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Dini Vita Widjoningtias
"Film is one of the mediums to present reality and to create people's sense to others. This can be found in the Schwarzfahrer, a film in which identities of foreigner are formed by the others through language, visual images, music, and act with social factors of that moment. The system of representation is shown on this film in form of discrimination, which is committed by an old women to foreigner. By using a cultural study related approach it will be showed how representation become an obstacle within implementation of multiculturalism in Germany."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2006
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Achmad Fedyani Saifuddin
Badan Litbang dan Diklat, 2008
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Achmad Fedyani Saifuddin
"Ideally, multiculturalism is good cultural integration model for Indonesia, the largest archipelago country in the world with a population of about 250 million, but realistically, today's world in which it exists has been hegemonized by power relations in political, economical and practical terms. The five letters-POWER-has disturbed and hurt its cultural integration creating social conflicts among some ethnics and/or religious groups in the country, especially in the fifteen years of decentralization and regional autonomy policy implementation. Action approaches, \-vithin which power is the central dominant, open up new challenges since it embodies power relations and contestation. Neoliberal capitalistic economy is recognized and preferred in the world by any measure while capital networking becomes more relevant and important in our present era as those who do not belong to any network '"'ill be in a disadvantaged position. This paper would elaborate that Indonesia has been coping with the socio-cultural impacts of the faster changes locally, nationally and globally. Its cultures respond differently to the changes and this increases new plurality of social life, but at the same time, unfortunately, its national or state laws have developed not as fast, and it is quite often they are left behind. Multiculturalism has hardly contested with global materialistic-capitalistic domination which is brought about by power hegemony."
Asia Pacific Institute of Advanced Research (APIAR), 2017
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Annida Puspa Rini Fasah
"Penelitian ini membahas representasi profesionalisme pustakawan dalam mengelola perpustakaan pada film pendek Project: Library. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu mengidentifikasi representasi profesionalisme pustakawan dalam mengelola perpustakaan dalam film berdasarkan makna sintagmatik dan paradigmatik. Analisis sintagmatik dan paradigmatik dilakukan pada alur, tokoh dan latar.
Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa representasi profesionalisme pustakawan yang didasarkan etika profesi mampu mencegah pustakawan dari sikap negative. Selain itu, adanya kode etik mampu mendorong pustakawan mengelola perpustakaan menjadi lebih baik.

This study discusses the representation of librarian professionalism in library management in Short film Project Library. The purpose of this research is to identify librarian professionalism representation in library management in film by showing syntagmatic and paradigmatic meaning. Syntagmatic and paradigmatic analyzes are performed on plot, character and setting.
The results of this study indicate that professionalism of librarians based on professional ethics is able to prevent librarians from negative attitudes as well as with the code of conduct applied to encourage librarians to manage libraries for the better.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Nurul Fajri
"Indonesia sebagai negara multikultural terintegrasi dalam semboyan Bhineka Tunggal Ika sebagai simbol persatuan. Pada kenyataannya masih ada etnis yang mengalami diskriminasi yaitu etnis Cina, hingga sekarang kitapun masih bisa melihat adanya sentimen yang diarahkan kepada mereka. Pemisahan etnis tertentu akan mengganggu ketahanan nasional. New Museum mengubah paradigma museum dari tempat pameran masa lalu menjadi tempat pendidikan dan media komunikasi untuk kepentingan masa kini dan masa depan. Etnis Cina harus direpresentasikan di museum sebagai cara untuk merangkul dan sebagai simbol pengakuan negara terhadap minoritas. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat sejauh mana museum nasional Indonesia mengakomodir etnis Cina dan kendala apa yang dihadapi serta cara untuk mengatasinya. Dan juga menunjukkan sejauh mana pemerintah menggunakan museum sebagai sarana pembentuk integrasi nasional. Penelitian menunjukkan etnis Cina belum direpresentasikan karena Museum Nasional Indonesia masih terjebak dalam konsep traditional museum yang berfokus koleksi dan masa lalu.

