Ditemukan 34172 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Lewis, Gerald
New york: Auerbach Publications, 2006
658.477 LEW o
Buku Teks Universitas Indonesia Library
Rudenstine, Sasha
"The causes and behavioral consequences of disasters brings a public health perspective to the literature, reflecting the increasing importance of the field in both disaster preparedness and disaster response. Arguing that a disaster is not only the event but its aftermath as well, the authors apply salient local content to the study of scenarios ranging from the Cuzco, Peru, earthquake of 1950 to the Columbine school shooting, the Oklahoma City bombing, and 9/11. These case studies form the basis for models of vulnerabilities to disasters and population behavior following disasters, illustrating how careful pre-event planning and coordinated post-event response strategies can minimize the initial damage and negative aftereffects."
New York: [, Springer], 2012
eBooks Universitas Indonesia Library
Shabrina Nadhila
"PT. X merupakan salah satu perusahaan konstruksi yang rentan untuk mengalami krisis. Agar PT. X tetap dapat mencapai tujuan dan targetnya selama menghadapi krisis, dibutuhkan penerapan konsep Business Continuity Management (BCM) yang salah satu prinsipnya, yaitu Business Impact Analysis (BIA). BIA merupakan tahapan untuk mengetahui dampak potensial dan mengidentifikasi kemampuan perusahaan untuk melanjutkan operasi bisnisnya selama terjadi krisis.
Jenis penelitian ini adalah studi kasus pada PT. X dengan mengidentifikasi krisis signifikannya dan mengkomparasi manajemen krisis yang diterapkan oleh PT. X dengan prinsip BIA dari konsep BCM. Metode yang digunakan untuk mencapai tujuan penelitian yaitu dengan melakukan kuesioner, wawancara mendalam dengan pakar dan analisis kesenjangan.
Hasil dari penelitian ini yaitu krisis signifikan bagi PT. X terdiri dari ketidakstabilan politik, krisis finansial, pelanggan mengalami bangkrut dan kehilangan reputaasi dan image baik dan juga tahapan BIA belum diterapkan pada manajemen krisis PT. X secara umum.
PT. X is a very susceptive company to face crisis. Therefore, to keep PT. X on the track of reaching its objectives and its goals while facing crisis, it needs an implementation of Business Continuity Management (BCM) concept. One of the principles of BCM, Business Impact Analysis (BIA), is a phase to identify the potential impacts of crises on an organisation and its ability to continue business operation.The type of this research is case study in PT. X to identify the significant crises of PT. X and to compare crisis management applied in PT. X with BIA principle of BCM concept. The method applied to achieve the research's objectives are including questionnaire, in-depth interview and gap analysis.The research results shows that the significant crises of PT. X are the political instability, finansial crisis, customer experiences bankrupt, and loss of good reputation and image. Moreover, the processes of BIA principle haven't been applied generally in crisis management in PT. X."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership Universitas Indonesia Library
Bernadette Karenina Dorothy
"Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui apakah tingkat empati dan kesejahteraan psikososial individu berkorelasi dengan perilaku prososial saat terjadinya bencana alam. Partisipan penelitian korelasional ini direkrut melalui survei online yang dibagikan oleh mahasiswa PSYC2040 dari The University of Queensland (UQ) kepada teman dan keluarga, baik di Australia maupun di luar Australia. Data dikumpulkan dari 327 orang yang terdiri dari 222 perempuan, 91 laki-laki, 10 non-biner, dan 4 pengidentifikasian lainnya yang pernah mengalami bencana alam. Peneliti menggunakan Skala Likert, dengan enam pernyataan untuk mengukur empati, delapan pernyataan untuk kesejahteraan psikososial, dan enam pernyataan untuk perilaku menolong bencana alam. Dari data yang diperoleh, peneliti berhasil mengidentifikasi korelasi positif antara empati dan perilaku menolong dalam konteks bencana alam. Sedemikian itu, korelasi positif juga bisa ditemukan pada kesejahteraan psikososial individu terhadap perilaku prososial saat terjadinya bencana alam. Hasil penelitian ini dapat digunakan sebagai pondasi untuk menumbuhkan pemahaman masyarakat mengenai pentingnya memiliki tingkat empati dan kesejahteraan psikososial yang memadai. Dengan membangun kesadaran masyarakat mengenai pentingnya empati dan kesejahteraan psikososial dapat memperkuat perilaku menolong terlebih kepada korban bencana alam.
