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Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2008
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Suci Mahanani,author
"Constant Market Share analysis and Competitiveness Matrix are used to assess the 10 highest rank export of Indonesia product competitiveness in Tunisia and South Africa for 2002-2007. In Tunisia, other form of copra oil (HS 151319) is weak competitiveness and is categorized missed opportunity in competitiveness matrix. Otherwise, the competitiveness of Polyethylene terephthalate (HS 390760) is good. It is showed by the positive sign of competitiveness effect and categorizing rising star in competitiveness matrix. In South Africa, other from palm oil (HS 151190) is weak competitiveness and is categorized missed opportunity in competitiveness matrix. However, the competitiveness of ceramic (HS 690911) and cylinder (HS 870322) is good. It is showed by the positive sign of competitiveness effect and categorizing rising star in competitiveness matrix."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Samuel Lodowik Paskah
"Indonesia merupakan salah satu negara produsen dan eksportir kelapa terbesar didunia, tetapi Indonesia masih belum bisa memanfaatkan potensi yang dimilikinya agar bisa lebih optimal lagi dalam memberi keuntungan yang bisa dihasilkan. Tesis ini bertujuan untuk mencoba menilai daya saing ekspor komoditi kelapa Indonesia di pasar dunia. Metode yang digunakan adalah Revealed Comparative Advantage (RCA) dan Constant Market Share Analysis (CMSA).
Hasilnya, ekspor kelapa Indonesia secara keseluruhannya memiliki daya saing yang bagus, sehingga Indonesia bisa bersaing dengan para pesaingnya di pasar dunia, akan tetapi ekspor tersebut masih didominasi oleh produk-produk yang bernilai tambah rendah.

Indonesia is one of the biggest producer and exporter of coconut commodity in the world, unfortunately, Indonesia is still not be able to utilize this commodity full potential in order to maximize the benefit which can be obtained from it. This research objectives is to analyze the competitiveness of Indonesia`s export in coconuts using the Revealed Comparative Advantage (RCA) and the Constant Market Share Analysis (CMSA) methods.
The result shows that competitiveness of Indonesia`s coconuts as a whole was on good condition, Indonesia can compete with its competitors in the world market. However, Indonesia`s coconut exports still dominated with low value added products.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Duma Olivia Bernadette
This research analyzes the competitiveness of Indonesia electronic products
export and identify Indonesia electronic products which is potential to be exported
in intra-ASEAN trade for intra-ASEAN trade using Constant Market Share (CMS)
approach, Revealed Comparative Advantage (RCA) and Competitiveness Matrix.
The research period is divided into 2 sub period, period I (2000-2004) and period 2
(2004-2008). From the CMS analysis result, this research find that total change of
Indonesia?s export value for period 2000-2004 and 2004-2008 was contributed by
structural effect, which encompasses of the growth effect, market effect, commodity
effect and interaction effect. Meanwhile the competitive residual and second order
effects have insignificant influenced. It is proved that mostly of the CMS result show
negative sign and if positive the value is less than l %. In other words, the export
value was increased due to the increase in the world demand not because of
competitiveness on Indonesia?s electronic products.
In the terms of performance export ratio (RCA), Product that Indonesia has
the highest comparative advantage result is for HS 853120 (indicator panels
incorporating electronic displays) in 2008. Moreover, other products that have
comparative advantages are HS 847330, HS 847130, HS 847170, HS 853400, HS
854430 and HS 853120. However, although those products have comparative
advantage, Indonesia has not the highest RCA value for those products.
According to the competitiveness matrix, product of HS 853120 (indicator
panels incorporating electronic displays) have the best performance in intra-ASEAN
trade since in the product is classified as rising star in both observed periods.
In summary from the CMS result, RCA result and competitive matrix,
Indonesia have good competitiveness performance on products HS 853120 (Indicator
panels incorporating electronic displays), HS 854430 (Ignition/other wiring sets for
vehicles/aircraft/ship) and HS 852520 (Transmit-receive apparatus for radio, TV, etc.)."
