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Ditemukan 4326 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
"The Objectives of this study were to determine cadmium and lead concentration in the breas milk of healthy lactating women who were living in Zarrinshar, an industrial area of Iran and to investigate the effect of mother's age, parity and smoking habits in families living in the vacinity of areas contaminated with heavy metals."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tri Noriyanti
"Susu sapi memiliki perbedaan kadar kalsium pada masing-masing sampel yang dianalisis. Susu sapi dapat tercemar kadmium dan timbal, yang disebabkan karena pakan ternak sapi yang tercemar oleh polusi kendaraan bermotor, pakan ternak sapi yang mengandung pestisida yang diberikan secara berlebihan dan minuman atau air yang mengandung bahan pencemar, sehingga menimbulkan gangguan pada kesehatan.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kalsium, kadmium dan timbal pada susu "X" dari daerah Depok, susu "Y" dari swalayan dan susu "Z" dari daerah Jakarta Selatan. Sampel didestruksi dengan menggunakan lempeng pemanas pada suhu 200ºC selama kurang lebih 1 jam, dengan menggunakan asam nitrat pekat dan hidrogen peroksida pekat. Kalsium dianalisis pada panjang gelombang 422,7 nm, kadmium dianalisis pada panjang gelombang 228,8 nm dan untuk timbal dianalisis pada panjang gelombang 283,3 nm. Masing masing diukur dengan spektrofotometer serapan atom. Kadar kalsium dalam susu "X" dari daerah Depok sebesar 38,45 ppm; susu "Y" dari swalayan sebesar 29,00 ppm dan susu "Z" dari daerah Jakarta Selatan sebesar 30,72 ppm. Kadar kadmium dalam susu "X" dari daerah Depok sebesar 0,02 ppm; susu "Y" dari swalayan sebesar 0,02 ppm dan susu "Z" dari daerah Jakarta Selatan sebesar 0,02 ppm. Kadar timbal dalam susu "X" dari daerah Depok sebesar 0,15 ppm; susu "Y" dari swalayan sebesar 0,07 ppm dan susu "Z" dari daerah Jakarta Selatan sebesar 0,07 ppm. Cemaran timbal dalam susu melewati batas maksimum cemaran timbal berdasarkan Badan Standardisasi Nasional tahun 2009.

Every cow?s milk samples have different concentration of calcium. Cow?s milk can be contaminated by cadmium and lead, which is caused by animal feed contaminated from motor vehicle pollution, animal feed containing pesticide given to excess and drink or water that contains contaminants causing disturbance in health.
This research aimed to analyze the calcium, cadmium and lead on the milk "X" from Depok, milk "Y" from supermarket and milk "Z" from South Jakarta. Sample was destruct by using hot plate at temperature 200ºC for approximately 1 hour, using concentrated nitric acid and hydrogen peroxide. Calcium was analyzed at wavelength 422,7 nm, cadmium was analyzed at wavelength 228,8 nm, and lead was analyzed at wavelength 283,3 nm. Each measured by Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer. Calcium levels in milk "X" from Depok was 38,45 ppm; milk "Y" from supermarket is 29,00 ppm and milk "Z" from South Jakarta was 30,72 ppm. Cadmium levels in milk "X" from Depok was 0,02 ppm; milk "Y" from supermarket is 0,02 ppm and milk "Z" from South Jakarta was 0,02 ppm. Lead levels in milk "X" from Depok was 0,15 ppm; milk "Y" from supermarket is 0,07 ppm and milk "Z" from South Jakarta was 0,07 ppm. Lead contamination in milk over the maximum levels of lead contamination base on Badan Standardisasi Nasional 2009.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Diah Karomah Putri
"Air susu ibu adalah makanan bayi yang terbaik karena mengandung komposisi nutrisi yang lengkap dan mengandung faktor-faktor penting untuk kekebalan tubuh bayi termasuk leukosit. Pemberian ASI ekslusif kepada bayi banyak mengalami hambatan, akibat ibu yang harus bekerja kembali  setelah cuti melahirkan. Berbagai upaya dilakukan agar bayi tetap mendapatkan ASI pada saat ibu bekerja, salah satunya adalah dengan cara penyimpanan ASI. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh proses penyimpanan ASI pada wadah plastik terhadap jumlah, viabilitas dan morfologi leukosit. Sampel penelitian ini adalah ASI yang diperoleh dari 7 ibu menyusui selama periode bulan September tahun 2022 hingga Februari tahun 2023, kemudian dibagi menjadi 4 kelompok perlakuan berdasarkan suhu, lama penyimpanan dan metode pencairan ASI beku berdasarkan  rekomendasi CDC. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan tidak adanya penurunan yang signifikan pada jumlah total dan viabilitas sel  pada ASI yang disimpan pada wadah plastik. Walaupun terjadi perubahan pada gambaran morfologi leukosit namun proses penyimpanan dan pencairan tidak mempengaruhi populasi CD45+ secara keseluruhan.  Tetapi, perubahan yang signifikan ditemukan pada jumlah monosit dan basofil. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa rekomendasi penyimpanan berdasarkan rekomendasi CDC dengan menggunakan wadah plastik tidak memengaruhi kuantitas leukosit. Meskipun demikian, masih diperlukan penelitian lebih lanjut untuk memahami apakah perubahan morfologi ini mempengaruhi fungsional dari sel tersebut.

