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Stratton, Jon
London: Routledge, 2000
305.892 STR c
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Irhamsyah
Chants merupakan lagu dengan durasi singkat yang dinyanyikan oleh kelompok suporter klub sepakbola sebagai bentuk dukungan terhadap klub favorit mereka. Chants yang diciptakan oleh sebuah kelompok suporter memiliki simbol-simbol di dalamnya. Suporter klub sepakbola Ajax Amsterdam memiliki chants yang berbeda, dengan menyisipkan simbol-simbol Yahudi sebagai bentuk rasa bangga mereka menjadi keturunan Yahudi

Chants is a short duration song used by supporters of a football club as a form of their support for their favourite club. These chants have symbols inside the lyrics. The football supporters of Ajax Amsterdam has different chants with other club supporters. They inserted Jewish symbols in their chants as a form of pride of being jews."
Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Makalah dan Kertas Kerja  Universitas Indonesia Library
Leslie, Donald Daniel
Leiden : E.J. Brill , 1972
301.152 LES s
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Taufia Lie
"In this thesis, I would like to examine the adjustment process of new Jewish immigrants to the United States, and New York City in particular, during the Progressive Era (188Os to 1920). I intend to examine this process in the context of various theories, and the historical reality, of the establishment of American national ethnic patterns.
I want to describe what long and arduous journey American ethnic groups had to lead toward the establishment of national ethnic patterns. The journey they passed through was always filled by cultural prejudice. On the other hand, it is also filled by the sensible attempt to overcome the problem of ethnicity.
American society was a heterogeneous one in which consisted of immigrants and their descendants who came from various parts of the world. On one side, the heterogeneity of American society had caused the forming .of Cultural Pluralism. However, on the other side, the major part of American society- especially White Anglo Saxon Protestant- tried to assimilate the never-ending waves of new immigrants.
The waves of immigrants before industrial period or during the year of 1800s to 1880 were mostly from West and North Europe. Therefore, in about three centuries, Anglo-Saxon values and cultures embedded firmly in American society. The White Anglo-Saxon Protestant (WASP) values were used as a model to assimilate the non-WASP. The WASP values were regarded as the real American ones and stood above stratified structure of other ethnic groups.
Jewish ethnic was one of American ethnic groups who had settled in America since colonial period. The adjustment process of the old immigrants- those who came before industrial period of 1880 to 1920- did not create any serious problem. However, the great migration of new Jews- who came during industrial period- created a serious problem of adjustment process.
Jewish principle of material pursuit was similar to that of Puritan society, the ancestor of American people. The middle class ethics possessed by the Jews were practiced without any obstacles in the land of America. That's why Jewish identity was always referred to the achievement of material success.
By practicing middle class ethics, Jews of America achieved economic success. The economic stability was the important factor in establishing their strong social position in society. Their success in the economic sector enabled them to support other sectors, such as the founding of Jewish synagogues and schools, and other sectors that strengthened the identity of Jews. On the other hand, the success of Jews forced them to assimilate to American life and accept American values, especially when they want to succeed in dealing with their customers. Thus, they had to learn to speak English and wear suits, to learn and practice American cultural values.
On the other hand, Jews strengthened their ethnic identity, but on the other they were influenced by Americanization process and more or less accepted American values. The adjustment that I describe in this writing is not the process of the adjustment itself, but the adjustment through four institutions that played an important role in the process. The four institutions of social and cultural life, religion, economy, and education were the factors that would describe and support Cultural Pluralism model.
Depok: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 1990
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mumpuni Hadi Rahayujati
"Perang Dunia II (PD II) di Belanda ditandai dengan adanya pendudukan Nazi Jerman dan persekusi orang Yahudi. Selama pendudukan Nazi, orang Belanda tidak merdeka sepenuhnya dan orang Yahudi harus mengalami kekerasan karena ideologi Nazi yang anti semitik. Penggambaran masyarakat Belanda selama PD II di Belanda terlihat dalam film Oorlogsgeheimen karya Dennis Bots. Film ini bercerita tentang dinamika persahabatan antara tiga tokoh utama yaitu Tuur, Lambert, dan Maartje. Persahabatan mereka harus melalui berbagai macam rintangan karena situasi perang dan perbedaan politik keluarga mereka. Rahasia Maartje sebagai orang Yahudi juga menambah tantangan dalam hubungan tiga tokoh utama di film Oorlogsgeheimen. Selain jalan cerita tentang persahabatan, film ini juga memberi gambaran kenyataan tentang kehidupan semasa PD II di Belanda. Masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah bagaimana orang Belanda dan Yahudi digambarkan dalam film Oorlogsgeheimen?. Teori utama yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah teori semiotika Roland Barthes dan pendekatan sosiologi sastra Sapardi Djoko Damono. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan penggambaran orang Belanda dan Yahudi dalam film Oorlogsgeheimen. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah makna dan tanda semiotika dalam film Oorlogsgeheimen. Makna dan tanda semiotika tersebut lalu dikaitkan dan dijelaskan dengan fakta sejarah yang terjadi selama PD II. Penelitian ini antara lain menyimpulkan bahwa representasi orang Belanda dan Yahudi dalam film Oorlogsgeheimen sejalan dengan keadaan sebenarnya semasa PD II.

