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Ditemukan 110411 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Aliudin Mahjudin
Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 1992
UI - Laporan Penelitian  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jakarta : RajaGrafindo Persada, 2005
956.94 HER s
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Puri Yuanita
"Skripsi ini mengkaji wacana berita konflik Israel-Palestina dalam surat kabar Kompas dan Media Indonesia dengan menggunakan pendekatan analisis wacana kritis untuk mengetahui sekaligus membandingkan pandangan, keberpihakan, dan strategi wacana kedua surat kabar (Kompas dan Media Indonesia). Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif, berupa metode analisis wacana kritis yang diterapkan oleh Norman Fairclough, yang menitikberatkan analisis pada analisis teks, analisis praktik wacana, dan analisis praktik sosial budaya. Hasil penelitian ini memperlihatkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan keberpihakan dan strategi wacana antara Kompas dan Media Indonesia yang termanifestasi ke dalam bentuk-bentuk kebahasaan di dalam teks berita.

This research is about the critical discourse analysis of news discourse (about conflict Israel-Palestine) in the national newspapers, Kompas and Media Indonesia. The purpose of this study is to understand the worldview of Kompas and Media Indonesia about conflict Israel-Palestine or crisis in Gaza, and to compare the discourse strategy that they use to indicate implicitly their view in the text. This research uses qualitative method, that is the critical discourse analysis method proposed by Norman Fairclough. The result indicates that there is difference view and discourse strategy between Kompas and Media Indonesia."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ahmad Baihaqy
"Penelitian ini membahas tentang Tari Dabke di Palestina. Dabke adalah tarian yang berasal dari masyarakat Arab Levantine dan banyak dimainkan di kawasan Mediterania, khususnya Palestina. Dabke bukan sekadar tradisi budaya semata, Dabke di Palestina memiliki banyak makna mulai dari persatuan, nilai-nilai sosial, dan bahkan bentuk perlawanan yang terkandung dalam setiap gerakannya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan latar belakang dan makna dari Dabke serta dampaknya terhadap Palestina di masyarakat internasional. Untuk mewujudkan tujuan tersebut, peneliti menggunakan dua landasan teori : tradisi dan semiotika. Penelitian kualitatif, analisis, dan deskriptif yang menggunakan pendekatan studi pustaka didapatkan dari observasi buku, jurnal, artikel, website, dan analisis video yang berkaitan dengan Dabke. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Dabke adalah tarian yang memiliki banyak makna atau multi ekspresi mulai dari segi denotatif, konotatif, dan mitos atau ideologi. Dabke juga telah dikenal di masyarakat internasional, hal ini disebabkan oleh masyarakat Palestina yang berdiaspora dan banyak mendirikan komunitas Dabke. Sampai saat ini Dabke berhasil menarik atensi masyarakat internasional untuk sedikit demi sedikit mengenal kebudayaan Palestina.

This paper discusses the Dabke Dance in Palestine. Dabke is a dance originates from the Levantine Arab community and is widely played in the Mediterranean region, especially Palestine. Dabke is not just a mere cultural tradition, it’s movement have many meanings ranging from unity, social values, and even forms of resistance. This study aims to explain the background and the meaning of the Dabke and its impact on Palestine in the international community. To achieve this goal, the researcher uses two theoretical foundations: tradition and semiotics. Qualitative, analytical, and descriptive research that uses a literature study approach is obtained from observations of books, journals, articles, websites, and video analysis related to Dabke. The results of this study indicate that the Dabke is a dance that has many meanings or multi expressions starting from denotative, connotative, and mythical or ideological perspective. Dabke has also been known in the international community because the Palestinian who have a diaspora and founded many Dabke community. Until today, Dabke has managed to attract the attention of the international community to gradually get to know Palestinian culture."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Makalah dan Kertas Kerja  Universitas Indonesia Library
Depok Fakultas Sastra Universitas Indonesia 1992
LAPEN 07 Mah p
UI - Laporan Penelitian  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nurul Amalia