Mother's milk is the best baby food because it contains a complete nutritional composition and contains important factors for the baby's immune system including leukocytes. Exclusive breastfeeding for babies is increasingly experiencing obstacles, due to social changes that affect women who work after maternity leave. Various efforts have been made so that the baby continues to get breast milk when the mother is working, one of which is by storing breast milk. This study aims to determine the effect of the storage process on the number, viability and morphology of breast milk leukocytes. The sample for this study was breast milk obtained from 7 breastfeeding mothers during the period September 2022 to February 2023, then divided into 4 treatment groups based on temperature, storage time and method of thawing frozen breast milk from the recommendation guide at the CDC. The results showed that there was no significant decrease in the total number and viability of cells in breast milk. Although there was a change in the leukocyte morphology, the storage and thawing processes did not affect the CD45+ population as a whole. However, there were significant changes in the number of monocytes and basophils. The results of this study indicate that the storage recommendations from the CDC do not affect the quantity of leukocytes. Nevertheless, further research is still needed to understand whether these morphological changes affect the function of these cells."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Amalia Rahmawati Perwendha
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji kemampuan R. azygosporus UICC 539 dalam mendegradasi skimmed milk 1% (b/v) dan 2% (b/v) di suhu 30˚, 35˚, 40˚, 45˚, dan 50˚, 55˚, dan 60˚C. Blok agar (diameter 6 mm) mengandung 106 sel/mL R. azygosporus (umur 5 hari, pada Potato Sucrose Agar, PSA, di suhu 30˚C) digunakan untuk pengujian. Blok agar berisi biakan ditumbuhkan pada Czapek Dox Agar (CDA) modifikasi tanpa sumber karbon yang telah ditambahkan skimmed milk 1% (b/v) dan 2% (b/v) serta Victoria Blue 20% (b/v) sebagai indikator. Medium CDA modifikasi berisi blok agar diinkubasi selama 5 hari di suhu 30˚, 35˚, 40˚, 45˚, dan 50˚, 55˚, dan 60˚C. Medium CDA modifikasi tanpa kapang sebagai medium kontrol. Indikasi degradasi skimmed milk oleh R. azygosporus UICC 539 ditunjukkan dengan terbentuknya zona bening di sekitar koloni. Kemampuan kapang mendegradasi skimmed milk dinyatakan dengan nilai Enzymatic Index (EI). Nilai EI dihitung menggunakan rumus R/r, yaitu R adalah diameter zona bening dan r adalah diameter koloni. Hasil menunjukkan R. azygosporus UICC 539 mendegradasi skimmed milk 1% dan 2% dengan terbentuknya zona bening. Kemampuan R. azygosporus UICC 539 mendegradasi skimmed milk dipengaruhi oleh variasi konsentrasi substrat dan suhu inkubasi, yang ditunjukkan dengan nilai Enzymatic Index (EI) yang bervariasi.

