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Ratih Dian Saraswati
"ABSTRAK Tuberkulosis (TB) merupakan penyakit infeksi kronis yang disebabkan oleh Mycobacterium tuberculosis dengan angka kematian yang tinggi diseluruh dunia. Vaksin pencegah yang tersedia saat ini adalah Bacillus Calmette-Guerin (BCG) yang berasal dari Mycobacterium bovis. BCG memiliki beberapa kelemahan yakni efikasi yang berbeda pada setiap individu, tidak memberikan perlindungan TB paru pada individu dewasa serta reaktivasi subsekuen. Hal ini mendorong penelitian terkait perlunya vaksin jenis baru untuk TB. Protein yang terbentuk dari gen resuscitation promoting factors B (rpfB) M. tuberculosis memiliki karakteristik biologi dan imunologi tertinggi diantara protein lain dalam famili Rpfs. Protein ini mampu menginduksi proliferasi bakteri TB dorman pada infeksi laten TB. Oleh karena itu protein ini kemudian banyak dikembangkan sebagai kandidat vaksin TB. Pada penelitian ini gen rpfB M. tuberculosis strain Beijing diamplifikasi dengan PCR kemudian diklon kedalam plasmid pcDNA3.1. Kemampuan plasmid rekombinan pcDNA3.1-rpfB dalam menginduksi respon imun humoral diuji dengan memberikan imunisasi plasmid rekombinan pada mencit Balb/C jantan. Hasil western blot menggunakan serum mencit hasil imunisasi menunjukkan bahwa gen rpfB berhasil menginduksi respon imun humoral mencit dengan adanya pita spesifik pada kisaran 66 kDa, sedangkan transfeksi plasmid rekombinan pada sel CHO-K1 memperlihatkan protein RpfB berhasil terekspresi pada sel mamalia berdasarkan uji imunostaining. Dengan demikian penelitian ini berhasil memperlihatkan bahwa protein RpfB M. tuberculosis strain Beijing mampu diekspresikan pada sel mamalia serta terbukti merupakan antigen yang dapat menginduksi respon imun humoral pada mencit.

Tuberculosis (TB) is a chronic infection disease caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis and has a high death-rate worldwide. Bacillus Calmette-Guerin is the only TB vaccine which is currently available with several drawbacks, such as its different efficacy for different individuals, lack of protection for lung TB in adults and subsequent reactivation which lead the research for novel TB vaccine approach. Resuscitation-promoting factor (rpf) protein in M. tuberculosis is a protein cluster which play a big role in TB dormancy during latent infection. Member from this cluster protein is RpfB which shows the greatest biological and immunological characteristics among other proteins in the rpf family, now is widely explored as novel TB vaccine candidate. In this study, the rpfB gene of the M. tuberculosis Beijing strain was amplified using PCR and then cloned into pcDNA3.1 plasmids. The ability of recombinant pcDNA-rpfB to induce humoral immune response was tested through Balb/C mice immunization. A positive recombinant RpfB protein ~66 kDa was detected through western blot analysis using immunized mice sera. Meanwhile, recombinant pcDNA-rpfB was transfected in to CHO-K1 mammalian cell line and recombinant rpfB antigen expression was confirmed through immunostaining. Therefore, we have succesfully express the recombinant RpfB proten of M. tuberculosis strain Beijing in mammalian expression system which proven to be antigenically induced humoral immune response in mice model.