Indonesia as a multicultural country is integrated in the motto of Bhinneka Tungga Ika or Unity in Diversity as a symbol of unity. But now adays, there are still ethnic groups that discriminated like Chinese Ethnic as we can still see the sentiment pointed to them. The Segregation of certain ethnic will disrupt national resilience. New Museum transforms the paradigm of the museum from the place of the past exhibition into a place of education and communication media for the benefit of both present and the future. Chinese Ethnic must be represented in museums as a way to embrace and symbolize state recognition of minorities. This research aims to see the extent to which the Museum Nasional Indonesia accommodates the Chinese and what obstacles are faced and ways to overcome them. And also shows the extent to which the government uses museum as a means of forming national integration. This research shows that Chinese minority has not been represented because Museum Nasional Indonesia are still trapped in traditional museum concepts."
Depok: Sekolah Kajian Stratejik dan Global Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Balqis Salsabila Damanta
"Meskipun sebuah negara kecil, Belanda memiliki daerah pedesaan yang hingga abad 20 masih tetap bercirikan sebagai kawasan yang kaya akan berbagai macam jenis pertanian dan adat istiadat lokal. Daerah pedesaan di Belanda tergolong unik. Setiap desa memiliki beraneka ragam keindahan alam serta falsafah hidup penduduknya yang berbeda-beda. Ada sebuah karya sastra berupa cerita pendek yang mengangkat kisah tentang sosok orang desa di Belanda. Cerpen tersebut berjudul Oogst karya Jacqueline Servais yang terbit pada tahun 2013. Permasalahan dalam penelitian ini adalah representasi sosok orang desa di Belanda dalam cerpen Oogst. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menjelaskan representasi sosok orang desa di Belanda dalam cerpen Oogst. Penelitian ini menggunakan teori sosiologi sastra yang digagas oleh Sapardi Djoko Damono. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sosok orang desa di Belanda dalam cerpen Oogst digambarkan naif dan menganggap alam sebagai bagian dari kehidupan, hidup dalam lingkungan yang sunyi dan asri, mendukung pendidikan, bekerja dengan giat, serta menjunjung tinggi nilai kejujuran dan ketulusan. Dari kelima representasi tersebut, terdapat representasi yang sesuai dan tidak sesuai dengan kenyataannya. Berdasarkan analisis makna simbol, simbol gandum dan bunga poppy menandakan bahwa alam mengajarkan kebaikan dan keburukan yang selalu hidup berdampingan. Simbol rambut pirang yang dimiliki gadis desa dan bayi perempuannya menandakan kebodohan. Simbol kejahatan tercermin dari representasi sosok pemuda asal Mediterania.

Despite being a small country, the Netherlands has a rural area which until the 20th century was still characterized as an area that has rich in various types of agriculture and local customs. The village in the Netherlands is unique. Each village has a variety of nature beauties and different philosophies of life for its inhabitants. There is a literary work in the form of a short story that tells the story of the figures of villagers in the Netherlands. The short story is entitled Oogst by Jacqueline Servais which was published in 2013. The problem of this research is representation of the figures of villagers in the Netherlands in Oogst's short story. The purpose of this research is to explain the representation of the figures of villagers in the Netherlands in Oogst's short story. This study using the sociology of literature theory proposed by Sapardi Djoko Damono. The results showed that the figures of villagers in the Netherlands in Oogst's short story is depicted as naïve and considers nature as part of life, lives in a quiet and beautiful environment, supporting education, working hard, and upholding the values of honesty and sincerity. From the five representations, there are representations that are appropriate and not appropriate with the reality. Based on the analysis of the meaning of symbols, the symbols of wheat and poppies indicate that nature teaches good and bad always coexist. The symbol of blonde hair indicates that the village girl and her baby girl have a sign of ignorance. The symbol of crime is reflected in the representation of a young man from the Mediterranean."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Franssminggi Kamasa
"This paper reviews at how democracy in Indonesia is evolving, both as institution and as an idea in the minds of its citizen. The relationship between the central government and the regions in Indonesia are undergoing change, with a serous challenge to central authority along with related moves to decentralized political authority and economic responsibility."
Jakarta: Policy Analysis and Development Agency, 2019
300 JHLN 5:1 (2019)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hasna Afifah
"Untuk meningkatkan individu akan merasakan esteem yang bersifat positif dan negatif, karena memiliki yang bersifat subjektif. Seseorang dianggap tidak akan pernah mampu membangun rasa kepercayaan dirinya atau nilai positif dalam dirinya secara permanen, apabila hanya mendasarkan nilai pada hal-hal yang pasti akan berubah. Individu dapat memiliki apabila dirinya tidak sadar akan nilai dirinya atau adalah kemampuan untuk memahami dan menerima nilai sejati dirinya, untuk memahami dirinya lebih dari pikiran, tubuh, emosi, perilakunya, dan belajar untuk mencintai dirinya dengan cara yang sama.
Film pendek ini memiliki manfaat sebagai edukasi dalam bentuk penyebaran informasi mengenai isu. Film pendek ini juga bertujuan untuk menyampaikan pesan melalui audio-visual mengenai perilaku seseorang yang memiliki Film pendek ini menceritakan tentang mahasiswa semester terakhir yang memiliki dan terus membandingkan dirinya dengan lingkungannya. Sehingga pada suatu hari terdapat satu hal yang membuatnya sadar bahwa selama ini ia memiliki pola pikir yang salah. Film pendek ini berdurasi 10-15 menit dan akan diunggah ke YouTube.