This study aims to test the ability of R. azygosporus UICC 539 to degrade 1% (w/v) and 2% (w/v) skimmed milk at 30˚, 35˚, 40˚, 45˚, dan 50˚, 55˚, and 60˚C. Agar block (6 mm diameter) containing 106 cells/mL of R. azygosporus (5 days old, on Potato Sucrose Agar, PSA at 30˚C) was used for the test. Fungi on the agar blocks were grown on modified Czapek Dox Agar (CDA) without a carbon source with the addition of 1% (w/v) or 2% (w/v) skimmed milk and Victoria Blue 20% (w/v) as an indicator. Modified CDA plates containing agar blocks were incubated at 30˚, 35˚, 40˚, 45˚, and 50˚, 55˚, and 60˚C for 3 and 5 days. Modified CDA without the fungus served as a control medium. Indication of skimmed milk degradation by R. azygosporus UICC 539 was shown by the formation of a clear zone around the colony. The ability of R. azygosporus UICC 539 to degrade skimmed milk was expressed by the Enzymatic Index (EI) value. The value was calculated using the formula: R/r, where R was the diameter of the clear zone and r was the diameter of the colony. The results showed that R. azygosporus UICC 539 degraded 1% and 2% skimmed milk by forming clear zones. Skimmed milk-degrading ability of R. azygosporus UICC 539 was influenced by variation of substrate concentrations and various incubation temperatures, resulting in differences of Enzymatic Index (EI) values."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Susilowati Hadisusilo
Fermentasi susu kedelai dengan L.bulgarious dapat menurunkan kandungan asam fitat sampai 37%. Asam fitat dapat menghambat absorpsi Ca dengan membentuk Ca-fitat, suatu senyawa. yang tidak larut.
Pada penelitian pengaruh fermentasi susu kedelai pada absorpsi Ca ini, digunakan 31 tikus putih strain LMR, jantan berumur 2 bulan. Tikus-tikus ini dibagi kedalam dua kelompok, 10 tikus untuk kelompok pembandingan (kontrol) dan 21 tikus untuk kelompok percobaan. DIet makanan tikus adalah diet D-1 (standar dietyang diperkaya Ca), diet D-2 (diet D-1 + susu kedele) dan diet D-3 (diet D-1 + fermentasi susu kedele).
Perlakuan pada kelompok kontrol diberikan diet D-1 selama 6 minggu sedangkag kelompok percobaan secara berturut-turut diberikan diet D-1 (2 minggu), diet D-2 (2 minggu) dan diet D-3 (2 minggu). Absorpsi Ca pada tikus ditentukan dengan mengukur konsentrasi Ca dalam fesesnya. Pada hari ke 10, 24 dan 38 feses tikus diambil untuk dianalisis.
Hasil percobaan menunjukkan bahwa absorpsi Ca nada tikus meningkat bila diet yang mengandung susu kedelai diganti dengan diet yang mengandung fermentasi susu kedelai."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Amila Tikyayala
"Rendahnya konsumsi susu masyarakat Indonesia bila dibandingkan dengan negara Asia lainnya menjadi masalah nasional yang belum terselesaikan, hal ini berdampak pada buruknya gizi bayi di Indonesia. Riset ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara kebiasaan pengkonsumsian susu dan pengetahuan dengan menggunakan metode cross sectional. Riset ini dilaksanakan di SD Pegangsaan 01 Jakarta Pusat dengan cara pengambilan sample cluster ramdom sampling. Sample yang terdiri dari 97 responden diberikan beberapa pertanyaan dalam kuestioner yang menyangkut tentang pengetahuan dan kebiasaan minum susu. Data dianalisa dengan menggunakan metoda Kolmogorov-Smirnov. Hasil riset ini menunjukan bahwa kebiasaan minum susu responden di SD baik, walaupun 90.7% responden memiliki pengetahuan yang tidak adekuat. Berdasarkan uji Kolmogorov‐Smirnov, tidak didapatkan hubungan bermakna antara kebiasaan minum susu pada anak usia sekolah dasar dengan pengetahuan. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa tidak terdapat asosiasi antara kebiasaan minum susu pada anak usia sekolah dasar dengan pengetahuan.
Indonesia has a low consumption rate of milk compared with other Asian countries. It brings along with them a national problem that has not been resolved. This affects the poor infant nutrition in Indonesia. This research was conducted to determine the relationship between milk consumption habits and knowledge. This research uses cross-sectional method. This research was performing at SD Pegangsaan 01 Central Jakarta in 17th January 2011. Sample consisted of 97 respondents obtained by cluster random sampling method. Questionnaire as the data source were being given to know the knowledge and also the milk consumption habit. Data analyzed by Kolmogorov-Smirnov. The results of this research showed that the milk consumption habit among these respondents is good because all of them consuming milk (100%), however 90.7% of respondents still had inadequate knowledge. The evidence of this research demonstrates no significant result between drinking milk at the primary school age children with knowledge. Therefore this finding suggests there are no association between milk consumption habit and the knowledge of the children."
Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Amanda Nandi Wardani
"Saat ini Indonesia masih menghadapi masalah nutrisi, terlihat dari masih terdapatnya sejumlah anak yang masuk dalam kategori kurang gizi. Studi lain menyatakan bahwa tingkat konsumsi susu di Indonesia masih rendah dibandingkan negara Asia lainnya. Berdasarkan kedua fakta diatas, penulis membuat riset dengan tujuan mengetahui ada tidaknya hubungan antara status gizi dengan kebiasaan minum susu pada anak usia sekolah. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode ?cross sectional? dengan populasi sejumlah 97 siswa SD kelas 4, 5 dan 6. Input data dan analisis statistic menggunakan program SPSS 11.5, dengan metode ?chi-square for cross tabulation?. Berdasarkan data yang didapat, 100 persen dari populasi mengaku mengkonsumsi susu. Hasil analisis menunjukan bahwa tidak ada hubungan yang signifikan antara status gizi dan frekuensi konsumsi susu perhari (p=0.670). Begitu juga dengan hubungan antara status gizi dan jenis susu yang diminum, menunjukan hasil yang tidak signifikan (p=0.224). Dari studi ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa tidak ada hubungan yang signifikan antara status gizi dengan kebiasaan minum susu.

Nowadays, Indonesia is still dealing with nutrition problems which represented by a quite number of children who are still categorized as undernourished and severely malnourished. Furthermore, recent study shows that the milk consumption in Indonesia is still low if compared to other Asian countries. Based on those facts, the author seems to determine the relationship between nutritional status and the habit of milk consumption among school aged children. In this cross-sectional study, the study population is chosen by cluster random sampling of grade 4, 5, and 6 with the total respondents 97 students. Primary data is conducted by self administered questionnaire regarding milk consumption habit, type of milk, frequency of drinking milk, and nutritional status measurement. Data entry and statistical analysis is done by the SPSS for windows version 11.5. The chi square test for cross tabulations was utilized. From the study populations 100% admitted that they consume milk daily. The result of the chi-square for cross tabulation reveals that there is no significant difference determined between nutritional status and the frequency of drinking milk per day (p=0.670). Also there is no significant difference between nutritional status and type of milk that is consumed (p=0.224). Hence, this study concludes that children nutritional status is not associated with the habit of milk consumption among school aged children."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Arky Kurniati Alexandra
"Sebagai salah satu negara berkembang, Indonesia masih menghadapi masalah rendahnya nutrisi pada anak - anak karena 14,9% anak - anak kelas 4 - 6 SD tergolong dalam kategori kurus yang salah satunya disebabkan oleh rendahnya konsumsi susu. Tujuan dari studi ini adalah untuk mengetahui asosiasi antara kebiasaan konsumsi susu pada anak sekolah dasar kelas 4 - 6 dan sumber informasi yang mempengaruhi pengonsumsian susu mereka. Riset ini terdiri dari 97 responden yang terdiri dari anak kelas 4 - 6 SD dan pengumpulan data dilakukan di SD Pegangsaan 01, Jakarta Pusat, pada Januari 2011 dengan metode cross sectional. Sampel diambil dengan cluster random sampling dengan cara mengisi kuisioner tentang kebiasaan meminum susu. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa tidak ada asosiasi yang signifikan antara kebiasaan konsumsi susu dan sumber informasi.

