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Ditemukan 2440 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
New York: Raven Press, 1978
616.8 TAU
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Anna Kurnia
"Hernia Nukleus Pulposus (HNP) adalah salah satu penyakit tulang belakang yang paling umum. HNP merupakan keadaan dimana nukleus pulposus keluar menonjol untuk kemudian menekan ke arah kanalis spinalis melalui anulus fibrosus yang robek. HNP paling sering ditemukan di vertebra lumbalis dan hanya sebagian kecil ditemukan di daerah servikal. HNP lumbal paling sering pada daerah L4-L5 atau L5-S1. Dampak dan masalah keperawatan yang muncul pada pasien dengan HNP dapat mengakibatkan gangguan pada fungsi fisilogis, psikologis, dan sosial serta kemandirian dalam berpartipasi dalam aktivitas sehari-hari. Berdasarkan hal tersebut diperlukan suatu pengkajian yang luas dalam menilai perubahan fungsional tersebut. Tujuan penulisan studi kasus ini yaitu menganalisis proses keperawatan pada pasien HNP L5-S1 paskaoperasi mikrodisektomi dengan pendekatan teori adaptasi Roy. Studi ini menggambarkan proses keperawatan secara komprehensif pada pasien HNP L5-S1 paskaoperasi mikrodisektomi. Proses keperawatan berdasarkan teori adaptasi Roy yang telah dilakukan pada pasien dengan HNP menunjukkan bahwa melalui pembentukan perilaku adaptif maka pasien dapat mencapai tujuan pengendalian penyakit dan komplikasinya. Partisipasi aktif pasien selama proses keperawatan membantu mencapai adaptasi secara fisik dan psikologis.

Hernia Nucleus Pulposus (HNP) is among the most prevalent spinal conditions. HNP is a condition in which the nucleus pulposus protrudes through the torn annulus fibrosus and presses against the spinal canal. The majority of HNP is located in the lumbar vertebrae, while only a small percentage is found in the cervical region. Lumbar HNP is most prevalent in the L4-L5 and L5-S1 regions. Patients with HNP may experience disturbances in their physiological, psychological, and social functions, as well as their independence in participating in daily activities, as a result of the impact and nursing issues they experience. Based on this, a comprehensive evaluation is required to assess these functional changes. The purpose of this case study is to apply Roy's adaptation theory to analyze the nursing process in HNP L5-S1 patients following microdiscectomy surgery. This study describes in detail the nursing process for HNP L5-S1 patients following microdiscectomy surgery. The nursing process based on Roy's adaptation theory that has been implemented with HNP patients demonstrates that the patient can control the disease and its complications through the development of adaptive behavior. Active participation of the patient in the nursing process facilitates physical and psychological adaptation."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Isyah Rahma Dian
"Latar Belakang
Pandemi COVID-19 telah dinyatakan berakhir oleh World Health Organization sehingga anak- anak dengan gangguan neurologis dan neurodevelopmental perlu untuk beradaptasi kembali. Oleh karena itu, penelitian mengenai adaptasi pascapandemi terkait layanan kesehatan, perkembangan masalah medis anak, hubungan anak dengan keluarga dan teman, perilaku anak, dan masalah yang dihadapi oleh orang tua, pengasuh, dan keluarga dalam penanganan anak perlu dilakukan untuk merancang intervensi dan kebijakan yang mendukung mereka dalam menghadapi situasi serupa di masa depan.
Penelitian ini merupakan studi potong lintang pada orang tua atau pengasuh pasien Poliklinik Neurologi Anak RSCM Kiara pada Oktober-November 2023 dengan instrumen penelitian berupa kuesioner yang berisi 48 pertanyaan untuk mengetahui adaptasi pascapandemi COVID-19 terhadap anak-anak dengan gangguan neurologis dan neurodevelopmental. Data disajikan dalam N dan persentase serta rerata dan standar deviasi (jika terdistribusi normal) atau median dan nilai minimum-maksimum (jika tidak terdistribusi normal).