World War II (WWII) in the Netherlands was marked by the Nazi occupation and the persecution of Jewish people. During the Nazi occupation, the Dutch people were not completely free and the Jews had experienced violence because of the Nazi‟s anti-semitic ideology. The depiction of Dutch society during World War II in the Netherlands will be shown in the film Oorlogsgeheimen by Dennis Bots. This film tells the story of friendship between the three main characters, namely Tuur, Lambert, and Maartje. Their friendship had to go through various obstacles due to the war condition and their family's political differences. Maartje's secret as a Jewish person also adds to the challenges in their friendship. In addition to the main storyline about their friendship, this film also provides a realistic description of society during World War II in the Netherlands. The problem in this research is how are the Dutch and Jewish people portrayed during World War II?. The main theories used in this research are Roland Barthes' semiotic theory and Sapardi Djoko Damono's literary sociology approach. The purpose of this research is to describe the representation of Dutch and Jewish people in the film Oorlogsgeheimen. The results of this research are semiotic meanings and signs in the Oorlogsgeheimen film. These semiotic meanings and signs are then connected and described with historical facts that occurred during World War II. The results of this research conclude that the portrayal of the Dutch and Jewish people in this film is in line with the actual situation during World War II."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Kemal Abdur Rasyid
"Pengaruh Etnisitas Yahudi sebagai dasar dari Negara Israel terhadap kepentingan Negara Kota Vatikan di Negara Israel sangat menarik untuk diteliti. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memahami pengaruh Negara Yahudi yang berdiri di Tanah Israel dimana Tanah Israel juga merupakan pusat dari Kekristenan secara umum dan Gereja Katolik secara khusus. terhadap kepentingan Gereja Katolik di Tanah Israel. dalam hal ini beberapa sudut pandang yang melandasinnya baik filsafat teologi, sejarah, sosiologi, dan yurisdiksi. dengan menggunakan analisis teori nasionalisme etnis dari Hans Kohn dalam konteks Negara Israel, maka terdapat pengaruh kepentingan Negara Kota Vatikan di Negara Israel, khususnya pengaruh dalam hal keragaman ritus dan kota Yerusalam.

The influence of Jewish Ethnicity as the basis of the State of Israel on interest The bVatican City State in the State of Israel is very interesting to study. this research aims to understand the influence of the Jewish State that stands on the Land of Israel where the Land of Israel is also the center of Christianity in general and the Catholicn Church in particular. Against the interests of the Catholic Church in the Lnad of Israel. in this case, several points of view underlying it are used used such as theology, history, sociology, and jurisdiction. By using ethnic nationalism theoretical analysis of Hans Kohn in the context of the State of Israel, then there is influence of Vatican City State interest in the State of Israel. Especially the influence in terms of the diversity of rites and City of Jerusalem."
Jakarta: Sekolah Kajian Stratejik dan Global Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Strassfeld, Michael
New York: Harper and Row, 1985
R 296.43 STR j
Buku Referensi  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Faisal Chair
"Artikel ini membahas penelitian tentang penguburan komunitas Yahudi berdasarkan studi pendahuluan dari aspek semiotika. Di Banda Aceh dan Georgetown Penang, terdapat pemakaman Komunitas Yahudi dari Era Kolonial Belanda dan Inggris pada abad ke-19 hingga awal abad ke-20. Pemakaman Yahudi ini memiliki kuburan dan batu nisan yang mencakup identitas Yahudi dengan penggunaan simbol, nama keluarga, dan bahasa Ibrani. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah pengumpulan data dengan melakukan observasi lapangan dan studi literatur, kemudian pengolahan data dilakukan dengan menggambarkan data penelitian dan menterjemahkan teks tertulis pada nisan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui karakteristik kuburan dan nisan Yahudi yang ditemukan di Pemakaman Yahudi di Kerkhof Peutjoet Banda Aceh dan PJC Penang. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode analisis deskriptif dan studi pendahuluan semiotik Ferdinand de Saussure dalam interpretasi. Hasil penelitian pada Pemakaman Yahudi menunjukkan: (1)Pemakaman menjunjung tinggi aturan Halakhah sebagai pemakaman komunitas, (2)ciri-ciri yang menandai identitas jenazah yang dimakamkan berupa persatuan marga, daerah asal, kekerabatan, hubungan suami-istri, serta strata sosial, dan (3) simbol yang menunjukkan identitas Yudaisme kuat pada makam Rabbi atau keluarga Rabbi

This paper discusses research on community burials based on Jewish preliminary studies from the semiotic aspect. In Banda Aceh and Georgetown Penang, there are funerals of the Jewish Community from the Dutch and British Colonial Era in the 19th century to the beginning of the 20th century AD. This Jewish cemetery has graves and gravestones which include Jewish identity with the use of symbols, family names, and Hebrew. The research method used is data collection by conducting field observations and literature studies, then data processing is carried out by describing the research data and translating the written text on the gravestone. This study aims to determine the characteristics of Jewish graves and gravestone found in Jewish cemeteries at Kerkhof Peutjoet Banda Aceh and PJC Penang. This research uses descriptive analysis method and semiotic preliminary study by Ferdinand de Saussure in interpretation. The results of the Jewish research show: (1) Graves uphold the rules of Halakhah as a community burial. (2) The characteristics that mark the identity of the buried body, both in the form of ethnic unity, area of origin, kinship, spouses, and social ways. And (3) symbol denoting Judaism's identity as a Jewish Rabbi or family of Rabbis"
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Oxon: Routledge-Cavendish , 2007
296.1 JEW
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Schwarz, Karl
New York: Philosophical Library, 1949
709 SCH j
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
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