[Depok;Depok;Depok;Depok, Depok]: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rahma Novitasari
"Prevalensi pasien TB yang mengalami vestibulotoksik akibat streptomisin sulfat menurut literatur tercatat sebesar 30-70%. Berbagai modalitas pemeriksaan dapat digunakan untuk mendiagnosis gangguan keseimbangan, di antaranya dizziness handicap inventory (DHI),
dynamic visual acuity (DVA), dan video head impulse test (VHIT). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kesesuaian hasil DHI, DVA, dan VHIT dalam menilai gangguan keseimbangan pada pasien TB yang mendapat terapi streptomisin. Metode penelitian ini merupakan pre and post study design untuk mengetahui kesesuaian hasil
pemeriksaan fungsi keseimbangan pada ketiga modalitas pemeriksaan pada satu kelompok pasien TB pada hari ke-14 dan setelah selesai pemberian streptomisin atau bila timbul keluhan gangguan keseimbangan. Rancangan studi prospektif digunakan untuk melihat kesesuaian ketiga penilaian sebelum pemberian streptomisin, pada hari ke-14, dan hari ke-56 di mana pemberian streptomisin telah selesai. Pada akhir terapi didapatkan 5 dari 24 subjek memiliki handicap dalam melakukan aktivitas sehari-hari berdasarkan pemeriksaan DHI, 5 dari 24 subjek mengalami kelemahan vestibular perifer bilateral berdasarkan pemeriksaan DVA dan pada pemeriksaan VHIT didapatkan 9 dari 24 subjek menderita kelemahan vestibular perifer bilateral. Kesesuaian antara pemeriksaan DVA
dengan VHIT dan DHI dengan VHIT sebesar 83,3%, sedangkan kesesuaian antara DHI dengan DVA sebesar 100% dalam menilai gangguan keseimbangan pada subjek dan tidak didapatkan perbedaan bermakna pada ketiga modalitas tersebut. Dari hasil tersebut mendukung DVA untuk digunakan sebagai pemeriksaan penapisan gangguan vestibular perifer bilateral pada pasien tuberkulosis yang mendapat terapi streptomisin.

Balance disorders can be caused by several medications and one of those is streptomycin sulphate used as treatment of category II lung TB. Prevalence of streptomycin-induced vestibulotoxicity amongst patients with TB is recorded around 30-70%. Besides history taking and physical examination, other modalities can be used to diagnose balance disorders, including dizziness handicap inventory (DHI), dynamic visual acuity (DVA), and video head impulse test (VHIT). This pre and post study design aims to determine the
conformity between DHI, DVA, and VHIT in assessing balance disorders in TB patients
treated with streptomycin on the 14th day and the end of treatment or whenever the balance disorders symptoms arise. Prospective research design used to compare the three methods of measurement before streptomycin administration, on the 14th day, and on the 56th day when completion of treatment is declared. There are 5 subjects (20.8%) recorded experienced handicap during daily activities according to DHI examination, 5 subjects (20.8%) diagnosed with bilateral vestibular weakness dan from VHIT examination and 9 (37.5%) subject diagnosed with bilateral vestibular weakness. The concordance rate between DVA and VHIT, DHI and VHIT in assessing vestibular disorders was 83.3% meanwhile the concordance rate between DHI and DVA was 100% and there was no significant differences between this three modalities. Thus we can conclude that DVA can
be used as a screening modality for bilateral peripher vestibular disorders in TB patients
who receive streptomycin therapy.
Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Elsa Yuli Astrid
"Polimorfisme gen reseptor vitamin D (RVD) merupakan kandidat genetik yang dapat menjelaskan rentannya suatu populasi terhadap tuberkulosis. Namun, hingga kini, sejumlah penelitian yang mencoba membuktikan hal tersebut menunjukkan hasil bervariasi pada berbagai populasi. Studi ini merupakan studi kasus-kontrol yang mengikutsertakan 35 pasien pascatuberkulosis paru (14 laki-laki dan 21 perempuan, median usia 40) serta 35 kontrol serumah (14 laki-laki dan 21 perempuan, median usia 39) yang tinggal di Nusa Tenggara Timur, salah satu provinsi di Indonesia dengan prevalensi tuberkulosis paru yang tinggi. Polimorfisme genetik diperiksa melalui metode polymerase chain reaction restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) dengan menggunakan enzim restriksi BsmI dari sampel darah yang diisolasi dan ditambahkan EDTA. Sebaran frekuensi genotipe BsmI RVD pada kelompok kasus adalah BB=9 (26%), Bb=24 (69%), dan bb=2 (5%) sementara pada kelompok kontrol adalah BB=5 (14%), Bb=25 (72%), dan bb=5 (14%) dengan p=0,232 (OR 2,07, IK 95% 0,62-6,98). Distribusi frekuensi alel pada kelompok kasus adalah B=42 (60%) dan b=28 (40%) sementara pada kelompok kontrol adalah B=35 (50%) dan b=35 (50%). Frekuensi alel varian (alel b) pada penelitian ini adalah 0,45. Distribusi genotipe pada penelitian ini tidak memenuhi persamaan Hardy-Weinberg. Sebagai kesimpulan, penelitian ini tidak menunjukkan adanya hubungan antara polimorfisme gen RVD terhadap kejadian tuberkulosis paru.

