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Ditemukan 179 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Heftmann, Erich
New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1960
574.192 34 HEF b
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Zeelin, F.J.
Amsterdam: Elsevier, 1990
615.36 ZEE m (1)
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Gorog, S.
Amsterdam: Elsevier, 1983
572.579 GOR q
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hendra Indrawan E
"Pembuatan beberapa senyawa steroid yang aktif farmakologik seperfi: korfison,
prednison, dan prednisolon, salah satunya. melalui sintesis parsial hidrokortison/korfisol
dari kortek-solon. Kesulitan pemasukkan. atom oksigen. pada. posisi C I I cincin steroid
sebgaimana. tedadi dalam. reaksi kimia biasa, dapat diatasi dengan. penggunaan
mikroorganisme. Penelitian lni bertujuan untuk men-ipelajari kematixpuan kapang lokal
Curvularia lunata dalani mentransformasi , korteksolon/senyawa S menjadi
hidrokortison/kortisol me.nggunakan metode biotransformasi kultur yang sedang
Percobaan dilakukan dengan mernvariasikan. 5 parameter percobaart, yaitu: (1)
waktu/saat penambahan substrat, (2) waktu inkubasi^ (3) pH awal media, (4)
konsentrasi substra^ dan (5) laju penggojogan. Percobaan dilakukan di. dalam labu-labu erlemneyer 100 K kecuali percobaan pada, kondisi optimum, memakai tabu 500 nit
talu diinkubasi dalarn penggojog (shaker) pada, suhu 30 OC
Biotranfonnasi optimurn yang diperoleh, bcrtaxWung jika substrat dengan
konsentrasi 1,5 g/L ditarnbahkan 16 jam setchan inokulas^ dengan waktu inkubasi
setelah penambahan substrat selaina 28 jam, di dalarn medium dengan pH awal 6,
samW digojog 100 gojogan/menitlZendetncn produk yang diperoleh adalah 14.05%
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 1997
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Eka Intan Fitriana
"Latar belakang: Prevalens late steroid resistance (LSR) makin meningkat pada anak dengan sindrom nefrotik idiopatik (SNI). Fungsi ginjal yang menurun dapat memperburuk prognosis LSR. Penelitian terkait mengenai faktor risiko LSR pada anak (SNI) masih terbatas, padahal pengenalan terhadap faktor risiko ini diperlukan untuk deteksi dini dan mengotimalkan terapi.
Tujuan: Mengidentifikasi karakteristik anak yang didiagnosis SNI awitan inisial seperti jenis kelamin, usia awitan SNI, hipertensi, kadar hemoglobin, albumin, ureum, laju filtrasi glomerulus, hematuria mikroskopik dan jangka waktu sejak dinyatakan remisi dan telah menyelesaikan pengobatan inisial terhadap terjadi relaps pertama kali dapat menjadi faktor risiko LSR pada anak dengan SNI.
Metode penelitian: Penelitian kasus-kontrol dengan penelusuran retrospektif yang dilakukan di Departemen Ilmu Kesehatan Anak di FKUI-RSCM, RSUP. Fatmawati dan RSUP. Dr. Mohammad Hoesin periode Maret-Mei 2018 yang terbagi menjadi kelompok LSR dan SNSS. Pengambilan rekam medis anak dengan diagnosis SNI yang melakukan kunjungan pengobatan di poli nefrologi dalam kurun waktu lima tahun terakhir. Faktor risiko dianalisis secara bivariat dan multivariat.
Hasil penelitian: Dilakukan analisis pada 100 anak dengan LSR dan 100 anak dengan SNSS. Anak laki-laki didapatkan lebih banyak daripada anak perempuan pada dua kelompok dengan median usia 4,12 (1,0-17,40) tahun. Faktor yang secara bermakna berpengaruh terhadap kejadian LSR pada anak dengan SNI pada analisis bivariat adalah: kadar ureum ≥ 40mg/dL (OR 1,68; IK 95% 1,45-4,53) dan adanya hematuria mikroskopik (OR 2,45; IK 95% 1,35-4,47).