To improve self-esteem, individuals will feel positive and negative self-esteem, because self-esteem has subjective feedback. Someone is considered to never be able to build a sense of confidence or positive value in him/her permanently, if only based on the value of things that will certainly change. Individuals can have low self-esteem if they are not aware of their values or self-worth. Self-worth is the ability to understand and accept the true value of him/herself, to understand him/herself more than his/her mind, body, emotions, behavior, and learn to love him/herself in the same way.
This short film has the purpose as an educational medium in the form of disseminating information about the issues of self-esteem and self-worth. This short film also aims to convey messages through audio-visual about the behavior of someone who has low self-esteem. This short film tells the last semester student who has low self-esteem and continues to compare herself with her surroundings so that at one time there was one thing as a trigger that made her realize she has been thinking all wrong about herself. The duration will be 10-15 minutes long and uploaded to YouTube.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Claudia Clarita
"Analisis Situasi
Fatshaming merupakan salah satu bentuk bodyshaming yang masih sering terjadi di dalam kehidupan sehari – hari. Hasil riset menunjukkan sebagian besar responden sudah mengetahui tentang isu fatshaming dan kerap menyaksikan hal tersebut terjadi di sekitar mereka. Mayoritas juga berpendapat bahwa tingkat kesadaran masyarakat masih tergolong rendah mengenai isu fatshaming dan masih membutuhkan sosialisasi lebih lanjut. Oleh karena itu, kreator membuat film pendek berjudul “Bene” dengan harapan bisa meningkatkan kesadaran masyarakat terhadap isu fatshaming serta mengetahui bagaimana hal tersebut berdampak bagi kehidupan korban.
Manfaat dan Tujuan Pengembangan Prototipe
Film pendek ini dibuat untuk memberikan informasi dan pengetahuan kepada khalayak tentang isu fatshaming. Tujuan dari film pendek ini selain memberi pesan kepada khalayak untuk tidak melakukan fatshaming, juga memberi pesan bahwa tindakan fatshaming memiliki dampak negatif bagi para korban.
Prototipe yang Dikembangkan
Film pendek “Bene” berkisah tentang seorang perempuan yang mengalami fatshaming dalam kehidupannya sehari – hari. Tayangan ini berdurasi kurang lebih 10 menit, dengan khalayak sasaran utamanya adalah laki – laki dan perempuan berusia 17-30 tahun yang berada di wilayah Jabodetabek.
Pre-test dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode Focus Group Discussion, sedangkan evaluasi dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode survei dengan menggunakan kuesioner online dan Youtube Analytics.

Situation Analysis
Fat-shaming is one form of body-shaming that still often occurs in everyday life. Research shows that most respondents already knew about the issue of fat-shaming and often witnessed it happening around them. The majority also argued that the level of public awareness is still relatively low on the issue of fat-shaming and still needed further socialization. Therefore, the creator made a short film titled "Bene" in hope of increasing public awareness of the issue of fat-shaming and knowing how it affected the lives of victims.
Benefits and Goals of Short Film Prototype
This short film was made to provide information and knowledge to the public about the issue of fat-shaming. The purpose of this short film besides giving a message to the audience not to do fat-shaming, is also giving the message that fat-shaming action has a negative impact on the victims.
Developed Short Film Prototype
The short film "Bene" revolves around a woman who experiences fat- shaming in her daily life. This film lasts approximately 10 minutes, with men and women aged 17-30 years in the Jabodetabek area as main target audience
Pre-test is going to be conducted using Focus Group Discussion as the method, while evaluation is going to be carried out using survey through online questionnaire and YouTube Analytics.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Widya Arafah Abdul Rohim
"Makalah Ilmiah Akhir yang saya buat, secara singkat bercerita melalui sudut pandang ‘saya’ dalam proses membuat karya film pendek ‘Lalu’. Mulai pada tahap pra produksi hingga distribusi dan eksibsi. Ide yang pada mulanya saya ciptakan seorang diri, dalam prosesnya kian bertambah, berkurang bahkan berubah. Seluruh pengalaman yang saya lalui membawa saya pada kesimpulan bahwa pembuatan karya tidak hanya melibatkan saya seorang tetapi juga menyertai material serta kolaborator yang terlibat. Seluruh elemen tersebut pada akhirnya berkorespondensi sehingga menciptakan transformasi pada karya yang berbeda pada ide awal. ‘Saya’ dalam kisah ini diposisikan sebagai seorang Director film ‘Lalu’ namun, pada beberapa bagian menjadi Screenplay Writer dan Editor.

This final scientific paper simply depicts the process of making a short film titled ‘Lalu’ through the perspective of ‘I’. The process includes pre-production until distribution and exhibition. My initial idea, through the process underwent additions, subtractions, and/or substitutions. My experience brought me to the conclusion that the process of making a film does not only involve myself as a creator but also, the materials and the collaborators. The elements are going to correspond thus make a transformation for the creation itself. Which can be different from the initial idea. ‘I’ in this narration are going to be positioned as the director of the short film ‘Lalu’. However, in several parts, would become Screenplay writer and Editor."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
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