Vitamin D receptor gene (VDR) polymorphism is a genetic candidate which may explain the susceptibility of tuberculosis (TB) in a single population. However, until now, some studies which had tried to prove this showed varied results in different populations. This is a case-control study involving 35 post pulmonary tuberculosis patients (14 males and 21 females, median age 40) and 35 healthy household controls (14 males and 21 females, median age 39) who dwelled in East Nusa Tenggara, one of the provinces in Indonesia with high prevalence of pulmonary tuberculosis. The genetic polymorphism was examined using polymerase chain reaction restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) method with BsmI restriction enzyme from EDTA added-isolated blood sample. The distribution of VDR BsmI genotype frequency in case group was BB=9 (26%), Bb=24 (69%), and bb=2 (5%) whereas in control group was BB=5 (14%), Bb=25 (72%), and bb=5 (14%) with p=0.232 (OR 2.07, 95% CI 0.62-6.98). Furthermore, the distribution frequency of allele in case group was B=42 (60%) and b=28 (40%) whereas in control group was B=35 (50%) and b=35 (50%). Frequency of variant allele in this study was 0.45. Genotype distribution in this study did not meet the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. As conclusion, this study did not show any association between VDR gene polymorphism and pulmonary tuberculosis.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Crofton, John
London : Macmillan Press, 1992
616.995 CRO c
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Prasna Pramita
"Tuberculosis is one of 6 fatal infectious diseases in the world, and causes three million deaths annually. Tuberculosis (TB) is a pulmonary and systemic disease caused by My-cobacterium tuberculosis. TB classification consists of pulmonary and extra-pulmonary TB. TB stimulates both the specific and non-specific immune systems. Disseminated tuberculosis is military lung TB with several extra-pulmonary organ manifestations. The main management for multi-organ TB is the administration of anti-tuberculosis drugs. In pleural effusion due to lung TB, corticosteroid may reduce systemic and local reactions to tuberculoprotein, reduce pleural exudate secretion and fibrosis, as well as reduce deformity of the chest wall and scoliosis that can inflict children.
We report a case of a 25 year-old woman who came with a chief complaint of progressive breathing difficulty since 2 days prior to admission. Since } year prior to admission, the patient's abdomen became bloated and there was edema in her legs. Her lost her appetite and weight, and suffered from a mild fever. The patient had a cough with thick whitish sputum. The patient had not menstruated for 7 months. She had a history of liver disease.
Physical examination results were as follows: the patient was moderately ill, fully conscious, and had malnutrition. She weighed 37 kg and was 149 tall. Her blood pressure was 100/70 mm Hg, her pulse rate 84 times/minute, her body temperature 37" Celsius, and her respiration rate 18 times per minute. Her conjunctiva were pale. Her right supra-clavicular and mandibular lymph nodes had a diameter of 2 cm, were resilient, mobile, not tender, and had smooth surfaces. Her lung sounds demonstrated weakened vesicular sounds in her left lung, with loud rales in both lungs. Her abdomen was enlarged, distended to 92 cm, with venectations. Her liver and spleen could not be assessed. There was undulation and normal bowel sounds. Her extremities were warm and edematous. Her left inguinal lymph node was enlarged to 1 cm, resilient, well-defined, mobile, and not tender. Her left inguinal lymph node was 5 mm in diameter.