Simpulan: Faktor risiko yang berperan terhadap kejadian LSR pada anak dengan SNI adalah kadar ureum ≥ 40 mg/dL dan terdapat hematuria mikroskopik.

Background: Prevalence of late steroid resistance (LSR) tends to be increased in children with idiopathic nephrotic syndrome (INS). Renal function deterioration may worsen the prognosis. Previous studies about the risk factors for LSR in children with INS were still limited, while early detection is the most important thing to do proper treatment.
Objectives: to determine whether age of onset, sex, hypertension, hemoglobin level, albumin, ureum, filtration glomerular rate, microscopic hematuria, and first relaps may influence the occurrence of LSR in children with INS. Methods. Case control study with restrospective medical record investigation was performed in INS children who visited to dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo, dr. Fatmawati and dr. Mohammad Hoesin General Hospital, during March-May 2018. Case and control group was children with LSR and sensitive steroid. Bivariate and multivariate analysis to identify significant risk factors.
Results: There were each 100 children with LSR and steroid sensitive. No different of sex ratio in each group with median of age 4,12 (1,0-17,40) years old. Factors which associated significantly with LSR on bivariate analysis were ureum level ≥ 40mg/dL (OR 1,68; IK 95% 1,45-4,53), microscopic hematuria (OR 2,45; IK 95% 1,35-4,47), and glomerular filtration rate (OR 1,43 IK 95% 0,79-2,57). Factors which associated significantly with LSR on multivariate analysis include ureum level ≥ 40mg/dL (OR 2,199; IK 95% 1,19-4,04), microscopic hematuria (OR 2,05; IK 95% 1,08-3,88).
Simpulan: Risk factors associated with LSR in INS are ureum level ≥ 40 mg/dL and microscopic hematuria."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Andini Striratnaputri
"Patogenesis sindrom nefrotik resisten steroid (SNRS) dan sindrom nefrotik sensitif steroid (SNSS) belum diketahui secara menyeluruh. Antioksidan seperti enzim glutation peroksidase (GPx) dan kofaktornya yaitu selenium diperkirakan berpengaruh dalam menghambat progresivitas penyakit sindrom nefrotik (SN). Namun sampai saat ini belum ada studi yang menilai peran selenium dalam patogenesis terjadinya SNRS dan SNSS. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membandingkan kadar selenium pada pasien SNSS dan SNRS menggunakan studi potong lintang. Penelitian dilakukan pada 81 pasien SNRS dan SNSS berusia 2-18 tahun yang datang ke poliklinik rawat jalan nefrologianak RSUPNCM pada bulan November-Desember 2019 dengan metode consecutive sampling. Hasil penelitan menunjukkan tidak ada perbedaan signifikan antara kadar selenium pada kedua kelompok. Peran selenium sebagai antioksidan terhadap patogenesis SNRS dan SNSS sulit dibuktikan karena patogenesis penyakit ini bersifat multifaktorial. Penelitian lanjutan dengan desain penelitian kasus kontrol dan pengukuran selenium serial diperlukan untuk memastikan hal ini.

The pathogenesis of steroid resistant nephrotic syndrome (SRNS) and steroid sensitive nephrotic syndrome (SSNS) has not yet been fully known. Antioxidants such as glutathione peroxidase enzyme (GPx) and its cofactor, selenium, are thought to have an effect of slowing down the progress of nephrotic syndrome (NS). However, until now, there are no studies that evaluate the role of selenium in SNRS and SNSS’s pathogenesis. The purpose of this research is to compare the selenium levels of SNRS and SNSS patients using a cross-sectional study. This research was conducted on 81 SNRS and SNSS patients ages 2 to 18, who visited RSUPNCM’s pediatric nephrology outpatient clinic in November 2019 to December 2019, using consecutive sampling method. The result shows that there’s no significant difference in the selenium levels of both groups. Selenium’s role as an antioxidant for the pathogenesis of SNRS and SNSS is hard to prove because it is multifactorial. Advance research using a case-control study and a serial of selenium examination is needed to confirm this."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Eka Ginanjar
This case study aim to evaluate the response of steroid treatment for autoimmune endocarditis. Valvular heart disease is relatively rising in both congenital and acquired cases, but the autoimmune endocarditis remains rare. In this case, a 34 year old woman with clinical manifestation resembling systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is diagnosed with Libman-sacks Endocarditis. After six months of steroid treatment, her clinical manifestations and heart structure improved."