The study was conducted to determine whether an individual’s level of empathy and psychosocial well-being is correlated with prosocial behavior during the emergence of natural disasters. Participants were recruited through an online survey that the students distributed to the community. Data were collected from 327 people who were 222 female, 91 male, 10 non-binary, and 4 other-identifying who have experienced natural disasters. The researcher uses the Likert scale, with six items for measuring empathy and eight items for psychosocial well-being. It was found that both empathy and psychosocial well-being were positively correlated with helping behaviors in natural disasters. As for the implication, the findings can be used as groundwork to foster the public’s understanding regarding the importance of having adequate levels of empathy and psychosocial well-being to strengthen helping behaviors, particularly for natural disaster victims."
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tugas Akhir Universitas Indonesia Library
Christian Antoni
"PT. X merupakan salah satu perusahaan konstruksi yang rentan untuk mengalami krisis karena dipengaruhi oleh banyak faktor yang sulit untuk dikendalikan. Untuk menjaga PT. X agar tetap dapat mencapai tujuan selama menghadapi krisis, dibutuhkan penerapan konsep Business Continuity Management. Salah satu prinsipnya yaitu: Business Continuity Plan. Penelitian ini adalah studi komparasi pada manajemen krisis di PT. X untuk melihat apa saja yang telah diterapkan pada prinsip Business Continuity Plan. Metode penelitian menggunakan kuisoner terkait krisis signifikan dan wawancara terkait penerapan manajemen krisis PT. X. Hasilnya PT. X telah menerapkan elemen proses tanggap darurat namun masih bersifat reaktif dalam tindakan pendeteksian bencana dan proses pemulihan.
PT. X is the construction company that are vulnerable in encountering crisis which are affected by factors that are hard to control. To help sustaining its objectives while facing crisis, they need comprehensive crisis management impelementation which is Business Continuity Management. One of its principle is Business Continuity Plan. This study is a comparasion of crisis management in PT. X with Business Continuity Plan principle. This method use questionnaires about significant crisis in PT. X and in-depth interview about the crisis management implementation. The result show that PT. X has done most of the emergency response process but still acting reactive towards crisis declaration and recovery strategy."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership Universitas Indonesia Library
Rahmahsari Zumaroh Gani
"Perusahaan EPC rentan terhadap krisis dikarenakan proyek didapatkan dengan tender, penuh ketidakpastian, dikerjakan dengan skema lumpsum, dan proses dari EPC sendiri yang cukup rumit. Oleh karena itu dibutuhkannya manajemen krisis yang menyeluruh seperti Business Continuity Management BCM. Penelitian dilakukan dengan studi literatur, wawancara, dan kuisioner serta analisa kualitatif.
Pada penelitian ini didapatkan krisis signifikan yang mempengaruhi kinerja dan business core dari PT X yakni kesalahan estimasi biaya, krisis finanasial, ketidakstabilan kondisi politik yang menyebabkan perubahan lingkup proyek atau pembatalan proyek, pergantian pemimpin, dan sedikitnya proyek yang dikerjakan. Selain itu, terdapatnya beberapa kesenjangan antara manajemen krisis PT X dengan BCM: Analisa Risiko dan Kaji Ulang yakni pada kriteria penentuan peringkat risiko dan karakteristik dalam pembuatan skenario kunci bencana.
EPC companies are prone to crisis because of how the project is obtained through tender process, full of uncertainty, to be done by lumpsum contract, and the process of EPC itself that is complicated. Therefore, complete crisis management is needed like Business Continuity Management BCM. The research will be done by literature study, interview, quistionnaire, and qualitative analysis. The result of this research will be the significant crisis rsquo that influence the business core of PT X which are error in cost estimation, financial crisis, political instability those leading to changes of project scope or cancellations, changes of leader or director, and lack of projects to be worked on. There are also some gaps in the comparison between PT X rsquo s crisis management and BCM Risk Analysis and Review, they are establish criteria to rank risks and the characteristic to make disaster scenarios."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Skripsi Membership Universitas Indonesia Library
America: Harvard Business School Press, 2000
658.405 6 HAR
Buku Teks Universitas Indonesia Library
"Policy responses to the global financial meltdown of 2008 and the collepse of aggregate demand have largely been driven by domestic interests. Resurgent protectionism, bank bail-outs and national-level stimulus packages are distorting competition and incentives to the detriment of developing countries, much needed spending on social protection and ultimately, rapid global economic recovery....."
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
Borodzicz, Edward P.
New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, 2005
658.47 BOR r
Buku Teks Universitas Indonesia Library
"Written as a tool for both researchers and communication managers, the Handbook of crisis communication is a comprehensive examination of the latest research, methods, and critical issues in crisis communication. Includes in-depth analyses of well-known case studies in crisis communication, from terrorist attacks to Hurricane Katrina. Explores the key emerging areas of new technology and global crisis communication. Provides a starting point for developing crisis communication as a distinctive field research rather than as a sub-discipline of public relations or corporate communication."
Chichester, West Sussex, U.K.: Blackwell , 2010
eBooks Universitas Indonesia Library