dengan menggunakan metode penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif.
Teknik analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah teknik analisis kuantitatif yang didukung analisis kualitatif. Teknik analisis data kuantitatif dilaksanakan dengan analisis univariat, digunakan distribusi frekuensi yang kemudian dikonversikan kedalam bentuk prosentase sebagai bagian dari analisis univariat. Kuesioner juga diolah dengan menggunakan analisis komponen utama, analisis faktor, dan analisis median.
Berdasarkan hasil penelitian budaya organisasi di Universitas Negeri Jakarta menunjukkan bahwa masih dominannya nilai-nilai budaya yang masih lemah yang masih perlu ditingkatkan. Dimensi budaya yang kuat harus tetap dipertahankan dan dikembangkan secara terus menerus menjadi budaya yang bukan hanya kuat tetapi juga sehat, sehingga budaya yang kuat tadi tidak menjadi racun bagi kinerja organisasi lebih baik. Masih adanya nilai budaya yang diambang pintu, yaitu tugas-tugas yang masih berorientasi kepada tradisi atau kebiasaan yang sudah ada. Proses pembelajaran untuk melestarikan budaya organisasi yang sehat dan kuat kepada anggota organisasi sebagai pedoman berperilaku oleh seluruh anggota kelompok belum secara optimal dilaksanakan.
Proses pewarisan nilai-nilai budaya belum menjangkau seluruh lapisan anggota dalam organisasi. Anggota belum seluruhnya mengetahui dan memahami sikap dan perilaku apa yang diharapan dari organisasi. Budaya organisasi perlu dirawat, dipelihara dan diwariskan dari generasi ke generasi khususnya nilai budaya yang menentukan keunggulan kompetisi dari organisasi. Pimpinan diharapkan dapat memegang peranan penting untuk dapat meningkatkan budaya yang kuat dan sehat bagi seluruh anggota organisasi di lingkungan Universitas Negeri Jakarta sehingga peningkatan kinerja organisasi yang lebih baik dapat terwujud. Pimpinan juga diharapkan dapat menjadi suri tauladan bagi anggota organisasi. Sistem perlu diperkuat, budaya organisasi harus menjadi jiwa dari sistem organisasi yang saling memperkuat dan melengkapi. Dan perlu adanya sosialisasi dan internalisasi nilai-nilai budaya organisasi yang sehat dan kuat kepada seluruh anggota organisasi yang dapat mendorong pada perkembangan dan kemajuan organisasi dalam menghadapi persaingan global.

This research had a purpose to explain how the picture of organisation culture in the State University of Jakarta?s environment, described the dominant value of organization culture at State University of Jakarta?s Environment, and explain how maintain the healthy organization culture at State University of Jakarta's environment. The sample is taken by as many as 92 respondents, from 1111 populations, sampling techniques probalitiy used technique is random group (cluster random sampling), data collection technique with survey techniques, and the research approach used a the descriptive quantitative research methods.
Technical analysis of the data used in this research is quantitative analysis techniques that is support by the qualitative analysis, the analysis technique of quantitative data was conducted with the analysis univariat, use frequency distribution techniques that afterwards converted in the form percentage as a part of univariat analysis. The questionnaire also processed using the main component analysis, factor analysis, and analysis of median.
Based on results of the research culture organization in the State University of Jakarta show that dominance values of culture still weak that need to be improved. The dimension strong culture that must be maintained and continuously developed into not only is a strong culture but also healthy, so that a last strong culture do not become toxic to the performance of the organization better. There is still a existence culture's values, the tasks that are still oriented to the traditions or the available habit. This means the changes IKIP into the State University of Jakarta, has not maximall the most followed by the changes to the innovative development and progress of the organization.
The learning process to converse the culture of the organization culture that is healthy and strong to the organization members as the behaving guide by all of the group 's members have not been optimally implemented. Cultural organizations need to be treated, maintain and inherited from generation to generation, especially values cultural that determine benefits of competition from the organization. Leaders are expected to play an important role to improve the culture be a strong and healthy for all members at organizations environmental at the State University of Jakarta, so the increased performance for better organization could be realized. Leaders are also expected to become the role model for the organization members. System must be reinforced, the organizational culture must become spirit from organization system which reinforce each other and equipped. And need the exixtence of the socialization and internalization of organization culture values that the organization healthy and strong to all organizations members that could encourage in the development and progress of rganizations in facing global competition."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Admiral Faizal
"Proyek Administrasi Pertanahan (PAP) atau Land Administration Project (Lap) adalah proyek Badan Pertanahan Nasional tujuannya mrmpercepat proses pendaftaran tanah di Indonesia sekaligus merupakan peningkatan pelayanan kepada masyarakat dalam rangka memberikan kepastian hukum kepada pemegang hak atas tanah dibuktikan dalam bentuk sertifikat hak atas tanah.