Jumlah subjek yang terlibat adalah 125 orang, yang didominasi oleh ibu (85,6%), dengan median (min-maks) usia anak 7 (2-17) tahun, dan diagnosis anak didominasi oleh epilepsi (58,3%). Setelah pandemi, sebanyak 54,4% responden mengalami kesulitan layanan kesehatan dalam aspek waktu tunggu rawat jalan dan 56,8% melaporkan adanya perbaikan dalam masalah medis. Mayoritas hubungan anak dengan keluarga adalah baik ketika sebelum dan selama pandemi (48,8%) serta setelah pandemi (49,6%). Terkait hubungan anak dengan teman, selama pandemi, hampir separuh anak tidak melakukan kontak dengan teman-teman mereka (44,8%), tetapi sekarang, mayoritas anak telah kembali bermain secara langsung (62,4%). Terkait perubahan perilaku pascapandemi, sebanyak 43,2% melaporkan relatif sama saja. Sementara terkait masalah yang dihadapi oleh orang tua, pengasuh, dan keluarga dalam penanganan anak, 40,8% menyatakan bahwa tidak ada kesulitan dalam menangani anak-anak mereka setelah pandemi. 
Adaptasi pascapandemi COVID-19 memberikan dampak pada layanan kesehatan, perkembangan medis anak, perubahan perilaku, dan hubungan dengan teman terhadap anak-anak dengan gangguan neurologis dan neurodevelopmental, meskipun sebagian besar hubungan keluarga tetap baik, dan sebagian besar orang tua melaporkan tidak adanya perubahan signifikan dalam situasi kerja atau tidak ada kesulitan yang dihadapi dalam menangani anak.

The World Health Organization has declared the COVID-19 pandemic over, so children with neurological and neurodevelopmental disorders need to adapt again. Therefore, research on post- pandemic adaptation related to health services, the development of children's medical problems, children's relationships with family and friends, children's behavior, and problems faced by parents, caregivers, and families in treating children needs to be carried out to design interventions and policies that support them in facing similar situations in the future.
This research is a cross-sectional study on parents or caregivers of patients at the Children's Neurology Polyclinic RSCM Kiara in October-November 2023 with a research instrument in the form of a questionnaire containing 48 questions to determine post-COVID-19 pandemic adaptation for children with neurological and neurodevelopmental disorders. Data are presented in N and percentage as well as mean and standard deviation (if normally distributed) or median and minimum-maximum values (if not normally distributed).
The number of subjects involved was 125 people, dominated by mothers (85,6%), with a median (min-max) child age of 7 (2-17) years, and the child's diagnosis was dominated by epilepsy (58,3%). After the pandemic, 54,4% of respondents experienced health service difficulties regarding outpatient waiting times, and 56,8% reported improvements in medical problems. Most children's relationships with their families were good before and during the pandemic (48,8%) and after (49,6%). Regarding children's relationships with friends, during the pandemic, almost half of children had no contact with their friends (44,8%), but now, most children have returned to playing in person (62,4%). Regarding changes in post-pandemic behavior, 43,2% reported that it was relatively the same. Meanwhile, regarding the problems parents, caregivers, and families faced in handling children, 40,8% stated there were no difficulties managing their children after the pandemic.
Post-pandemic COVID-19 adaptation has had an impact on health services, children's medical development, changes in behavior, and relationships with friends for children with neurological and neurodevelopmental disorders; although most family relationships remain good, and most parents report no significant differences in a work situation, or there are no difficulties faced in dealing with children.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Farooqui, Akhlaq A.
"Phytochemicals signal transduction and neurological disorders presents readers with cutting edge and comprehensive information not only on bioavailability, and mechanism of action of phytochemicals in the brain, but also provides the molecular mechanism associated with beneficial effects of phytochemicals in neurotraumatic (stroke, spinal cord trauma, and traumatic brain injury) and neurodegenerative (Alzheimers disease, parkinson disease, huntington disease, and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis) diseases."
