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Rassers, W.H.
The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff, 1959
899.222 RAS p
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rassers, W.H.
The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff, 1959
792 RAS p
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Adrian Perkasa
"The first half of the twentieth century in Indonesia is often remembered as the Age of Motion. The term “motion” (pergerakan) is invariably used in history textbooks for students and in the official Indonesian historiography: Sejarah nasional Indonesia (Kartodirdjo, Poesponegoro, and Notosusanto 1975; Poesponegoro and Notosusanto 2008) and in the new edition, Indonesia dalam arus sejarah (Lapian and Abdullah 2012). Political movements in Indonesia always dominated the discourses of pergerakan at the expense of developments in other sectors, including culture. This cultural development, particularly in Java, was intricately intertwined with the upsurge in Javanese and then Indonesian nationalism, an expansion of modernity and Islamic revivalism. Topeng Panji with all of its forms around Java is symptomatic of this development. This paper is an initial investigation into the developments of topeng Panji across Java in the Age of Motion. By tracing the social and cultural histories from the perspective of the bureaucrats, artists, and government officials who wrote in books, journals, and other contemporary sources, this study aims to highlight topeng Panji and its development during that period."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2020
909 UI-WACANA 21:2 (2020)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Brakel-Papenhuyzen, Clara
"This article discusses the Javanese Panji-story Kuda Narawangsa, which I first watched as a masked performance in a village south of Yogyakarta in 1977. The play featured Galuh Candra Kirana, spouse of Prince Panji of Jenggala, in the masculine form of “Kuda Narawangsa”. Historical information on this play in archival manuscript sources, found mainly in the collections of Leiden University Libraries, proves that it was well-known in Java during the nineteenth century. In this article, descriptions of performances in manuscripts or printed publications are combined with historical play-scripts (pakem) from Surakarta and Yogyakarta, which have not been investigated so far. Special attention is paid to the script of a masked performance of the Kuda Narawangsa story in a manuscript from the Mangkunegaran palace, investigating what this historical pakem can tell us about the meaning and context of a masked performance of this story in nineteenth century Java. A story which according to recent publications remains relevant in Indonesian society to this day"
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2020
909 UI-WACANA 21:1 (2020)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
David Hartanto
"Assessment Center merupakan metode moderen yang digunakan dalam penilaian kompetensi. Skripsi ini membahas mengenai evaluasi program assessment center dalam sektor publik untuk para pejabat struktural yakni di Kementerian Agama. Penelitian yang dilakukan bersifat kualitatif dengan menggunakan wawancara mendalam. Hasil Penelitian ini adalah Kementerian Agama masih belum menerapkan pilot project sesuai dengan assessment center didalam organisasi. Perlu adanya perbaikan dalam sistem pemilihan assessor.