Kelancaran pelaksanaan Pendaftaran. Tanah Secara Sistimatik melalui Proyek Administrasi Pertanahan yang dikenal dengan Ajudikasi dengan bentuk suatu struktur organisasi tidak bisa terlepas dari unsur manusia, baik nantinya duduk sebagai pimpinan maupun sebagai bawahan, dalam hal ini sumber daya manusia tersebut mempunyai peran sentral. Keberhasilan pemimpin biasanya diukur dari efektivitas pelaksanaan tugas yang dibebankan.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh budaya organisasi dan gaya kepemimpinan dengan efektivitas organisasi pelaksana tugas Panitia Ajudikasi di DKI Jakarta. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskrpitif kuantitatif. Populasi penelitian adalah para pelaksana Proyek Ajudikasi di lima wilayah Kotamadya se DKI Jakarta. Untuk meneliti objek penelitian sampel digunakan responden pelaksana ajudikasi Tahun Anggaran 2000. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan daftar pernyataan. Dalam analisis data dilakukan dengan cara teknik korelasi, hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa budaya organisasi mempunyai hubungnan yang signifikan dengan efektivitas organisasi proyek organisasi ajudikasi dan begitu pula variabel kepemimpinan mempunyai hubungan yang signifikan dengan efektivitas organisasi proyek organisasi ajudikasi.
Berdasarkan hasil penelitian tersebut, untuk meningkatkan efektivitas organisasi disarankan dalam menunjuk atau menempatkan orang selaku pelaksana proyek ajudikasi berikutnya sangat diperlukan peran kepemimpinan baik itu dari segi kemampuan, keteladanan serta dipertahankan budaya organisasi seperti kerja sama yang baik diantara sesama pelaksana (karyawan) dan diantara berbagai instansi lainnya."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2001
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ira Tenripada
Penelitian ini mendiskripsikan peran nilai-nilai budaya multikultural dalam proses pembentukan budaya organisasi yang khas di lingkungan sekolah internasional, dan menjelaskan bahwa budaya organisasi dibentuk melalui beberapa elemen pembentuknya, yaitu gaya kepemimpinan, asimilasi budaya asing, hubungan antara karyawan lokal dan asing, dan juga melalui perbedaan budaya yang ada, termasuk perbedaan bahasa, etos kerja, kebiasaan, dan tradisi. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode kualitatif deskriptif melalui observasi berperan serta dan wawancara terhadap narasumber. Hasil dari penelitian menunjukkan (1) Nilai-nilai budaya masuk melalui berbagai strategi komunikasi yang diprakarsai oleh pemimpin organisasi, dan diadopsi oleh unit-unit organiasasi di bawahnya, serta dominasi peran nilai budaya Indonesia sebagai jembatan yang menghubungkan unit-unit organisasi yang berbeda budaya. (2) Pemimpin memainkan peran penting dalam membentuk budaya organisasi. (3) Budaya asing dan budaya Indonesia memiliki peran yang sama besar dan sama penting dalam membentuk budaya organisasi. (4) Ada hubungan timbal balik yang positif yang terjadi antar karyawan yang berbeda budaya di dalam organisasi, dan budaya organisasi yang ada di Jakarta Nanyang School merupakan budaya yang spesifik dan merupakan perpaduan antara budaya asing dan budaya Indonesia.