Jakarta: University of Indonesia. Faculty of Medicine, 2017
610 UI-IJIM 49: 2 (2017)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Murti Andriastuti
Latar Belakang: Angka kesintasan LLA pada anak di negara berkembang masih tertinggal dibanding negara maju. Ketepatan diagnosis dan stratifikasi risiko pasien LLA merupakan hal penting yang perlu dievaluasi sebagai langkah awal untuk meningkatkan kesintasan. Di negara maju ketepatan diagnosis dan stratifikasi risiko didasarkan atas hasil pemeriksaan morfologi, imunofenotiping, sitogenetik, dan molekular. Di Indonesia, hal tersebut belum dapat dilakukan sepenuhnya karena keterbatasan biaya dan fasilitas. Untuk itu, perlu kriteria stratifikasi berdasarkan klinis dan laboratorium sederhana tetapi mampu mendekati stratifikasi molekular. Respons steroid merupakan faktor prognostik kuat dalam memprediksi kejadian relaps dan memengaruhi angka kesintasan. Penambahan variabel respons steroid pada stratifikasi RSCM (stratifikasi modifikasi) diharapkan dapat mendekati kemampuan stratifikasi molekular sebagai baku emas.
Metode: Penelitian kohort prospektif selama 6 bulan dilakukan di Departemen Ilmu Kesehatan Anak FKUI-RSCM pada Januari 2013 - September 2014. Subjek adalah pasienbaruterdiagnosis LLAkemudiandikelompokkanmenjadirisikobiasa(RB)danrisiko tinggi (RT) berdasarkan kriteria stratifikasi RSCM (usia, jumlah leukosit, massa mediastinum dan infiltrasi SSP). Subjek dengan RB mendapat prednison (60 mg/kgBB/hari) dan RT mendapat deksametason (6 mg/kgBB/hari) selama 7 hari. Respons steroid dievaluasi pada hari ke-8, dengan menghitung blas di darah tepi. Respons baik bila jumlah blas < 1.000/μL dan respons buruk bila jumlah blas > 1.000/μL. Subjek dengan respons buruk dikelompokkan RT sesuai stratifikasi risiko yang baru (stratifikasi modifikasi). Evaluasi remisi fase induksi dilakukan setelah 6 minggu pemberian kemoterapi berdasarkan persentase blas dan minimal residual disease (MRD) sumsum tulang. Kriteria risiko tinggi pada stratifikasi molekular bila terdapat fusi gen E2A-PBX1, MLL-AF4, dan BCR-ABL, sedangkan risiko biasa bila terdapat fusi gen TEL-AML1.
Hasil Penelitian: Pada penelitian ini diikutsertakan 73 subjek dengan rerata usia subjek 5,5 (SB ± 3,8) tahun. Subjek lelaki (65,8%) lebih banyak dibanding perempuan (34,2%). Gejala klinis yang sering ditemukan adalah pucat sebanyak 65 (89%), demam 53 (72,6%), nyeri tulang 51 (70%), dan hepatomegali 51 (70%) subjek. Hasil pemeriksaan imunofenotiping mendapatkan 77,1% sel B, 17,1% sel T, dan 5,7% sel campuran. Ketidaksesuaian remisi fase induksi berdasarkan morfologi dan MRD sebesar 15,2%. Stratifikasi RSCM maupun modifikasi tidak berkorelasi dengan stratifikasi molekular (r = 1,1; p = 0,6). Angka kesintasan berdasarkan stratifikasi molekular (79%) lebih tinggi dibandingkan stratifikasi RSCM (68,5%) maupun modifikasi (69,6%).