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Heny Rusmiyati
"Tesis ini memiliki tujuan untuk mengidentifikasi dan menganalisa faktor- faktor yang mempengaruhi permintaan ekspor kopi Indonesia dan untuk mengetahui dampak regulasi Ochratoxin terhadap permintaan ekspor kopi Indonesia di Uni Eropa. Spesifikasi model menggunakan pendapatan riil, harga ekspor kopi Indonesia, harga ekspor kopi Brazil, harga ekspor kopi Vietnam, tarif impor dan dummy regulasi Ochhratoxin sebagai variabel independen. Penelitian ini menggunakan data panel yang mengikut sertakan jumlah time series sebanyak 24 kuartal periode tahun 2003-2008 dan 15 negara sebagai data cross section. Spesifikasi model terbaik dari permintaan ekspor kopi Indonesia dihasilkan melalui uji F atau uji Chow dan uji Hausman adalah Model Random Efek. Hasil estimasi menyimpulkan bahwa pendapatan riil dari negara mitra, harga ekspor kopi Indonesia, harga ekspor kopi Brazil, harga ekspor kopi Vietnam, tariff impor negara mitra secara signifikan mempengaruhi permintaan ekspor kopi Indonesia di Uni Eropa. Sementara itu, regulasi Ochratoxin tidak signifikan mempengaruhi permintaan ekspor kopi Indonesia di Uni Eropa. Penurunan permintaan ekspor kopi Indonesia disebabkan karena faktor harga kopi Indonesia dan preferensi konsumen Uni Eropa pada kopi Arabica. Dalam penelitian ini, disarankan agar pemerintah dan pemangku kepentingan untuk lebih memperhatikan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi permintaan ekspor kopi Indonesia, meningkatkan kualitas kopi dan membuat terobosan pasar baru di Uni Eropa.

This thesis has objectives to identify and analyze the determinant factors of demand for Indonesia?s coffee export and to identify the impact of the implementation of European Union?s regulation on Ochratoxin A on demand for Indonesia?s coffee export in European Union. The specification model uses real income, export price of Indonesia?s coffee and export price of Brazil?s coffee, export price of Vietnam?s coffee, import tariff and dummy of Ochratoxin regulation as independent variables. This research applies panel data using 24 time series in period of 2003-2008 (quarterly) and 15 countries as cross section. The best model of demand for Indonesia?s coffee export which is resulted by using F-test/Chow and Hausman test is Random Effect Model. The estimation result concludes that real income of partner countries, export price of Indonesia?s coffee, export price of Brazil?s coffee, export price of Vietnam?s coffee and import tariff of partner countries significantly influence demand for Indonesia?s coffee export in European Union. Meanwhile, European Union?s Ochratoxin regulation insignificantly influences demand for Indonesia?s coffee export in European Union. The declining of demand for Indonesia?s coffee export is caused by factor of price of Indonesia?s coffee and the preferences of European Union consumers on Arabica coffee. This research recomments the government and stakeholders to concern factors which influence demand for Indonesia?s coffee export, enhance the quality of coffee, as well as making new market penetration in European Union countries."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Desy Rosmerya
"Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menganalisis daya saing karet alam Indonesia di pasar dunia, Amerika Serikat, Jepang dan Cina dengan menggunakan Revealed Comparative Advantage (RCA), Indeks Spesialisasi Ekspor (ESI) dan Competitiveness Matrix. Produk yang dipilih adalah Natural Rubber, Balata, Gutta-Percha, Guayule, Chicle and Similar Natural Gums, in Primary Forms or in Plates, Sheets or Strip (HS 4001). Analisis penelitian dilakukan pada tahun 2004 sampai dengan tahun 2008 dengan negara tujuan adalah Amerika Serikat, Jepang dan Cina.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa daya saing dari komoditi karet alam Indonesia lebih kuat dibandingkan dengan rata-rata dunia, daya saing dari komoditi karet alam Indonesia lebih kuat dibandingkan dengan ratarata ekspor karet alam dari negara-negara lain ke pasar Amerika Serikat, Jepang dan China, karet alam Indonesia memiliki posisi yang baik untuk dipertahankan di pasar Amerika Serikat, Jepang dan Cina dan strategi harus difokuskan pada strategi penetrasi pasar.

This research?s purposes are analyzing the competitiveness of Indonesian natural rubber in the global, the USA?, Japan?s and China's market using Revealed Comparative Advantage (RCA), Export Specialization Index (ESI) and Competitiveness Matrix. The product that selected is Natural Rubber, Balata, Gutta-Percha, Guayule, Chicle and Similar Natural Gums, in Primary Forms or in Plates, Sheets or Strip (HS 4001). Analysis of research conducted in 2004 until 2008 with the countries of destination are the United States, Japan and China.
The results of this research show that the competitiveness of Indonesian natural rubber commodity is stronger than the world average, the competitiveness of Indonesia's natural rubber commodity is stronger than the average natural rubber exports from other countries to the United States, Japan?s and China's market, Indonesian natural rubber has a good position to be maintained in the United States, Japan's and China's market and the strategy should be focused on market penetration strategy.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Atikah Nur Pajriyah Raharja
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengukur posisi daya saing kakao Indonesia sebelum dan sesudah diterapkannya kebijakan bea keluar, menganalisis pengaruh kebijakan bea keluar terhadap kinerja ekspor biji kakao Indonesia, dan menentukan variabel lain yang mempengaruhi kinerja ekspor biji kakao Indonesia di pasar dunia. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Revealed Comparative Advantage (RCA) untuk mengukur daya saing dan regresi panel data untuk menganalisis pengaruh bea keluar dan variabel lain terhadap kinerja ekspor biji kakao Indonesia, dengan data tahunan dari tahun 2001 sampai dengan 2013.