New York: Springer, 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Anidiah Novy Hasdi
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan gambaran gangguan mental serta faktor-faktor yang berpengaruh terhadap terjadinya gangguan mental pada pasien dengan stroke di Poliklinik Saraf RSCM pada tahun 2016. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif analitik dengan menggunakan desain penelitian studi potong lintang. Dari hasil penelitian didapatkan bahwa, 46.8 subyek dengan stroke di poliklinik Saraf RSCM mengalami gangguan mental. Gangguan mental terbanyak adalah episode depresif sebesar 19 dan distimia sebesar 16.2 . Jenis mekanisme koping yang terbanyak digunakan subyek adalah emotion focused coping dengan subskala mekanisme koping terbanyak yaitu religion. Tidak ada hubungan yang bermakna antara jenis kelamin, riwayat gangguan mental di keluarga, lokasi lesi, waktu pasca stroke, jenis stroke dan mekanisme koping dengan terjadinya gangguan mental pada pasien stroke. Hubungan yang bermakna didapatkan dari disabilitas fisik, yaitu ketergantungan ringan dan ketergantungan sedang yang berhubungan dengan terjadinya gangguan mental pada pasien stroke.

This study aimed to get an overview of mental disorders and the factors that influence the occurrence of mental disorders in patients with stroke in Neurology clinic RSCM in 2016. The study was a descriptive analytic research using cross sectional study design study. The result showed that, 46.8 of subjects with stroke in Neurology clinic RSCM had a mental disorder. Most mental disorders are major depressive episode was 19 and 16.2 dysthymia. Most types of coping mechanisms subject used is emotion focused coping with subscale most coping mechanism that is religion. There is no significant relationship between gender, history of mental illness in the family, lesion location, time of post stroke, stroke and coping mechanisms with the onset of mental disorders in stroke patients. A significant association was obtained from a physical disability, mild and moderate dependence was associated with the occurrence of mental disorders in stroke patients."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Donkelaar, H. J. Ten
"This book provides a comprehensive overview of the development of the human central nervous system (CNS) in the context of its many developmental disorders due to genetic, environmental, and hypoxic/​ischemic causes. The introductory chapters give an overview of the development of the human brain and the spinal cord, the mechanisms of development as obtained in experimental studies of various invertebrates and vertebrates, and the causes of congenital malformations. In the main part, the developmental disorders of the human brain and the spinal cord are presented in a regional, more or less segmental way, starting with neurulation and neural tube defects, and ending with developmental disorders of the cerebral cortex. These are underlined by carefully chosen clinical case studies, including imaging data and, when available, postmortem verification of the developmental disorders involved. Numerous color photographs and illustrations complement the text. This second edition emphasizes the prenatal diagnosis by ultrasound, MRI, and DTI and implements new classifications of developmental disorders."
Berlin: Springer, 2014
612.8 DON c
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Reinhart Greglorio
"Puasa Ramadan dapat menyebabkan perubahan pola tidur dan makan yang memengaruhi pasien dengan penyakit neurologis kronis. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengevaluasi kualitas tidur pasien selama puasa Ramadan. Studi potong lintang ini melibatkan 40 pasien dengan penyakit neurologis kronis di Poliklinik Saraf RSUPN Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo dari Februari hingga Juni 2023. Kualitas tidur diukur menggunakan Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI), Insomnia Severity Index (ISI), Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS), dan STOP-BANG. Hasil menunjukkan 77,5% subjek mengalami gangguan tidur setelah puasa, dengan perubahan signifikan pada tingkat insomnia (ISI) dan risiko obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). Namun, tidak terdapat perubahan signifikan pada kualitas tidur menurut ESS dan PSQI. Mayoritas subjek (75%) adalah perempuan dengan usia rata-rata 40,25 tahun. Kesimpulannya, meskipun puasa dapat memicu gangguan tidur, manajemen yang tepat memungkinkan pasien menjalankan puasa tanpa dampak buruk yang signifikan terhadap kualitas tidur. Hal ini memberikan harapan bagi pasien dengan penyakit neurologis kronis untuk tetap menjalankan puasa secara aman.