Simpulan: Stratifikasi modifikasi menunjukkan kemampuan yang sama dengan stratifikasi RSCM dibandingkan stratifikasi molekular. Angka kesintasan berdasarkan stratifikasi molekular lebih tinggi dibandingkan stratifikasi RSCM dan modifikasi.;

Introduction: Survival rate of children with ALL in developing countries remains lower compared to developed countries. Diagnosis and risk stratification are important to determine survival rates. Diagnosis and risk stratification in developed countries are based on morphology, immunophenotyping, cytogenetic, and molecular examination of bone marrow while in Indonesia most of those examinations are not available due to financial and facilities limitation. Therefore, we need to develop stratification criteria based on clinical and laboratory assessment which is comparable to molecular stratification. Response to steroid is a strong predictor of relapse and survival rates in ALL. The aim of the study is to develop new stratification to improve accuracy in predicting relapse rate and increase survival rate, by adding steroid response variable to current CMH stratification, in comparison with molecular stratification as gold standard.
Methods: A prospective study was conducted at Pediatric Hematology-Oncology Division, Department of Child Health, FMUI-CMH on January 2013 ? September 2014. Morphology, immunophenotyping, cytogenetic and molecular assessment were performed. Patient was stratified into standard risk (SR) and high risk (HR) based on CMH stratification criteria (based on age, WBC, mediastinal mass and CNS infiltration) and given steroid (prednisone or dexamethasone) for 7 days. Steroid response was evaluated at day 8, good response if peripheral blast count < 1,000/μL and poor response if > 1,000/μL. Poor responders were moved to HR group in new stratification (modified stratification). Bone marrow aspiration and minimal residual disease (MRD) detection were perfomed after induction phase to evaluate remission and patient was observed for 6 months. High risk criteria based on molecular stratification are E2A-PBX1, MLL-AF4 and BCR-ABL fusion genes, while standard risk is TEL-AML1.
Results: A total of 73 newly diagnosed ALL patients were enrolled in this study. The mean age was 5.5 (SD ± 3.8) years. Incidence in male (65.8%) is higher than female (34.2%). Clinical characteristics are pale (89%), fever (72.6%), bone pain (70%), hepatomegaly (70%), bleeding (42.5%), lymphadenopathy (49.0%), and splenomegaly (46.6%). Immunophenotyping result was 77.1% for B-lineage; 17.1% T-lineage; and 5.7% mixed lineage. Minimal residual disease detection from 33 patients showed no difference in remission between CMH and modified stratification. Four patients were moved to HR after evaluation of steroid response. We found discrepancy of remission induction results based on morphology and MRD in 15.2% subjects. Survival rate for CMH, modified, and molecular stratification were 68.5%, 69.6%, and 75.5%, respectively. Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital and modified stratification were not correlated with molecular stratification as the gold standard (r = 1.1 ; p = 0.6).
Conclusions: Modified stratification had similar accuracy with CMH stratification compare to molecular stratification in predicting survival rate of ALL children. Remission based on MRD detection between the two stratification was also similar. Survival rate by molecular stratification was higher compared to CMH or modified stratification.;Introduction: Survival rate of children with ALL in developing countries remains lower compared to developed countries. Diagnosis and risk stratification are important to determine survival rates. Diagnosis and risk stratification in developed countries are based on morphology, immunophenotyping, cytogenetic, and molecular examination of bone marrow while in Indonesia most of those examinations are not available due to financial and facilities limitation. Therefore, we need to develop stratification criteria based on clinical and laboratory assessment which is comparable to molecular stratification. Response to steroid is a strong predictor of relapse and survival rates in ALL. The aim of the study is to develop new stratification to improve accuracy in predicting relapse rate and increase survival rate, by adding steroid response variable to current CMH stratification, in comparison with molecular stratification as gold standard.