As a developing country, Indonesia still faces a problem of the low nutrition in children because 14,9% of children grade 4 - 6 was categorized in a thin condition with low milk consumption as one of the cause.3 The aim of this study is to find the association between the habit of milk consumption and sources of information. The research consists of 97 respondents and the data was collected at SD Pegangsaan 01 grade 4 - 6, Central Jakarta on January 2011 with cross sectional method. The sample was taken by cluster random sampling by filling the questionnaire about milk consumption habit. The result showed that all 97 respondents consumed milk; however there is no significant association between the habit of milk consumption and the sources of information."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Tujuan mengevaluasi efek suplementasi susu yang diperkaya dengan zat besi dan zink terhadap indikator pertumbuhan, kapasitas fisik dan kecepatan berpikir anak sekolah yang kurang berat (underweight). Metode Eksperimen pada dua kelompok paralel tersamar ganda dilaksanakan di beberapa sekolah dasar di Jakarta dan Surakarta, Indonesia. Sejumlah 245 anak sekolah usia 7-9 tahun yang underweight di daerah miskin perkotaan Jakarta and Solo dialokasikan secara acak menerima dua gelas susu yang diperkaya zat besi dan zink (n = 121) atau susu biasa (n= 124) setiap hari selama enam bulan. Indikator biokimia, antropometri, kapasitas fisik dan fungsi kognisi diukur saat awal, bulan ke-3 dan ke-6. Hasil Antara kelompok susu diperkaya dibandingkan dengan kelompok susu biasa, peningkatan kadar hemoglobin (berturut-turut 0,01 + 0,96 mg/dL dan 0.17 + 0.81 mg/dL) dan serum feritin (berturut-turut 12,77 + 25,50 mcg/dL dan 14,99 + 29,56 mcg/dL) tidak berbeda bermakna antara kedua kelompok. Selanjutnya, terjadi penurunan kadar serum zink (berturut-turut 3,01 + 3,24 mMol/dL dan 3,12 + 3,71mMol/dL) yang tidak bermakna antara kedua kelompok. Penambahan berat badan pada kelompok susu diperkaya (1,31 + 0,69 kg) berbeda secara bermakna (P=0.045) dibandingkan dengan kelompok susu biasa (1,13 + 0,69 kg), sejalan dengan peningkatan indikator underweight (WAZ) pada kelompok susu diperkaya (1.47 + 0.50) yang lebih besar secara bermakna (P=0.025) dibandingkan dengan peningkatannya pada kelompok susu biasa (1,33 + 0,47). Terdapat perbaikan skor kecepatan berpikir yang bermakna (P=0.001) pada kelompok susu diperkaya (12,74 + 11,76) dibandingkan dengan kelompok susu biasa (8.31 + 9,60), namun tidak ada perbedaan yang bermakna untuk perbaikan skor kapasitas fisik antara kedua kelompok (berturut-turut 10323,77 + 9253,83 dan 8435,94 + 8824,55). Kesimpulan pada anak sekolah usia 7-9 tahun yang underweight, suplementasi susu yang diperkaya dengan zat besi dan zink akan lebih mendukung pertumbuhan dan kecepatan berpikir.

Aim to evaluated the effect of milk supplementation enriched with iron and zinc on indicators of growth, physical capacity and cognitive performance in underweight school-children. Method Two-armed, randomized controlled double-blind trial was performed in several primary schools in Jakarta and Surakarta, Indonesia. A total of 245 underweight schoolchildren aged 7-9 years living in urban poor areas of Jakarta and Solo were randomly allocated to receive two cups of iron-zinc fortified-milk (n = 121) or non-iron-zinc fortified milk (n= 124) supplementation daily for six months. Biochemical indicators, anthropometric indices, physical capacity and cognitive performance were measured at before and after the supplementation. Results The study shows that between the fortified and non-fortified milk group, there was no significant different in haemoglobin increase (0.01 + 0.96 mg/dL versus 0.17 + 0.81 mg/dL) nor serum ferritin increase (12.77 + 25.50 mcg/dL versus 14.99 + 29.56 mcg/dL). Unexpectedly, decreased in serum zinc was found in both groups (3.01 + 3.24 mMol/dL and 3.12 + 3.71 mMol/dL). There was significant higher increment (P=0.045) in body weight among the fortified milk group (1.31 + 0.69 kg) as compared to the non-fortified group (1.13 + 0.69 kg). Consistently, there was significant increase (P=0.025) in the indicator of underweight (WAZ) among the fortified milk group (1.47 + 0.50) as compared to the non-fortified group (1.33 + 0.47). There was significant improvement (P=0.001) of cognitive performance, i.e. coding test-score among the fortified group (12.74 + 11.76) as compared to the non-fortified group (8.31 + 9.60), but there was no significant difference found in the improvement of physical capacity score in both groups (10323.77 + 9253.83 versus 8435.94 + 8824.55). Conclusion Among underweight schoolchildren aged 7-9 y, supplementation of milk fortified with iron and zinc can provide better growth, and better speed processing of learning ability. "
[Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia], 2009
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Eka Nurhayati