This study describes the contributions of multicultural values in the process of specific organization culture constructing in an international school, and describes that the organizational culture in Jakarta Nanyang School is constructed through some elements, such as leadership style, foreign culture assimilation, relationship between local and foreign employees, and through the culture differences, including language, work ethics, habits, and traditions. This study used a descriptive qualitative method through participant observation and in-depth interview with sources. The result of this study describes (1) Cultural values enter in through various communication strategies done by the organization leader, and followed by other organization units, and the domination contribution of Indonesian cultures as a bridge to connecting the organization units who has culture differences. (2) A leader of an organization has a massive contribution to build an organization culture. (3) Foreign culture and Indonesian local culture have the same contribution in constructing organizational culture. (4) There is a positive relationship between all employees who came from different cultures, and the organization culture in Jakarta Nanyang School is collaboration between foreign culture and Indonesian culture through various as.;This study describes the contributions of multicultural values in the process of specific organization culture constructing in an international school, and describes that the organizational culture in Jakarta Nanyang School is constructed through some elements, such as leadership style, foreign culture assimilation, relationship between local and foreign employees, and through the culture differences, including language, work ethics, habits, and traditions. This study used a descriptive qualitative method through participant observation and in-depth interview with sources. The result of this study describes (1) Cultural values enter in through various communication strategies done by the organization leader, and followed by other organization units, and the domination contribution of Indonesian cultures as a bridge to connecting the organization units who has culture differences. (2) A leader of an organization has a massive contribution to build an organization culture. (3) Foreign culture and Indonesian local culture have the same contribution in constructing organizational culture. (4) There is a positive relationship between all employees who came from different cultures, and the organization culture in Jakarta Nanyang School is collaboration between foreign culture and Indonesian culture through various as;This study describes the contributions of multicultural values in the process of specific organization culture constructing in an international school, and describes that the organizational culture in Jakarta Nanyang School is constructed through some elements, such as leadership style, foreign culture assimilation, relationship between local and foreign employees, and through the culture differences, including language, work ethics, habits, and traditions. This study used a descriptive qualitative method through participant observation and in-depth interview with sources. The result of this study describes (1) Cultural values enter in through various communication strategies done by the organization leader, and followed by other organization units, and the domination contribution of Indonesian cultures as a bridge to connecting the organization units who has culture differences. (2) A leader of an organization has a massive contribution to build an organization culture. (3) Foreign culture and Indonesian local culture have the same contribution in constructing organizational culture. (4) There is a positive relationship between all employees who came from different cultures, and the organization culture in Jakarta Nanyang School is collaboration between foreign culture and Indonesian culture through various as;This study describes the contributions of multicultural values in the process of specific organization culture constructing in an international school, and describes that the organizational culture in Jakarta Nanyang School is constructed through some elements, such as leadership style, foreign culture assimilation, relationship between local and foreign employees, and through the culture differences, including language, work ethics, habits, and traditions. This study used a descriptive qualitative method through participant observation and in-depth interview with sources. The result of this study describes (1) Cultural values enter in through various communication strategies done by the organization leader, and followed by other organization units, and the domination contribution of Indonesian cultures as a bridge to connecting the organization units who has culture differences. (2) A leader of an organization has a massive contribution to build an organization culture. (3) Foreign culture and Indonesian local culture have the same contribution in constructing organizational culture. (4) There is a positive relationship between all employees who came from different cultures, and the organization culture in Jakarta Nanyang School is collaboration between foreign culture and Indonesian culture through various as;This study describes the contributions of multicultural values in the process of specific organization culture constructing in an international school, and describes that the organizational culture in Jakarta Nanyang School is constructed through some elements, such as leadership style, foreign culture assimilation, relationship between local and foreign employees, and through the culture differences, including language, work ethics, habits, and traditions. This study used a descriptive qualitative method through participant observation and in-depth interview with sources. The result of this study describes (1) Cultural values enter in through various communication strategies done by the organization leader, and followed by other organization units, and the domination contribution of Indonesian cultures as a bridge to connecting the organization units who has culture differences. (2) A leader of an organization has a massive contribution to build an organization culture. (3) Foreign culture and Indonesian local culture have the same contribution in constructing organizational culture. (4) There is a positive relationship between all employees who came from different cultures, and the organization culture in Jakarta Nanyang School is collaboration between foreign culture and Indonesian culture through various as;This study describes the contributions of multicultural values in the process of specific organization culture constructing in an international school, and describes that the organizational culture in Jakarta Nanyang School is constructed through some elements, such as leadership style, foreign culture assimilation, relationship between local and foreign employees, and through the culture differences, including language, work ethics, habits, and traditions. This study used a descriptive qualitative method through participant observation and in-depth interview with sources. The result of this study describes (1) Cultural values enter in