"[Penelitian ini membahas pembelaan majalah Sabili terhadap permasalahan umat Islam di Palestina. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan metode sejarah, dan menggunakan bantuan teknik analisis wacana. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah memahami pandangan Sabili sebagai pers Islam illegal pada masa Orde Baru terhadap permasalahan umat Islam di Palestina. Hasil penelitian menyatakan bahwa pembelaan yang dilakukan Sabili terhadap Palestina adalah karena adanya prinsip solidaritas Islam. Adanya Masjid Al-Aqsha yang merupakan kiblat pertama umat Islam di wilayah Yerussalem, Palestina, juga membuat Sabili melakukan pembelaan terhadap perjuangan pembebasan Palestina, sebab Sabili memandang bahwa masalah Palestina merupakan masalah aqidah yang harus diperjuangkan oleh seluruh umat Islam. Analisis terhadap berita-berita dalam Sabili 1989-1993 menghasilkan temuan bahwa pembelaan Sabili terhadap Palestina menunjukan keberpihakan Sabili kepada Hamas dan kebencian Sabili terhadap Israel dan Amerika Serikat.;This research discusses Sabili as Islamic magazine on 1989-1993 in defense the problems of Muslims in Palestine. This research is qualitative descriptive and use assistance of text analysis technique. The purpose of this research is to understand the views of Sabili as illegal Islamic press in the New Order to the problems of Muslims in Palestine. The researcher suggests that Sabili?s defense on Palestinians is due to the principle of Islamic solidarity. The existence of the Al-Aqsha Mosque which is the first Qibla of Muslims in the region of Jerusalem, Palestine, also makes Sabili to defend the liberation struggle of Palestinian Muslims. Analysis on the news in Sabili 1989-1993 resulted in the finding that Sabili?s defense on Palestinians shows alignments Sabili to Hamas and Sabili hatred against Israel and the United States.;This research discusses Sabili as Islamic magazine on 1989-1993 in defense the problems of Muslims in Palestine. This research is qualitative descriptive and use assistance of text analysis technique. The purpose of this research is to understand the views of Sabili as illegal Islamic press in the New Order to the problems of Muslims in Palestine. The researcher suggests that Sabili?s defense on Palestinians is due to the principle of Islamic solidarity. The existence of the Al-Aqsha Mosque which is the first Qibla of Muslims in the region of Jerusalem, Palestine, also makes Sabili to defend the liberation struggle of Palestinian Muslims. Analysis on the news in Sabili 1989-1993 resulted in the finding that Sabili?s defense on Palestinians shows alignments Sabili to Hamas and Sabili hatred against Israel and the United States.;This research discusses Sabili as Islamic magazine on 1989-1993 in defense the problems of Muslims in Palestine. This research is qualitative descriptive and use assistance of text analysis technique. The purpose of this research is to understand the views of Sabili as illegal Islamic press in the New Order to the problems of Muslims in Palestine. The researcher suggests that Sabili?s defense on Palestinians is due to the principle of Islamic solidarity. The existence of the Al-Aqsha Mosque which is the first Qibla of Muslims in the region of Jerusalem, Palestine, also makes Sabili to defend the liberation struggle of Palestinian Muslims. Analysis on the news in Sabili 1989-1993 resulted in the finding that Sabili?s defense on Palestinians shows alignments Sabili to Hamas and Sabili hatred against Israel and the United States.;This research discusses Sabili as Islamic magazine on 1989-1993 in defense the problems of Muslims in Palestine. This research is qualitative descriptive and use assistance of text analysis technique. The purpose of this research is to understand the views of Sabili as illegal Islamic press in the New Order to the problems of Muslims in Palestine. The researcher suggests that Sabili?s defense on Palestinians is due to the principle of Islamic solidarity. The existence of the Al-Aqsha Mosque which is the first Qibla of Muslims in the region of Jerusalem, Palestine, also makes Sabili to defend the liberation struggle of Palestinian Muslims. Analysis on the news in Sabili 1989-1993 resulted in the finding that Sabili?s defense on Palestinians shows alignments Sabili to Hamas and Sabili hatred against Israel and the United States.;This research discusses Sabili as Islamic magazine on 1989-1993 in defense the problems of Muslims in Palestine. This research is qualitative descriptive and use assistance of text analysis technique. The purpose of this research is to understand the views of Sabili as illegal Islamic press in the New Order to the problems of Muslims in Palestine. The researcher suggests that Sabili?s defense on Palestinians is due to the principle of Islamic solidarity. The existence of the Al-Aqsha Mosque which is the first Qibla of Muslims in the region of Jerusalem, Palestine, also makes Sabili to defend the liberation struggle of Palestinian Muslims. Analysis on the news in Sabili 1989-1993 resulted in the finding that Sabili?s defense on Palestinians shows alignments Sabili to Hamas and Sabili hatred against Israel and the United States.;This research discusses Sabili as Islamic magazine on 1989-1993 in defense the problems of Muslims in Palestine. This research is qualitative descriptive and use assistance of text analysis technique. The