Her laboratory results were as follows: Hemoglobin level 9.0 g/dl, Hematocryte level 27 vol%, erythrocyte count 3.66 juta/ul, and leukocyte count 14.500/ul. Her chest x-ray demonstrated milliary tuberculosis. Abdominal ultrasound revealed a congestive liver, exudative peritonitis, and a mass in the spleen. Ascites fluid aspiration revealed exudate fluid. Pathological cytology revealed chronic granulomatous inflammation, with the possibility ofTB, and no signs of malignant cells. Ascites fluid microbiological culture turned out negative. During the first echocardiography, no pericardia! effusion was found, and the ejection fraction was 61%. During the second echocardiography, there was thickening of the walls, and pericardial effusion. Catheterization was attempted, but failed due to cyanosis. Electrocardiography demonstrated low voltage at nodes 1, II, aVR, aVL, aVF. The patient was consulted to the retina subdivision, and no tubercle was found.
Problem: disseminated TB with pericarditis, ascites due to exudative peritonitis, anemia, malnutrition, and secondary amenorrhea. The patient's condition improved under treatment ofRHZE 300/300/1000/750mg, 3x1 tablet ofB complex vitamins, 3x10 mg ofprednison, 1x100 mg ofaldactone, and 1x1 tablet of provera. Her difficulty breathing alleviated, her waist diameter was reduced to 76 cm.
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Irman Firmansyah
"Infection, especially extra pulmonary tuberculosis. remain the leading cause of fever of unknown origin (FUO). FUO is defined as temperature higher than 38.3 ?C with duration of fever of more than 3 weeks. We reported a case of liver tuberculosis, whose had fever more than 38.3 ?C in 2 months. A liver biopsy and histology evaluation have performed revealing liver tuberculosis. The patient received oral anti-tuberculosis agents. But after three days of anti-tuberculosis treatment, the patient experience jaundice. The patient was diagnosed as a drug induced hepatitis. Ajier adjusted regimen of ora! anti-tuberculosis, the patient condition improved. The patient was back home with good conditions."
The Indonesian Journal of Gastroenterology Hepatology and Digestive Endoscopy Vol. 4 (1) April 2003 : 22-25, 2003
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dewi Puspitorini
"Tuberkulosis (TB) masih merupakan masalah kesehatan di dunia serta muncul ke permukaan sebagai penyebab utama kematian. Saat ini TB telah menjadi ancaman global, World Health Organization (WHO) memperkirakan terdapat 8 juta kasus baru dan 3 juta kematian karena TB setiap tahunnya. Pada tahun 1990 dilaporkan. hampir 3,8 juta kasus TB di dunia dan 49%nya terdapat di Asia Selatan dan Timur, diperkirakan pula bahwa 1,7 miliar penduduk pada tahun 1990 (sekitar 1/3 penduduk dunia) terinfeksi Mycobacterium tuberculosis (M.tuberculosis).
Menurut WHO pada tahun 1998 Indonesia menempati urutan ketiga dalam jumlah penderita TB terbanyak di dunia setelah India dan China. Diperkirakan pada tahun 2000 ditemukan 1.856.000 kasus baru di India (WHO Report 2002), 1.365.000 kasus baru di China dan 595.000 kasus baru di Indonesia.dikutip dari The World Health Organization dalam Annual report on global TB control 2003 juga menyatakan terdapat 22 negara dikategorikan sebagai high burden countries terhadap TB. Indonesia masih tetap peringkat ketiga setelah India dan China dalam menyumbang jumlah kasus TB di dunia. Estimasi prevalens TB di Indonesia tahun 2003 adalah 295 per 100.000. Indonesia kemudian melakukan survei prevalens TB tahun 2004, mencakup 30 provinsi yang memberikan estimasi prevalens TB berdasarkan pemeriksaan mikroskopik BTA positif sebesar 104 per 100.000. Prevalens TB di Jawa Bali sebesar 59 per 100.000 jauh lebih rendah dibanding luar Jawa Bali 174 per 100.000."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2006
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Singh, H.