through various communication strategies done by the organization leader, and followed by other organization units, and the domination contribution of Indonesian cultures as a bridge to connecting the organization units who has culture differences. (2) A leader of an organization has a massive contribution to build an organization culture. (3) Foreign culture and Indonesian local culture have the same contribution in constructing organizational culture. (4) There is a positive relationship between all employees who came from different cultures, and the organization culture in Jakarta Nanyang School is collaboration between foreign culture and Indonesian culture through various as;This study describes the contributions of multicultural values in the process of specific organization culture constructing in an international school, and describes that the organizational culture in Jakarta Nanyang School is constructed through some elements, such as leadership style, foreign culture assimilation, relationship between local and foreign employees, and through the culture differences, including language, work ethics, habits, and traditions. This study used a descriptive qualitative method through participant observation and in-depth interview with sources. The result of this study describes (1) Cultural values enter in through various communication strategies done by the organization leader, and followed by other organization units, and the domination contribution of Indonesian cultures as a bridge to connecting the organization units who has culture differences. (2) A leader of an organization has a massive contribution to build an organization culture. (3) Foreign culture and Indonesian local culture have the same contribution in constructing organizational culture. (4) There is a positive relationship between all employees who came from different cultures, and the organization culture in Jakarta Nanyang School is collaboration between foreign culture and Indonesian culture through various as;This study describes the contributions of multicultural values in the process of specific organization culture constructing in an international school, and describes that the organizational culture in Jakarta Nanyang School is constructed through some elements, such as leadership style, foreign culture assimilation, relationship between local and foreign employees, and through the culture differences, including language, work ethics, habits, and traditions. This study used a descriptive qualitative method through participant observation and in-depth interview with sources. The result of this study describes (1) Cultural values enter in through various communication strategies done by the organization leader, and followed by other organization units, and the domination contribution of Indonesian cultures as a bridge to connecting the organization units who has culture differences. (2) A leader of an organization has a massive contribution to build an organization culture. (3) Foreign culture and Indonesian local culture have the same contribution in constructing organizational culture. (4) There is a positive relationship between all employees who came from different cultures, and the organization culture in Jakarta Nanyang School is collaboration between foreign culture and Indonesian culture through various as, This study describes the contributions of multicultural values in the process of specific organization culture constructing in an international school, and describes that the organizational culture in Jakarta Nanyang School is constructed through some elements, such as leadership style, foreign culture assimilation, relationship between local and foreign employees, and through the culture differences, including language, work ethics, habits, and traditions. This study used a descriptive qualitative method through participant observation and in-depth interview with sources. The result of this study describes (1) Cultural values enter in through various communication strategies done by the organization leader, and followed by other organization units, and the domination contribution of Indonesian cultures as a bridge to connecting the organization units who has culture differences. (2) A leader of an organization has a massive contribution to build an organization culture. (3) Foreign culture and Indonesian local culture have the same contribution in constructing organizational culture. (4) There is a positive relationship between all employees who came from different cultures, and the organization culture in Jakarta Nanyang School is collaboration between foreign culture and Indonesian culture through various as]"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Chyntia Selvi Anggraeni
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat analisis penerapan melalui sosialisasi dan internalisasi nilai-nilai budaya organisasi Fly Hi di Garuda Indonesia. Pertanyaan dalam penelitian ini adalah Bagaimana proses sosialisasi dan internalisasai Nilai Budaya Fly Hi di Garuda Indonesia. Dalam penelitian ini, peneliti menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Untuk mendapatkan semua data dan informasi, peneliti menggunakan wawancara mendalam kepada beberapa narasumber, observasi lapangan dan studi pustaka. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, menunjukkan bahwa sosialisasi dan internalisasi yang dilakukan oleh Garuda Indonesia telah berhasil, hal ini dapat dilihat dari pemahaman para pegawai yang sangat baik mengenai nilai-nilai budaya organisasi Fly Hi dan penerapan nilai-nilai budaya organisasi Fly Hi didalam setiap pekerjaan.

This Research aims to look the implementation of socialization and internalization of Fly Hi, Organization Culture of Garuda Indonesia. The question of this research is how the process of socialization & internalization of Fly Hi can be done in Garuda Indonesia. In this research, the researcher use qualitative approach and descriptive research. To get all the data and information, researcher use deep interview on multiple sources, field observation and librarial study. Reseaercher interviewed several sources. Based on the research result, show that socialization & internalization of Fly Hi in Garuda Indonesia has been successful, it can be seen from good understanding from employee regarding value of organization culture and implementation value of organization culture in their jobs."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ndraha, Taliziduhu
Jakarta: Rineka Cipta, 2003
658.1 TAL b
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Afina Wilda
"Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menjelaskan mengenai perubahan budaya organisasi dalam upaya meningkatkan kinerja karyawan di pusat administrasi Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan teknik pengumpulan data melalui observasi, wawancara dan studi kepustakaan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa perubahan budaya organisasi yang dilakukan pimpinan FISIP UI masih mengalami hambatan dikarenakan perubahan dilakukan dalam waktu yang cepat sehingga belum adanya peraturan, sosialisasi, reward dan punishment dan pada akhirnya masih banyak karyawan PAF belum menerima perubahan dengan baik karena kesulitan beradaptasi dengan budaya yang baru.