Hasil perhitungan RCA yang dilakukan pada produk biji kakao dan kakao olahan menunjukkan bahwa Indonesia memiliki daya saing pada kedua jenis produk dan target pemerintah dalam penerapan kebijakan bea keluar telah terpenuhi karena telah terjadi shifting ekspor dari biji kakao ke kakao olahan. Hasil penelitian lain dengan random effect model menunjukkan bahwa kebijakan bea keluar secara signifikan berdampak negatif terhadap kinerja ekspor biji kakao Indonesia. Variabel lain yang mempengaruhi kinerja ekspor biji kakao Indonesia secara signifikan adalah ekspor dunia, nilai tukar, dan harga internasional biji kakao.

The objectives of this study is to measure competitiveness of Indonesia's cocoa products before and after export tax policy is implemented, analyzing the impact of Indonesia's export tax on cocoa beans exports performance, and assessing factors responsible for cocoa beans export in global market. This study used Revealed Comparative Advantage (RCA) method to measure competitiveness and panel data regression to analyze the impact of export tax on Indonesia's cocoa beans exports performance, using annually data from 2001 until 2013.
The results of RCA on cocoa beans and cocoa processing products indicate that Indonesia has competitiveness on both of the products and government target from implementing export tax have been achieved, since there was exports shifting from cocoa beans to cocoa processing products. Another estimation result using random effect model indicates that export tax has a negative and significant effect on Indonesian export performance. This study also revealed that world export, exchange rate, and international cocoa prices are significantly determined export performances.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
England Rhys Can
This research examines the validity of the export competitiveness determination pattern using supply side industrial variables as proposed by Petri 1988 for the Indonesian manufacturing sector case for the 14 years beginning 2001 and ended 2014. Using the RCA index as a proxy for competitiveness, the statistical validity of the intensities of unskilled labor, physical capital, scale, and technology were tested as determinants, alongside which the export competitiveness of two significant neighbors, Singapore and Malaysia was included. After strict selection, pooled, robust least squares was used, yielding results that showed unskilled labor intensity, scale intensity, and the Malaysian export competitiveness as positive determinants, while technological intensity and the Singaporean export competitiveness are negative determinants of Indonesia rsquo s export competitiveness.

Penelitian ini menelaah validitas pola penentuan daya saing ekspor menggunakan variabel industrial yang digunakan oleh Petri 1988 , untuk kasus sector manufaktur Indonesia dalam jangka waktu 14 tahun 2001 sampai dengan 2014. Dengan menggunakan indeks RCA sebagai variabel proxy untuk daya saing, validitas secara statistika daripada variabel intensitas tenaga kerja tidak terampil, modal fisik, skala usaha, dan teknologi diuji; juga diuji adalah faktor daya saing negara tetangga Singapura dan Malaysia. Setelah pengujian intensif, penggunaan pooled least squares dengan metoda robust regression digunakan. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa intensitas tenaga kerja tidak terampil, intensitas skala usaha, dan daya saing Malaysia merupakan determinan positif, sedangkan intensitas teknologi dan daya saing Singapura merupakan determinan negative dari daya saing ekspor Indonesia.