Persepsi Ketidakcukupan ASI (PKA) adalah pikiran atau perasaan ibu terhadap kondisi ketiadaan atau berkurangnya produksi ASI sehingga ibu merasa bahwa ASI-nya tidak cukup untuk memenuhi kebutuhan bayinya. PKA menjadi alasan utama ibu berhenti menyusui secara dini dan alasan untuk memberikan makanan tambahan lebih awal pada bayinya. Prevalensi PKA belum diketahui secara pasti, diperkirakan antara 30-80% dari ibu yang menyusui mempunyai PKA. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuktikan faktor ?faktor yang berhubungan dengan PKA pada ibu yang memiliki bayi usia 0-6 bulan di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Sewon Yogyakarta. Desain penelitian ini menggunakan Cross Sectional. Jumlah sampel dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 71 sampel ibu yang memiliki bayi 0-6 bulan yang gagal menyusui secara eksklusif dikarenakan mengalami PKA. Hasil analisis didapatkan sebanyak 59 (83,1%) ibu memiliki PKA dengan ASI yang cukup. Ada hubungan yang bermakna konseling ASI saat Antenatal Care (ANC) dengan PKA yang mempunyai ASI cukup, ibu yang tidak mendapatkan konseling saat ANC berpeluang 19,7 kali mempunyai PKA, p=0,012; OR=19,746 (CI 95% 1,926-202,456). Konseling ASI pada saat ANC yang berkualitas merupakan hal yang sangat penting dilaksanakan oleh petugas kesehatan untuk persiapan menyusui. Pemanfaatan ?Temu wicara? dalam konsep 10 T dalam ANC perlu diefektifkan untuk membahas persiapan laktasi.

Insufficient perception ASI (PKA) is the mother's thoughts or feelings about the condition of the absence or reduction in milk production. She felt that her breast milk is not enough to satisfy the needs of the baby. PKA was the main reason mothers stop breastfeeding early and a reason to give extra food early on the baby. Prevalence of PKA is not certain, it is estimated between 30-80% of breastfeeding mothers has PKA. This study aims to prove the factors related to PKA in mothers whom had infants aged 0-6 months in Sewon Health Centre Yogyakarta. Design of this study using cross sectional. The numbers of samples in this study were 71 samples of mothers with babies? 0-6 months exclusive breastfeeding failure due to experiencing PKA. Found as many as 59 (83.1%) mothers had PKA with enough milk. There is a significant relationship counseling milk during Antenatal Care (ANC) by PKA that have enough milk, mothers who did not receive counseling when the ANC likely to have 19.7 times PKA, p = 0.012; OR = 19.746 (95% CI 1.926 to 202.456). Breastfeeding counseling during ANC quality do health personnel in preparation for breastfeeding implement a very important thing. Utilization of ?Gathering of speech? in the concept of 10 T in the ANC should be effected to discuss preparation for lactation.;Insufficient perception ASI (PKA) is the mother's thoughts or feelings about the
condition of the absence or reduction in milk production. She felt that her breast milk
is not enough to satisfy the needs of the baby. PKA was the main reason mothers stop
breastfeeding early and a reason to give extra food early on the baby. Prevalence of PKA is not certain, it is estimated between 30-80% of breastfeeding mothers hasPKA. This study aims to prove the factors related to PKA in mothers whom had infants aged 0-6 months in Sewon Health Centre Yogyakarta. Design of this study using cross sectional. The numbers of samples in this study were 71 samples ofmothers with babies? 0-6 months exclusive breastfeeding failure due to experiencingPKA. Found as many as 59 (83.1%) mothers had PKA with enough milk. There is a significant relationship counseling milk during Antenatal Care (ANC) by PKA that have enough milk, mothers who did not receive counseling when the ANC likely to have 19.7 times PKA, p = 0.012; OR = 19.746 (95% CI 1.926 to 202.456).
Breastfeeding counseling during ANC quality do health personnel in preparation forbreastfeeding implement a very important thing. Utilization of Gathering of speechin the concept of 10 T in the ANC should be effected to discuss preparation for lactation;Insufficient perception ASI (PKA) is the mother's thoughts or feelings about the
condition of the absence or reduction in milk production. She felt that her breast milk
is not enough to satisfy the needs of the baby. PKA was the main reason mothers stop
breastfeeding early and a reason to give extra food early on the baby. Prevalence of PKA is not certain, it is estimated between 30-80% of breastfeeding mothers hasPKA. This study aims to prove the factors related to PKA in mothers whom had infants aged 0-6 months in Sewon Health Centre Yogyakarta. Design of this study using cross sectional. The numbers of samples in this study were 71 samples ofmothers with babies? 0-6 months exclusive breastfeeding failure due to experiencingPKA. Found as many as 59 (83.1%) mothers had PKA with enough milk. There is a significant relationship counseling milk during Antenatal Care (ANC) by PKA that have enough milk, mothers who did not receive counseling when the ANC likely to have 19.7 times PKA, p = 0.012; OR = 19.746 (95% CI 1.926 to 202.456).