Methods: A prospective study was conducted at Pediatric Hematology-Oncology Division, Department of Child Health, FMUI-CMH on January 2013 ? September 2014. Morphology, immunophenotyping, cytogenetic and molecular assessment were performed. Patient was stratified into standard risk (SR) and high risk (HR) based on CMH stratification criteria (based on age, WBC, mediastinal mass and CNS infiltration) and given steroid (prednisone or dexamethasone) for 7 days. Steroid response was evaluated at day 8, good response if peripheral blast count < 1,000/μL and poor response if > 1,000/μL. Poor responders were moved to HR group in new stratification (modified stratification). Bone marrow aspiration and minimal residual disease (MRD) detection were perfomed after induction phase to evaluate remission and patient was observed for 6 months. High risk criteria based on molecular stratification are E2A-PBX1, MLL-AF4 and BCR-ABL fusion genes, while standard risk is TEL-AML1.
Results: A total of 73 newly diagnosed ALL patients were enrolled in this study. The mean age was 5.5 (SD ± 3.8) years. Incidence in male (65.8%) is higher than female (34.2%). Clinical characteristics are pale (89%), fever (72.6%), bone pain (70%), hepatomegaly (70%), bleeding (42.5%), lymphadenopathy (49.0%), and splenomegaly (46.6%). Immunophenotyping result was 77.1% for B-lineage; 17.1% T-lineage; and 5.7% mixed lineage. Minimal residual disease detection from 33 patients showed no difference in remission between CMH and modified stratification. Four patients were moved to HR after evaluation of steroid response. We found discrepancy of remission induction results based on morphology and MRD in 15.2% subjects. Survival rate for CMH, modified, and molecular stratification were 68.5%, 69.6%, and 75.5%, respectively. Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital and modified stratification were not correlated with molecular stratification as the gold standard (r = 1.1 ; p = 0.6).
Conclusions: Modified stratification had similar accuracy with CMH stratification compare to molecular stratification in predicting survival rate of ALL children. Remission based on MRD detection between the two stratification was also similar. Survival rate by molecular stratification was higher compared to CMH or modified stratification.;Introduction: Survival rate of children with ALL in developing countries remains lower compared to developed countries. Diagnosis and risk stratification are important to determine survival rates. Diagnosis and risk stratification in developed countries are based on morphology, immunophenotyping, cytogenetic, and molecular examination of bone marrow while in Indonesia most of those examinations are not available due to financial and facilities limitation. Therefore, we need to develop stratification criteria based on clinical and laboratory assessment which is comparable to molecular stratification. Response to steroid is a strong predictor of relapse and survival rates in ALL. The aim of the study is to develop new stratification to improve accuracy in predicting relapse rate and increase survival rate, by adding steroid response variable to current CMH stratification, in comparison with molecular stratification as gold standard.
Methods: A prospective study was conducted at Pediatric Hematology-Oncology Division, Department of Child Health, FMUI-CMH on January 2013 ? September 2014. Morphology, immunophenotyping, cytogenetic and molecular assessment were performed. Patient was stratified into standard risk (SR) and high risk (HR) based on CMH stratification criteria (based on age, WBC, mediastinal mass and CNS infiltration) and given steroid (prednisone or dexamethasone) for 7 days. Steroid response was evaluated at day 8, good response if peripheral blast count < 1,000/μL and poor response if > 1,000/μL. Poor responders were moved to HR group in new stratification (modified stratification). Bone marrow aspiration and minimal residual disease (MRD) detection were perfomed after induction phase to evaluate remission and patient was observed for 6 months. High risk criteria based on molecular stratification are E2A-PBX1, MLL-AF4 and BCR-ABL fusion genes, while standard risk is TEL-AML1.