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Maulida Lestari
"Penggunaan standar dan regulasi sebagai instrumen dari kebijakan perdagangan dalam tingkat unilateral, regional dan global tclah mcningkat. Sernakin ketatnya standar kcarnanan dan kesehatan produk makanan merupakan salah satu sumber yang menjadi pusat perhatian beberapa negara berkembang. Standar yang diberlakukan oleh negara pengimpor bisa menjadi hambatan untuk peningkatan ekspor mereka. Studi ini menganalisa bagaimana dampak standar dan regulasi yang diterapkan oleh negara pengimpor terhadap kineija ckspor Indonesia. Selain itu, studi ini juga menganalisa faktor lain yang secara signiiikan mempengaruhi nilai ekspor ikan dan produk ikan Indonesia. Hasil ekonometri dcngan menggunakan data panel menunjukkan bahwa kenailcan jumlah standar dan regulasi di negara pengimpor akan menurunkan nilai ekspor Indonesia. Hasil ekonometri juga menunjukkan bahwa PDB, populasi dan nilai tukar mempunyai pengaruh positif terhadap nilai ekspor produk ikan Indonesia, sementara tarif berpengamh negatif
There has been a rising use of standards and technical regulations as instruments of trade policy in unilateral, regional, and global trade contexts. The proliferation and increased stringency of food safety and health standards is a source of concern among many developing countries. These standards are perceived as a barrier to the continued success of their exports- This Study analyzes the impact of standard and technical regulation for fishery product which are imposed by the trading partner on Indonesia export performance. Moreover, this study analyzes the other factors which influence the lndonesia?s export ot' fishery product to the trading partner. Econometric result shows that the increasing number of standard and technical regulation in the importing countries was reducing thc Indonesia export performance. ln addition, the Indonesia export performance was positively influenced by the importing countries? GDP, population, exchange rate and negatively influenced by the tarifli."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2008
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hikmatul Afifah Darojah
"Sudah banyak studi yang meneliti dampak perdagangan internasional pada lapangan kerja, baik di negara maju maupun di negara berkembang. Hal ini karena dampak perdagangan internasional tcrhadap pekerja adalah isu sentral dalam konteks ekonomi politik internasional. Penelitian dalam konteks ini menjadi penting sejak adanya masalah besar yang berhubungan dengan PHK (Pemutusan I-Iubungan Kerja) karena adanya ekszemal shock yang dipicu oleh US sub-prime mortgage. Namun, penciitian ini tidak dimaksudkan untuk memecahkan masalah tersebut akan tetapi memberikan kontribusi terhadap kemajuan penelitian di bidang dampak ekspor terhadap penciptaan lapangan kerja di Indonesia.
Tujuan dan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui dampak net-ekspor terhadap total lapangan kerja. Disamping itu, akan di analisa juga faktor lain yang mempengaruhi permintaan tenaga kerja di Indonesia. Faktor Iain tersebut adalah variable ekspor riil, impor riil, capital stock, upah riil dan riil PDB. Variable krisis ekonomi pada tahun 1997/1998 akan dimasukkan ke dalam model penelitian sebagai dummy variable. Periode penelitian antara tahun 1986 sampai 2007 dan menggunakan OLS multiple regression.
Hasil ekonometrika menunjukkan bahwa selama periode |986 sampai 2007, ekspor khususnya net-ekspor (ekspor dikurangi impor) mempunyai dampak yang nyata terhadap penciptaan lapangan kerja dengan tingkat elastisitas 0.03%. Variabel lain adalah upah riil dan riil PDB yang memberikan dampak positif terhadap penciptaan lapangan kerja dengan tingkat elastisitas masing-masing adalah 0.01% dan 0.28% Variable lain adalah capital stock yang ternyata tidak nyata dalarn mempengaruhi penciptaan Iapangan kerja, Di samping itu, hasil uji Chow untuk crisis ekonomi 1997/1998 sebagai dummy variable ternyata mcnunjukkan hasil yang tidak signifikan.
Studi ini menemukan bahwa selama periode penelitian peningkatan net-ekspor lebih di dominasi oleh peran sektor kapital intensive daripada sektor yang berbasis labor intensive. Dengan demikian, dalam upaya untuk menciptakan lapangan kerja, sangat penting untuk dipahami bahwa ide penciptaan lapangan kerja pada dasarnya bukan pada berapa banyak peningkatan ekspor yang dibutuhkan untuk menciptakan kesempatan kerja tapi lebih pada berapa besar elastisitas net-export terhadap penciptaan lapangan kelja.

A number of previous studies have assessed the impact of trade on employment either in developed countries or in developing countries, because the impact of trade on employment is a central issue in the context of intemational political economy. Study in this context becomes important since there is a huge problem related to jobless due to extemal shock triggering by US sub-prime mortgage. However, this study does not expect to solve the problems of rising unemployment. It aims at progressing study of the impact of trade on employment in Indonesia.
The objective of this research is to assess the impact of net-export on employment in aggregate level. Therefore, it will analyze other factors which influence demand of labor in Indonesia. Other factors which will be analyzed are variables of real exports, real imports, capital stock, real wages and real GDP. Furthermore, it will include variable of economic crisis in 1997/1998 as a dummy. The research covers period of the study during 1986 - 2007 and it uses OLS multiple regression.
Econometric model shows that in the period of 1986-2007, exports in term of net-exports (export minus import) have had significant impact on employment with elasticity of 0.03%. Other variables which give significant impact are real wages and real GDP with elasticity of 0.01% and 0.28%, respectively. Furthermore, variables capital stock is not significant in influence employment. In addition, Chow-test for dummy crisis is not significant during the period ofthe study.
This research Ends that over the period of the study rising of net-exports supported more by capital intensive sectors rather than labor intensive stmtors. Therefore, in attempt to create more employment, it is important to note that the idea of employment creation is not on the how much increase of net-export required to create jobs but on how much high elasticity of employment caused by net export.
Depok : Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
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