Breastfeeding counseling during ANC quality do health personnel in preparation forbreastfeeding implement a very important thing. Utilization of Gathering of speechin the concept of 10 T in the ANC should be effected to discuss preparation for lactation;Insufficient perception ASI (PKA) is the mother's thoughts or feelings about the
condition of the absence or reduction in milk production. She felt that her breast milk
is not enough to satisfy the needs of the baby. PKA was the main reason mothers stop
breastfeeding early and a reason to give extra food early on the baby. Prevalence of PKA is not certain, it is estimated between 30-80% of breastfeeding mothers hasPKA. This study aims to prove the factors related to PKA in mothers whom had infants aged 0-6 months in Sewon Health Centre Yogyakarta. Design of this study using cross sectional. The numbers of samples in this study were 71 samples ofmothers with babies? 0-6 months exclusive breastfeeding failure due to experiencingPKA. Found as many as 59 (83.1%) mothers had PKA with enough milk. There is a significant relationship counseling milk during Antenatal Care (ANC) by PKA that have enough milk, mothers who did not receive counseling when the ANC likely to have 19.7 times PKA, p = 0.012; OR = 19.746 (95% CI 1.926 to 202.456).
Breastfeeding counseling during ANC quality do health personnel in preparation forbreastfeeding implement a very important thing. Utilization of Gathering of speechin the concept of 10 T in the ANC should be effected to discuss preparation for lactation;Insufficient perception ASI (PKA) is the mother's thoughts or feelings about the
condition of the absence or reduction in milk production. She felt that her breast milk
is not enough to satisfy the needs of the baby. PKA was the main reason mothers stop
breastfeeding early and a reason to give extra food early on the baby. Prevalence of PKA is not certain, it is estimated between 30-80% of breastfeeding mothers hasPKA. This study aims to prove the factors related to PKA in mothers whom had infants aged 0-6 months in Sewon Health Centre Yogyakarta. Design of this study using cross sectional. The numbers of samples in this study were 71 samples ofmothers with babies? 0-6 months exclusive breastfeeding failure due to experiencingPKA. Found as many as 59 (83.1%) mothers had PKA with enough milk. There is a significant relationship counseling milk during Antenatal Care (ANC) by PKA that have enough milk, mothers who did not receive counseling when the ANC likely to have 19.7 times PKA, p = 0.012; OR = 19.746 (95% CI 1.926 to 202.456).
Breastfeeding counseling during ANC quality do health personnel in preparation forbreastfeeding implement a very important thing. Utilization of Gathering of speechin the concept of 10 T in the ANC should be effected to discuss preparation for lactation, Insufficient perception ASI (PKA) is the mother's thoughts or feelings about the
condition of the absence or reduction in milk production. She felt that her breast milk
is not enough to satisfy the needs of the baby. PKA was the main reason mothers stop
breastfeeding early and a reason to give extra food early on the baby. Prevalence of PKA is not certain, it is estimated between 30-80% of breastfeeding mothers hasPKA. This study aims to prove the factors related to PKA in mothers whom had infants aged 0-6 months in Sewon Health Centre Yogyakarta. Design of this study using cross sectional. The numbers of samples in this study were 71 samples ofmothers with babies’ 0-6 months exclusive breastfeeding failure due to experiencingPKA. Found as many as 59 (83.1%) mothers had PKA with enough milk. There is a significant relationship counseling milk during Antenatal Care (ANC) by PKA that have enough milk, mothers who did not receive counseling when the ANC likely to have 19.7 times PKA, p = 0.012; OR = 19.746 (95% CI 1.926 to 202.456).
Breastfeeding counseling during ANC quality do health personnel in preparation forbreastfeeding implement a very important thing. Utilization of Gathering of speechin the concept of 10 T in the ANC should be effected to discuss preparation for lactation]"
Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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