Assessment Center is a modern method that used by management to do competency assessment. This thesis is about Evaluation on Assessment Center Programme can run in public organization, in this case Ministry of Religion. Qualitative is the method that used to do the research with a deep interview technic. The result of this research is assessment center at Ministry of Religion still have improvement. They need to follow the theory of assessment center and need to train internal assessor."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"School culture is behind-the-scene context that is reflects of the values, beliefs, norms, tradition, and ritual that build up overtime a people in schoolwork together-administrator, teachers, students, parents, and community members. It influenced all the components of school in the process of education directly. It is assumed that school culture could make the educational achievement different. It is also assumed that school culture influenced teacher culture.
This research's prime vision is to know whether there is difference of school culture between a higher-success and a lower-success Senior High School in Klaten, Central Java, and to what extent they differ according to their school performance. It also aims to know the relationship between school culture and teacher culture and to what extent the school culture influenced the teacher culture.
Like the other social organization, school is an organization that has a culture. To measure the school culture, there are three indicators such as: norms of school culture behavior, beliefs, and core slues. While to measure teacher culture whether the school has positive or negative teacher cultures there are also three indicators collegiality, collaboration, and efficacy.
This study employed a quantitative approach. Technique for collecting data is using questionnaire, unstructured interview and documents. The measure employed Likert Side, with five options: strongly agree, agree, uncertain, disagree, and strongly disagree. The techniques Analysis used in this study are descriptive statistic, T-test, Correlation, and Regression.
Statistically, the study concluded that there is a difference of school culture between a higher-success school and a lower-success school. The score obtained by the two schools shows the difference. The difference of the mean is 3.56. The differences are on the norms of behavior, beliefs, and values. In testing the difference using t-test, the result shows that score oft value is larger than score oft table. Or the score of probability is less than 0.05. It showed that null hypothesis (Ho) is rejected or the two schools have different school culture. It also showed that the higher-success school has score of school culture that is higher than the lower-success school. The results implicated that the higher-success school has a better school culture than the lower-success school.
Nevertheless, the difference of school culture found in this study is not too striking. So the difference could not viewed as white and black, because culture of the schools didn't work and process all alone. There is other side going along to shape the school culture and to determine the success or failure of the school. In this case, culture of Klaten community greatly influenced the schools.
In the second testing of hypothesis, statistically, this study also concluded that there is a positive relationship between school culture and teacher culture. The value oft (2.486) is larger than value oft table (1.67), or the probability is more than alpha (0.05). It shows that null hypothesis is rejected. The strength of the relationship is shown by the coefficient correlation (the level of significance is 0.05) obtained in this analysis that is 0.793. This result shows that the relationship is very significant. It can be interpreted that norm of behavior, belief and school values influenced teacher's culture (collegiality, collaboration and teacher's sense of efficacy).
Local community culture also influenced the teacher culture. "Klateneses", like other Javanese, has a permissive culture. They are so kind, friendly and easy to work together. This condition could support collegiality and collaboration activities."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2003
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fifi Ratna Ekasari
"Skripsi ini menganalisis sebuah cerita yang berjudul Panji Jayengtilam dengan menggunakan pendekatan model aktansial dan fungsional Greimas Penelitian difokuskan kepada unsur yang terkandung dalam aktan pengirim hubungan keempat aktan inti dan fungsi tokoh dalam membangun alur cerita Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa unsur yang terkandung dalam peraga aktan pengirim sama Cerita Panji Jayengtilam dapat disimpulkan sebagai karya sastra naratif berbentuk roman yang dalam skema aktansialnya terdapat kesamaan peraga aktan subjek dan penerima Adapun peraga aktan objek juga menjadi pengirim unsur rasa cinta dan kasih sayang yang terkandung dalam peraga aktan pengirim Kata kunci Greimas strukturalisme aktan karya sastra berbentuk roman.

This undergraduate thesis analyzes a story entitled Panji Jayengtilam by using actantial model and functional of Greimas approaches This study is focused on the element contained in the actant sender the relationship between four actantial basics and the function of actor in the story The results of this study revealed that the element contained in the actant sender are in the same The story of Panji Jayengtilam is regarded as narrative romance story which in it rsquo s actantial scheme there is a similarity of actor between actant subject and receiver While the actor of actant object also becomes the element of love and affection which are contained in the actor of actant sender. "
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
London : Tavistock, 1967
291.13 STR
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ria Resti Ayu
"Dewasa ini jamu kembali populer di kalangan masyarakat Indonesia. Hal ini disebabkan oleh kemunculan wabah covid-19 yang sejak awal Maret 2020 menjangkit di Indonesia. Himbauan untuk selalu menjaga kesehatan dan meningkatkan imun tubuh terus digaungkan. Ahli farmakologi memaparkan bahwa ramuan tradisional yang terbuat dari berbagai rempah dapat meningkatkan sistem imun. Pengetahuan mengenai ramuan tradisional dapat ditemukan dalam naskah pengobatan, salah satunya yaitu naskah Panji mawi Jajanturan Wayang. Naskah ini berisi berbagai jenis penyakit dan ramuan obat. Berkenaan dengan ini pertanyaan yang muncul adalah apa saja jenis penyakit dan ramuan obat yang terdapat pada naskah tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan memaparkan jenis penyakit dan ramuan yang digunakan untuk pengobatan penyakit. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode filologi, untuk menganalisis kandungan isi teksnya diterapkan teori etnomedisin. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat dua jenis penyakit yang tertulis dalam naskah Panji mawi Jajanturan Wayang, yaitu personalistik dan naturalistik. Selain itu, berdasarkan studi literatur diketahui bahwa sebagian ramuan yang digunakan dalam pengobatan memiliki khasiat yang sesuai dengan penggunaannya.

In this era, herbal medicine becomes popular among Indonesian citizens. This matter was caused by the emergence of COVID-19 outbreaks that have infected Indonesian citizens since the beginning of March 2020. The suggestion for always maintaining health and improving the body's immune continue to be promoted. Pharmacologists explained that traditional herbs made from various spices can enhance the immune system. Knowledge about traditional herbs can be found in medical manuscripts, one of them is the Javanese manuscripts entitled Panji mawi Jajanturan Wayang (abbreviated PJW). The manuscript contains various types of diseases and drugs. In this regard, the question that arises is what medicinal ingredients and types of the diseases contained in the PJW text. This study aims to inform herbs that are useful in the treatment of diseases in PJW text. Philology method uses in this research. Meanwhile, to examine the contents of the text applied ethnomedicine theory. The result showed that there are two types of diseases contained in PJW manuscript, namely personalistic and naturalistic. In addition, based on the study’s literature its known that herbs used in PJW medical treatment have the efficacy that match with its usability.


Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
R. Chrisna Triehadi Permana
"Pertumbuhan ekonomi nasional yang dicapai melalui pembangunan yang berwawasan industri, telah mengesampingkan sektor pertanian. Hal ini kemudian mengakibatkan timbulnya ancaman krisis pangan akibat ketersediaannya yang semakin tidak menentu di masa depan. Faktor konversi lahan pertanian menjadi lahan industri dan permukiman, serta beralihnya sebagian besar tenaga petani pedesaan menjadi buruh industri perkotaan, adalah beberapa alasan yang menyebabkan semakin rendahnya kontribusi sektor pertanian jika dibandingkan dengan sektor industri dalam perekonomian nasional. Provinsi Jawa Barat, sebagai salah satu provinsi termaju yang juga merupakan daerah produsen pertanian terbesar di Indonesia pada masa lalu, kini menghadapi persoalan semakin meningkatnya aktivitas industri dan menurunnya aktivitas pertanian (transformasi struktural). Indikasi terjadinya transformasi struktural ini bersamaan dengan dimulainya pembangunan infrastruktur secara pesat, salah satunya adalah infrastruktur jalan. Akibatnya, timbul opini yang cenderung mengarah pada anggapan bahwa pembangunan infrastruktur jalan menstimulasi pertumbuhan aktivitas sektor industri dan mengancam pertumbuhan aktivitas sektor pertanian. Dari persoalan empirik di atas, penelitian ini dilakukan dalam rangka membuktikan secara ilmiah seberapa besar pengaruh pembangunan infrastruktur jalan terhadap peningkatan pertumbuhan ekonomi di Provinsi Jawa Barat. Selain itu, sesuai dengan permasalahan utamanya, penelitian ini juga hendak membuktikan seperti apa pengaruh infrastruktur jalan terhadap teijadinya proses transformasi struktural di berbagai kabupaten/kota di Provinsi Jawa Barat. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan analisis ekonometrika yang mengacu pada model pertumbuhan ekonomi dan sektoral dari Teori Solow, di mana pertumbuhan ekonomi dipengaruhi oleh fungsi produksi yakni modal (publik dan privat) dan tenaga kerja serta faktor-faktor yang terkait dengan kemajuan teknologi. Sedangkan untuk menguji pengaruh pembangunan infrastruktur jalan terhadap proses transformasi struktural, maka analisis dilakukan dengan melihat pengaruh infrastruktur jalan terhadap perubahan prosentase kontribusi output sektor pertanian terhadap total output Provinsi Jawa Barat di masing-masing kota/kabupaten.

National economic growth that achieved through development process with an industrial conception, has been put the agricultural sector as an inferior economic activities. This situation, then lead our country to the occurrence of the threat about food crisis due to the instabilized of food availability in the future. The conversion of land from agricultural function into industrial and settlements function, and urbanization which changing most of rural farmers into urban industrial workers, are some main reasons that caused the contribution of the agricultural sector compared to the industrial sector in the national cconomy getting decreased time by time. West Java Province, as one of the well-developed provinces which is also the largest agricultural producing areas in Indonesia in the past, now facing the problems of structural transformation, mean that the industrial activities increase so fast and the other side, agricultural activities decrease and growing so slow. The indication of the occurrence of this structural transformation coincides with the begin of the rapid development of infrastructure, that one of the type is road infrastructure. As a result, there a lot of opinions which likely to arise on that road infrastructure development activity stimulated the growth of the industrial sector and threaten the growth of agricultural sector activities. From above empirical issues, this research was conducted in order to scientifically prove how much the influence of road infrastructure development to the economic growth in West Java Province. In addition, in accordance with the main issues of research, second pait of the analysis also tried to prove what the influence of roads infrastructure to the occurrence of structural transformation in the various districts and municipalities in West Java Province. The research using econometrics approach analysis method that draws on the model of economic growth and sectora! from Solow's theory, where economic growth is influenced by the production function of Capital (public and private) and employment as well as factors related to the progress of technology. Meanwhile, to identify the influence of road infrastructure development to the process of structural transformation, the analysis is done by looking at how the road infrastructure influencing the changes of percentage contribution of agricultural output to the total economic output in West Java Province spread by each municipalities/district."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
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