"Dilakukan penelitian untuk memperoleh bukti tentang basil tahan asam (BTA) dalam sumsum tulang (ST) pada pasien dengan tuberkulosis ekstrapulmoner. Pada 50 kasus yang diduga tuberkulosis ekstrapulmoner dilakukan aspirasi ST dari sternum/crista iliaca dan dimasukkan dalam uji klinik pengobatan anti tuberkulosis. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa semua kasus yang diteliti bereaksi terhadap pengobatan anti tuberkulosis. Gambaran jangkitan penyakit adalah sebagai berikut: abdomen (20), susunan saraf pusat (19), pericard (5), limfadenopati leher (2), PUO (2), spina (1) dan milier (1). Lima puluh dua persen kasus menunjukkan BTA dalam ST (pada pewarnaan Zn), sedangkan hanya 4% kasus yang menunjukkan BTA pada cairan tubuh lain (cairan serebro spinal/pericardium/ peritoneum). Di samping itu, perubahan sitomorfologik dari ST menunjukkan terjadinya limfositosis (22%), peningkatan sel plasma (80%) dan makrofag (88%), sesuai dengan patologi infeksi yang disertai aktifitas makrofag yang berlebihan. Disimpulkan bahwa aspirasi sumsum tulang mempunyai nilai diagnostik yang definitif dan mungkin berguna apabila pemeriksaan lain belum cukup. (Med J Indones 2002; 11: 148-52)

This study was undertaken to look for evidence of acid fast bacilli (AFB) in bone marrow (BM) in patients of extrapulmonary tuberculosis. Fifty cases suspected of extrapulmonary tuberculosis underwent bone marrow aspiration from sternum/illiac crest and were put on a therapeutic trial of antituberculosis therapy. All cases taken in the study responded to the therapy. The pattern of involvement were ? abdominal (20), CNS (19), pericardial involvement (5), cervical lymphadenopathy (2), PUO (2), spinal (1) and miliary (1). 52% cases showed evidence of AFB in BM (on Ziehl Neelsen?s (ZN) staining) whereas only 4% of cases showed evidence of AFB in any other body fluid (CSF/pericardium/peritonium). Besides this, cytomorphological changes of BM showed evidence of lymphocytosis (22%), increased plasma cells (80%) and prominence of macrophages (88%), thus signifying infective pathology with macrophage overactivity. So we conclude that bone marrow aspiration has a definite diagnostic value and may prove useful when other investigations are unrewarding. (Med J Indones 2002; 11: 148-52)"
Medical Journal of Indonesia, 2002
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Multi drug resistant – tuberculosis (MDR-TB) masih merupakan masalah yang serius, terutama bagi negara-negara yang sedang berkembang. Untuk melakukan suatu tindakan pengobatan yang tepat dan mencegah terjadinya resistensi obat lebih lanjut, maka deteksi dini atas isolat klinis Mycobacterium tuberculosis sangat penting. Selama ini untuk mengidentifikasi isolat-isolat tersebut digunakan metode konvensional yaitu media solid, dan akhir-akhir ini juga telah diperkenalkan suatu metode secara manual dan otomatis (Bactec atau MB/BacT) yang menggunakan metode cair, namun hasil pemeriksaan memerlukan waktu sekitar 2 sampai 4 minggu. Penggunaan tes molekul berbasiskan genetika sanggup mengidentifikasi gen yang bermutasi yang menyebabkan resistensi obat; misalnya resistensi terhadap rifampisin, dalam 1 hari kerja. Salah satu pendekatannya ialah menggunakan analisis molekul untuk mendeteksi mutasi yang berkaitan dengan resistensi obat INH dan rifampisin. Pada kasus INH, mutasi terjadi pada gen katG, inhA, kasA dan ahpC yang merupakan gen-gen yang bertanggungjawab terhadap sebagian besar dari M. Tuberculosis yang resisten INH, sedangkan mutasi-mutasi dari rpoB bertanggungjawab terhadap M. Tuberculosis yang resisten RIF. (Med J Indones 2003; 12: 259-65)

Multi- drug resistant tuberculosis continues to be a serious problem, particularly among some developing countries. Early detection of drug resistance in clinical M. tuberculosis isolates is crucial for appropriate treatment and to prevent the development of further resistance. Compared to conventional methods using solid media, the introduction of manual and automated methods (BACTEC or MB/BacT) for susceptibility testing in liquid media has resulted from 4 to 6 weeks to 3 to 15 days. The identification of resistance mutations, e.g., the genetic basis for RIF resistance, enables the development of molecular test that allows the detection of resistant strains within 1 day. One approach is the use of molecular analysis to detect mutations that are associated with resistance to drugs including INH and RIF. In the case of INH, mutations of the katG, inhA, kasA, and ahpC genes are responsible for the majority of INH-resistant M. tuberculosis, whereas mutations of rpoB are responsible for RIF-resistant M. tuberculosis. (Med J Indones 2003; 12: 259-65)"
