ABSTRAKMasa remaja merupakan masa transisi dari masa anak-anak menuju dewasa, ditandai dengan percepatan perkembangan fisik, mental, emosional dan sosial. Semakin muda umur remaja melakukan hubungan seksual, semakin besar resiko terjadinya penularan penyakit-penyakit infeksi menular seksual, kehamilan tak diinginkan, dan aborsi. Data SDKI 2012 menyatakan umur remaja Indonesia yang telah melakukan hubungan seksual pranikah berkisar antara 9 – 24 tahun. Prevalensi remaja yang belum menikah yang telah melakukan hubungan seksual sebesar 8,3 % laki-laki dan remaja perempuan sebesar 1%. Suwarni (2009) menyatakan bahwa 14,7% remaja SMA di Pontianak telah melakukan intercourse (hubungan seks) pranikah dan proporsi remaja yang melakukan hubungan seksual di Semarang sebesar 12,1% (Azinar, 2013). Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui determinan ketahanan remaja untuk tidak melakukan hubungan seksual pranikah. Proporsi kumulatif ketahanan remaja sebesar 92,6% dengan rata-rata usia pertama kali melakukan hubungan seksual pranikah 15,8 tahun. Determinan ketahanan remaja meliputi perilaku rangsang seksual (AHR: 7,7; 95% CI: 5,2 – 11,3), perilaku mabuk karena alkohol (AHR: 1,5; 95% CI: 1,1 – 2) dan perilaku berciuman. Hubungan antara perilaku berciuman dengan ketahanan remaja berbeda tiap satuan waktu. Diperlukan upaya penyuluhan kesehatan reproduksi yang lebih dini bukan hanya di lingkungan sekolah, namun juga di lingkungan keluarga dan komunitas remaja agar perilaku hubungan seksual pranikah dapat dicegah.
ABSTRACTAdolescent is a transition period from childhood to adulthood, signed by rapid development in physical, mental, emotional and social. Earlier sexual initiation by adolescent, increasing risk to get sexual transmitted diseases, unmeet need, teen’s pregnancies, and unsafe abortion. According to data DHS 2012, adolescent in Indonesia had have premarital sexual on 9 – 24 years old. Prevalence of unmarried boys who had have sex are 8,3 % and girls are 1%. Suwarni (2009) announced that 14,7% of high school students in Pontianak had have premarital sex. Meanwhile, based on Azinar (2013) study in Semarang, about 12,1% adolescents had it. This study aim to know determinants of adolescent’s survival not to have premarital sex. The results show that adolescent’s survival cumulative proportion is about 92,6% and age mean of sexual debut is 15,8 years old. Factors associated with adolescent’s survival not to have premarital sex are sexual arrousal behavior (AHR: 7,7; 95% CI: 5,2 – 11,3), ever drunk by alkohol (AHR: 1,5; 95% CI: 1,1 – 2) and kissing. The association between kissing and adolescent’s survival rate is difference in each time unit (year). Need enforcements to give earlier education about adolescent’s health reproduction, not just as formal education in high school, but also in the family and adolescent’s community to prevent premarital sex among adolescents., Adolescent is a transition period from childhood to adulthood, signed by rapid development in physical, mental, emotional and social. Earlier sexual initiation by adolescent, increasing risk to get sexual transmitted diseases, unmeet need, teen’s pregnancies, and unsafe abortion. According to data DHS 2012, adolescent in Indonesia had have premarital sexual on 9 – 24 years old. Prevalence of unmarried boys who had have sex are 8,3 % and girls are 1%. Suwarni (2009) announced that 14,7% of high school students in Pontianak had have premarital sex. Meanwhile, based on Azinar (2013) study in Semarang, about 12,1% adolescents had it. This study aim to know determinants of adolescent’s survival not to have premarital sex. The results show that adolescent’s survival cumulative proportion is about 92,6% and age mean of sexual debut is 15,8 years old. Factors associated with adolescent’s survival not to have premarital sex are sexual arrousal behavior (AHR: 7,7; 95% CI: 5,2 – 11,3), ever drunk by alkohol (AHR: 1,5; 95% CI: 1,1 – 2) and kissing. The association between kissing and adolescent’s survival rate is difference in each time unit (year). Need enforcements to give earlier education about adolescent’s health reproduction, not just as formal education in high school, but also in the family and adolescent’s community to prevent premarital sex among adolescents.]"