This research purpose is to explain about the alteration of organization culture in means too improve employee?s performance at administration center, social and politics faculty. This research used qualitative approachment by accumulating data by observation, interview, literature study. The result indicate that the alteration of organization culture done by the leader of FISIP UI still facing obstacle. Because, the alteration done quickly and has not a law, socialization, reward and punishment there are many PAF?s employee has not got good alteration because it hard to adopt with a new culture.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Eros Rostiaty
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui budaya organisasi pemerintahan yang sedang berkembang (reatfzed culture) dan membandingkannya dengan budaya organisasi yang sengaja ditanamkan oleh top tevet management (intended cutture) untuk melihat adakah gap diantara keduanya, melihat adakah perbedaan persepsi antara pemimpin (deliberate) dengan bawahan (emergent), serie pengaruhnya pada kinerja organasasi. Penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif-komparatif, menggunakan metode sun/ei dengan studi kasus pada Dinas Perindustrian dan Perdagangan Propinsi DK! Jakarta.
Sampel yang digunakan sebanyak 176 responden terdiri dari 31 pemimpin dan 145 bawahan yang diambil secara simple random sampling dan disproportional stratifed random. Pengumpulan data mengenai persepsi pemimpin (deliberate) dan bawahan (emergent) menggunakan metode ?Q- Short? dengan alat bantu berupa kartu Organizafional Culture Profile (OCP), sedangkan untuk mengetahui intended culture diperoleh dari sejumlah dokumen di Dinas Perindustrian dan Perdagangen.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya 8 (delapan) faktor utama dalam budaya organisasi pemerintahan yang' sedang berkembang. Persepsi baik antara pemimpin dengan bawahan, antara pemimpin dengan pemimpin, dan antara bawahan dengan bawahan terhadap kedelapan faktor' utama tersebut Iebih banyak menunjukkan adanya perbedaan. Sementara itu antara realized culture dengan intended culture juga terdapat jurang pemisah. Dari 8 faktor utama, hanya 2 faktor yang sesuai dengan intended culture, yaitu : faktor 1 (stabiilitas) berkorelasi dengan kejeiasanlkepastian, dan faktor 3 (otonomi) berkorelasi dengan keadilan.
Berbagai perbedaan ini disebabkan oleh adanya perbedaan tugas dan fungsi dari masing-masing unit kerja, kurangnya sosialisasi tentang unsur-unsur pelayanan prima, adanya usaha dari karyawan untuk belajar dan mengembangkan sesuatu yang baru baik untuk kepentingan organisasi maupun pribadi, serta kurangnya pengawasan dari atasan. Budaya organisasi yang masih Iemah ini pada gilirannya menjadi penghambat bagi organisasi dalam meningkatkan kinerjanya."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2003
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Irma Afdiyanti
"Nowadays, organizations have faces a lot of problems. The successful organization which is able to manage its human resources with balance and innovation. One of the strategies to survive is developing human resource function and managing culture organization. Chevron is the world's largest private producer of geothermal energy, generating more than 630 megawatts of clean, reliable and affordable energy in Indonesia now. Chevron Geothermal manages two geothermal projects in Indonesia ? Darajat and Salak, both on the island of Java. The Darajat project supplies geothermal steam, which generates 259 megawatts of electricity. Chevron Geothermal Indonesia realizes to be more productive, Chevron needs strong culture organizations. Chevron has The Chevron Way that explains who we are, what we do, what we believe and what we plan to accomplish. It establishes a common understanding not only for those of us who work here, but for all who interact with us. The objective of organizational culture is to aligning employee?s perception and behavior to achieve the company mission. Organizational culture and organizational character are make organization different from other. Based on the purpose of this research, the theory that used is corporate culture that the researcher from Stephen P. Robbins. Research question is about how employee?s perception Corporate Culture at Chevron Geothermal Indonesia, Ltd. This research using quantitative approaches that has 1 variable, descriptive characteristic and catagorizad as cross sectional research. Collecting data technique was done by survey and bibliography research. Technique in taking sample is total sampling; those overall employees of Division Facilities Engineering are 30 respondents. Analysis in this research was done by using frequency distribution table, which a part of unvariate analysis and it made based on data that come within questioner. The result show that employee?s have positive perception toward corporate culture on Chevron Geothermal Indonesia, Ltd Division Facilities Engineering Jakarta. The corporate culture is quite good with strong culture. The management should be improved so that the employee can work optimally."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2008
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
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