Results: A total of 73 newly diagnosed ALL patients were enrolled in this study. The mean age was 5.5 (SD ± 3.8) years. Incidence in male (65.8%) is higher than female (34.2%). Clinical characteristics are pale (89%), fever (72.6%), bone pain (70%), hepatomegaly (70%), bleeding (42.5%), lymphadenopathy (49.0%), and splenomegaly (46.6%). Immunophenotyping result was 77.1% for B-lineage; 17.1% T-lineage; and 5.7% mixed lineage. Minimal residual disease detection from 33 patients showed no difference in remission between CMH and modified stratification. Four patients were moved to HR after evaluation of steroid response. We found discrepancy of remission induction results based on morphology and MRD in 15.2% subjects. Survival rate for CMH, modified, and molecular stratification were 68.5%, 69.6%, and 75.5%, respectively. Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital and modified stratification were not correlated with molecular stratification as the gold standard (r = 1.1 ; p = 0.6).
Conclusions: Modified stratification had similar accuracy with CMH stratification compare to molecular stratification in predicting survival rate of ALL children. Remission based on MRD detection between the two stratification was also similar. Survival rate by molecular stratification was higher compared to CMH or modified stratification., Introduction: Survival rate of children with ALL in developing countries remains lower compared to developed countries. Diagnosis and risk stratification are important to determine survival rates. Diagnosis and risk stratification in developed countries are based on morphology, immunophenotyping, cytogenetic, and molecular examination of bone marrow while in Indonesia most of those examinations are not available due to financial and facilities limitation. Therefore, we need to develop stratification criteria based on clinical and laboratory assessment which is comparable to molecular stratification. Response to steroid is a strong predictor of relapse and survival rates in ALL. The aim of the study is to develop new stratification to improve accuracy in predicting relapse rate and increase survival rate, by adding steroid response variable to current CMH stratification, in comparison with molecular stratification as gold standard.
Methods: A prospective study was conducted at Pediatric Hematology-Oncology Division, Department of Child Health, FMUI-CMH on January 2013 – September 2014. Morphology, immunophenotyping, cytogenetic and molecular assessment were performed. Patient was stratified into standard risk (SR) and high risk (HR) based on CMH stratification criteria (based on age, WBC, mediastinal mass and CNS infiltration) and given steroid (prednisone or dexamethasone) for 7 days. Steroid response was evaluated at day 8, good response if peripheral blast count < 1,000/μL and poor response if > 1,000/μL. Poor responders were moved to HR group in new stratification (modified stratification). Bone marrow aspiration and minimal residual disease (MRD) detection were perfomed after induction phase to evaluate remission and patient was observed for 6 months. High risk criteria based on molecular stratification are E2A-PBX1, MLL-AF4 and BCR-ABL fusion genes, while standard risk is TEL-AML1.
Results: A total of 73 newly diagnosed ALL patients were enrolled in this study. The mean age was 5.5 (SD ± 3.8) years. Incidence in male (65.8%) is higher than female (34.2%). Clinical characteristics are pale (89%), fever (72.6%), bone pain (70%), hepatomegaly (70%), bleeding (42.5%), lymphadenopathy (49.0%), and splenomegaly (46.6%). Immunophenotyping result was 77.1% for B-lineage; 17.1% T-lineage; and 5.7% mixed lineage. Minimal residual disease detection from 33 patients showed no difference in remission between CMH and modified stratification. Four patients were moved to HR after evaluation of steroid response. We found discrepancy of remission induction results based on morphology and MRD in 15.2% subjects. Survival rate for CMH, modified, and molecular stratification were 68.5%, 69.6%, and 75.5%, respectively. Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital and modified stratification were not correlated with molecular stratification as the gold standard (r = 1.1 ; p = 0.6).
Conclusions: Modified stratification had similar accuracy with CMH stratification compare to molecular stratification in predicting survival rate of ALL children. Remission based on MRD detection between the two stratification was also similar. Survival rate by molecular stratification was higher compared to CMH or modified stratification.]"