purpose of this research is to understand the views of Sabili as illegal Islamic press in the New Order to the problems of Muslims in Palestine. The researcher suggests that Sabili?s defense on Palestinians is due to the principle of Islamic solidarity. The existence of the Al-Aqsha Mosque which is the first Qibla of Muslims in the region of Jerusalem, Palestine, also makes Sabili to defend the liberation struggle of Palestinian Muslims. Analysis on the news in Sabili 1989-1993 resulted in the finding that Sabili?s defense on Palestinians shows alignments Sabili to Hamas and Sabili hatred against Israel and the United States.;This research discusses Sabili as Islamic magazine on 1989-1993 in defense the problems of Muslims in Palestine. This research is qualitative descriptive and use assistance of text analysis technique. The purpose of this research is to understand the views of Sabili as illegal Islamic press in the New Order to the problems of Muslims in Palestine. The researcher suggests that Sabili?s defense on Palestinians is due to the principle of Islamic solidarity. The existence of the Al-Aqsha Mosque which is the first Qibla of Muslims in the region of Jerusalem, Palestine, also makes Sabili to defend the liberation struggle of Palestinian Muslims. Analysis on the news in Sabili 1989-1993 resulted in the finding that Sabili?s defense on Palestinians shows alignments Sabili to Hamas and Sabili hatred against Israel and the United States., This research discusses Sabili as Islamic magazine on 1989-1993 in defense the problems of Muslims in Palestine. This research is qualitative descriptive and use assistance of text analysis technique. The purpose of this research is to understand the views of Sabili as illegal Islamic press in the New Order to the problems of Muslims in Palestine. The researcher suggests that Sabili?s defense on Palestinians is due to the principle of Islamic solidarity. The existence of the Al-Aqsha Mosque which is the first Qibla of Muslims in the region of Jerusalem, Palestine, also makes Sabili to defend the liberation struggle of Palestinian Muslims. Analysis on the news in Sabili 1989-1993 resulted in the finding that Sabili?s defense on Palestinians shows alignments Sabili to Hamas and Sabili hatred against Israel and the United States.]"
Depok: Universitas Indonesia Fakultas Ilmu Budaya, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Minal Aidin A. Rahiem
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 1996
UI - Laporan Penelitian  Universitas Indonesia Library
Depok Fakultas Sastra Universitas Indonesia 1996
LAPEN 07 Rah t
UI - Laporan Penelitian  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ahmad Kosasi
"Kehidupan tanpa tanah air (diaspora) bagi bangsa Yahudi adalah kehidupan yang menyakitkan di mana mereka diburu dan dimusnahkan. Kemudian mereka melarikan diri dari ketidakberdayaan ini. Mereka bermigrasi ke Palestina yang merupakan wilayah yang ribuan tahun lamanya telah didiami oleh bangsa Palestina. Migrasi bangsa Yahudi ke tanah Palestina juga tidak lepas dari pengaruh nasionalisme yang mencuat pada abad ke-19. Bangsa Yahudi ingin mempertahankan bahasa dan tradisi mereka. Pada mulanya, intensitas migrasi Yahudi ke Palestina sangat rendah. Oleh karena itu, untuk meningkatkan migrasi Yahudi, elite Zionis mengemas taktik mereka dengan memanfaatkan sentimen keagamaan, selain pada saat yang sama migrasi itu juga ditopang oleh keberadaan Inggris selaku pemegang mandat atas Palestina Inggris melegalkan Deklarasi Balfour tahun 1917 yang membuka jalan bagi terjadinya migrasi Yahudi ke Palestina. Mulai saat itu migrasi Yahudi ke Palestina kian meningkat. Migrasi bangsa Yahudi ke Palestina lama-kelamaan menimbulkan reaksi dari bangsa Palestina dan bangsa Arab lainnya sebagai pribumi. Lalu terjadilah konflik Yahudi-Arab mulai tahun 1929 dan mencapai puncaknya tahun 1937. Saat itu orang Arab melakukan protes secara besar-besaran dengan menentang para imigran Yahudi. Inilah aksi yang oleh pemerintah Inggris disebut dengan istilah Arab Rebellion (Pemberontakan Arab). Dalam aksi itu orang Arab dipimpin oleh Alvin Hussein. Ia adalah seorang pemuda yang cerdas. Saat usianya baru 21 tahun ia terpilih menjadi mufti (pemimpin) Yerusalem, yang tugas utamanya ialah menjaga kesucian masjid Al Aqsa. Saat itu, kota suci Yerusalem yang di dalamnya terdapat Masjid Al Aqsa diperebutkan bangsa Yahudi dan bangsa Arab. Untuk meredam reaksi bangsa Arab, pemerintah Inggris kemudian bertindak tegas dengan membunuh dan melukai ratusan orang Arab. Sejak peristiwa itu, kebencian yang muncul dalam konflik Israel-Palestina bukan hanya kebencian antara bangsa Arab dengan bangsa Yahudi saja, tapi juga kebencian antara bangsa Arab dengan pemerintah Inggris."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2006
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Verete, Mayir
London: Frank Cass, 1992
956.94 VER f
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
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