Medical Journal of Indonesia, 12 (4) October December 2003: 259-265, 2003
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Linatri Purwati Latifah Supriatna
"Epidemi tuberkulosis masih menjadi beban Indonesia saat ini dimana tercatat sebanyak 845 ribu jiwa di Indonesia mengidap penyakit tuberkulosis dengan persentase terbanyak terdapat pada kelompok usia produktif, yaitu umur 15 – 64 tahun sebanyak 89,6%. Tuberkulosis adalah penyakit menular yang diakibatkan oleh infeksi Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Kemunculan Multi-drug Resistant Tuberculosis (MDR-TB) mendorong adanya pemanfaatan flavonoid sebagai sediaan Obat Anti Tuberkulosis (OAT). Flavonoid memiliki kemampuan untuk mengembalikan resistensi antibiotik dan meningkatkan performa OAT saat ini. Perkembangan dalam penemuan obat saat ini dilakukan dengan melakukan studi in silico melalui penambatan molekuler antara beberapa senyawa golongan flavonoid dengan protein pada Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa kuersetin menghasilkan nilai penambatan dan konstanta inhibisi terbaik dengan nilai penambatan pada protein β-ketoacyl-ACP reductase (PDB ID:1UZN), Enoyl-Acyl Carrier Protein Reductase (PDB ID:2X23), dan Protein Kinase G (PDB ID:2PZI) masing-masing sebesar -8,0 kkal/mol; -9,2 kkal/mol; dan -8,0 kkal/mol serta konstanta inhibisi masing-masing sebesar 1,345 µM; 0,177 µM; dan 1,345 µM. Kuersetin dari daun keji beling (Strobilanthes crispus L.) selanjutnya diperoleh menggunakan metode Ultrasound Enzymatic-Assisted Aqueous Two-Phase Extraction (UEAATPE) dengan sistem etanol/amonium sulfat. Adapun rancangan sistem Aqueous Two-Phase terbaik yaitu etanol 33% (w/w) dan amonium sulfat 14% (w/w) dengan konsentrasi kuersetin yang dihasilkan sebesar 44,717±0,295 mg/L. Selain kuersetin, senyawa 1,14-tetradecanediol yang teridentifikasi oleh Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectophotometer (GC-MS) juga memiliki aktivitas anti tuberkulosis

Tuberculosis epidemic is still a burden for Indonesia. There are 845 thousand of Indonesian people suffer from tuberculosis with the highest percentage in the productive age which 15 - 64 years by 89.6%. Tuberculosis is an infectious disease that caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection. The emergence of Multi-Drug Resistant Tuberculosis (MDR-TB) encourages the utilization of flavonoids as anti-tuberculosis drugs. Flavonoids have the ability to recover antibiotic resistance and improve current anti-tuberculosis drugs performance. Development of drug discovery is currently being carried out by in silico study through molecular docking between flavonoid compounds to protein targets in Mycobacterium tuberculosis. This study shows that quercetin produces the best docking score and inhibition constant with the docking score of β-ketoacyl-ACP reductase (PDB ID: 1UZN), Enoyl-Acyl Carrier Protein Reductase (PDB ID : 2X23), and Protein Kinase G (PDB ID: 2PZI) respectively are -8.0 kcal/mol; -9.2 kcal/mol; and -8.0 kcal/mol and the inhibition constants respectively are 1,345 µM; 0,177 µM; and 1,345 µM. Quercetin from Strobilanthes crispus L. is obtained using Ultrasound Enzymatic – Assisted Aqueous Two-Phase Extraction (UEAATPE) method with ethanol/ammonium sulfate system. The best proportion of the system is ethanol 33 wt% and ammonium sulfate 14 wt% with concentration of quercetin is 44.717±0,295 mg/L. Besides quercetin, 1,14-tetradecanediol compound identified by Gas Chromatography – Mass Spectophotometer (GC-MS) is also has an anti-tuberculosis."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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