Ramadan fasting can lead to changes in eating and sleeping patterns that affect patients with chronic neurological diseases. This study aimed to evaluate the sleep quality of patients during Ramadan fasting. A cross-sectional study was conducted involving 40 patients with chronic neurological diseases at the Neurology Clinic of RSUPN Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo from February to June 2023. Sleep quality was measured using the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI), Insomnia Severity Index (ISI), Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS), and STOP-BANG. The results showed that 77.5% of the subjects experienced sleep disturbances after fasting, with significant changes in insomnia severity (ISI) and the risk of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). However, there were no significant changes in sleep quality as measured by ESS and PSQI. The majority of subjects (75%) were female, with an average age of 40.25 years. In conclusion, while fasting may trigger sleep disturbances, proper management enables patients to fast without significant adverse effects on sleep quality. This finding provides hope for patients with chronic neurological diseases to safely observe Ramadan fasting."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ahdinar Rosdiana Dewi
"Latar Belakang. Anak dengan gangguan neurodevelopmental memerlukan upaya terapi terpadu untuk meningkatkan kualitas hidupnya. Studi ini bertujuan mengetahui pengaruh implantasi eksosom, stimulasi auditori binaural beat, dan terapi konvensional terhadap lima domain BDI-2 pada anak dengan gangguan neurodevelopmental.
Metode. Studi kohort retrospektif dengan rekam medis di RSUPN dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo dan RSAB Harapan Kita dilakukan pada anak dengan gangguan neurodevelopmental yang menjalani terapi sejak Januari 2021-April 2023. Subjek dikelompokkan menjadi kelompok perlakuan mendapatkan implantasi eksosom, stimulasi auditori binaural beat, dan terapi konvensional, sedangkan kelompok kontrol hanya mendapatkan terapi konvensional. Luaran yang dinilai yaitu domain perkembangan BDI-2. Analisis univariat dan bivariat dilakukan sesuai kebutuhan.
Hasil. Terdapat 25 subjek kelompok perlakuan dan 25 subjek kelompok kontrol. Tidak ada perbedaan karakteristik kedua kelompok sebelum perlakuan, kecuali domain motorik. Terdapat perbedaan usia developmental global maupun lima domain BDI-2 sebelum dan sesudah perlakuan pada kelompok perlakuan dan kontrol dengan median peningkatan usia developmental global masing-masing yaitu 7,5 dan 2,2 bulan. Tampak perbedaan peningkatan usia developmental global dan lima domain setelah perlakuan yang bermakna antara kelompok perlakuan dan kelompok kontrol.
Kesimpulan. Implantasi eksosom dan stimulasi auditori binaural beat dapat meningkatkan usia developmental global dan lima domain perkembangan berdasarkan penilaian BDI-2 secara signifikan pada anak dengan gangguan neurodevelopmental.

Background. Children with neurodevelopmental disorders require integrated therapeutic efforts to improve their quality of life. This study aimed to determine the effect of exosome therapy, binaural beat auditory stimulation, and conventional therapy on five BDI-2 domains in children with neurodevelopmental disorders.
Method. Retrospective cohort study using medical records at dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo National Center General Hospital and RSAB Harapan Kita was conducted for children with neurodevelopmental disorders who underwent therapy from January 2021 to April 2023. Subjects were grouped into a treatment group receiving exosome therapy, binaural beat auditory stimulation, and conventional therapy, while the control group only received conventional therapy. The BDI-2 developmental domains were assessed. Univariate and bivariate analysis were performed as needed.
Results. There were 25 subjects in the treatment group and 25 subjects in the control group. There were no differences in subjects’ characteristics between the two groups before treatment, except for the motor domain. There were differences in global and five BDI-2 domains developmental age before and after treatment in the treatment and control groups with a median increase in global developmental age, respectively, 7.5 and 2.2 months. There were significant differences in the increase of global and five domains developmental age after treatment between the treatment group and the control group.
Conclusion. Exosome therapy and auditory binaural beat stimulation improve global and five domains developmental age significantly based on BDI-2 assessment in children with neurodevelopmental disorders.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Gupta, Rakesh K.
"Comprehensive guide to diagnosis and management of neurological infectious diseases using MRI. Begins with introduction to tropical diseases of the central nervous system, and their epidemiology, then technique of MRI, and its use for infectious and noninfectious conditions."
New Delhi: Jaype Brothers Medical Publishing, 2014
616.8 GUP m
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jones, Karen
Edinburgh: Elsevier, 2011
616.8 JON n
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
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