ABSTRAKThis research analyzes the competitiveness of Indonesia electronic products
export and identify Indonesia electronic products which is potential to be exported
in intra-ASEAN trade for intra-ASEAN trade using Constant Market Share (CMS)
approach, Revealed Comparative Advantage (RCA) and Competitiveness Matrix.
The research period is divided into 2 sub period, period I (2000-2004) and period 2
(2004-2008). From the CMS analysis result, this research find that total change of
Indonesia?s export value for period 2000-2004 and 2004-2008 was contributed by
structural effect, which encompasses of the growth effect, market effect, commodity
effect and interaction effect. Meanwhile the competitive residual and second order
effects have insignificant influenced. It is proved that mostly of the CMS result show
negative sign and if positive the value is less than l %. In other words, the export
value was increased due to the increase in the world demand not because of
competitiveness on Indonesia?s electronic products.
In the terms of performance export ratio (RCA), Product that Indonesia has
the highest comparative advantage result is for HS 853120 (indicator panels
incorporating electronic displays) in 2008. Moreover, other products that have
comparative advantages are HS 847330, HS 847130, HS 847170, HS 853400, HS
854430 and HS 853120. However, although those products have comparative
advantage, Indonesia has not the highest RCA value for those products.
According to the competitiveness matrix, product of HS 853120 (indicator
panels incorporating electronic displays) have the best performance in intra-ASEAN
trade since in the product is classified as rising star in both observed periods.
In summary from the CMS result, RCA result and competitive matrix,
Indonesia have good competitiveness performance on products HS 853120 (Indicator
panels incorporating electronic displays), HS 854430 (Ignition/other wiring sets for
vehicles/aircraft/ship) and HS 852520 (Transmit-receive apparatus for radio, TV, etc.)."