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Adrian Himawan Singgih
"Latar belakang. Anak dan remaja dengan leukemia limfoblastik akut (LLA) berisiko mengalami osteoporosis sekunder, salah satunya karena pemberian obat kemoterapi metotreksat dan steroid. Saat ini belum terdapat data prevalens osteoporosis sekunder pada anak dengan LLA di Indonesia dan bukti keterkaitan dosis kumulatif metotreksat dan steroid terhadap kejadian osteoporosis sekunder pada anak dengan LLA.
Tujuan. Mengetahui ada tidaknya kaitan antara dosis kumulatif metotreksat dan/atau steroid terhadap kejadian osteoporosis sekunder pada anak dan remaja dengan LLA.
Metode. Penelitian ini merupakan studi potong lintang terhadap 52 anak dan remaja dengan LLA yang sedang menjalani kemoterapi di Rumah Sakit dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo (RSCM). Pengambilan darah dan foto polos tulang belakang dilakukan untuk menilai parameter kesehatan tulang, serta pemeriksaan dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA) untuk menilai densitas mineral tulang. Analisis regresi logistik digunakan untuk menganalisis keterkaitan dosis kumulatif metotreksat dan steroid terhadap kejadian osteoporosis sekunder.
Hasil. Median usia subyek adalah 10 (7-14) tahun dengan lelaki 54% (n=52). Didapatkan kejadian osteoporosis sekunder 6/52 (11,5%) dan densitas mineral tulang rendah 11/52 (21,2%). Tidak didapatkan kaitan antara dosis kumulatif steroid (adjusted RP 0,474 [0,057-3,935], p = 0,489) dan dosis kumulatif metotreksat (adjusted RP 0,083 [0,006-1,126], p = 0,061)  dengan kejadian osteoporosis sekunder. Pasien berusia di bawah 10 tahun, memiliki kadar vitamin D rendah, dan status prepubertas memiliki kecenderungan mengalami osteoporosis sekunder.
Kesimpulan. Tidak didapatkan hubungan yang bermakna secara statistik antara dosis kumulatif steroid dan/atau metotreksat terhadap osteoporosis sekunder pada anak dan remaja dengan LLA.

Background. Children and adolescents with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) are at risk of secondary risk, one of which is the administration of chemotherapy drugs (methotrexate and steroids). Currently, there are no data on the prevalence of secondary osteoporosis in children with ALL in Indonesia and evidence about association between methotrexate and steroids with the incidence of secondary osteoporosis with ALL.
Objective. To determine whether there is an association between the cumulative dose of methotrexate and/or steroids on the incidence of secondary osteoporosis in children and adolescents with ALL.
Methods. This study was a cross-sectional study of 52 children and adolescents with ALL who were undergoing chemotherapy at the Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital (CMH). Blood sampling and plain radiographs of the spine were performed to assess bone health parameters, as well as dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA) examination to assess bone mineral density. Logistic regression analysis was used to analyze the association between the cumulative dose of methotrexate and steroids on the incidence of secondary osteoporosis.
Result. The median age of the subjects was 10 (7-14) years with 54% men (n=52). The incidence of secondary osteoporosis was 6/52 (11.5%) and low bone mineral density 11/52 (21.2%). There was no association between the cumulative dose of steroids (adjusted PR 1.501 [0.124-18.124], p=0.75) and the cumulative dose of methotrexate (adjusted PR 0.071 [0.005-0.951], p=0.05) and the incidence of secondary osteoporosis. None of the confounding factors (pubertal status, vitamin D levels, income level, age, and sex) were associated with secondary osteoporosis. Patient aged below 10 years old, have prepubertal status, and with low vitamin D serum tends to have osteoporosis more likely.
Conclusion. There was no statistically significant relationship between the cumulative dose of steroids and/or methotrexate on secondary osteoporosis in children and adolescents with ALL.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rastogi, S.C.
New Delhi : Tata McGraw-Hill, 1995
572 RAS b
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
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