"Natural gas industries in indonesia is a good industries to be invested. It is due to Indonesia has
many natural gas resources, the raising of BBM subsidies, and good promising market. From market
analysis, the capacity for this industry is about l53,257.238 MMSCF/year, and this industry will be
operated for about 19 years. This plant will be built in Kecamatan Batui, Kabupaten Banggai, Central
Sulawesi. The natural gas will be processed in two main process which are sweetening process and
fraksionasi process. The operation mode of this plant is using continuous mode. Good process
performance of this plant is shown by energy efficiency of 82.61% (sweetening process) and 98.57%
(Faltsionasi process). Economic analysis calculated that the total investment to build this plant is about
USS l60 million with manufacturing cost of USS 57. 7 million. NPV for this project calculated at USS 94
million, 25% JRR, with payback periods in 6 years. The most sensitive for this project is production
capacity , which is no less than 76,l36.884 MMSCF/year or 49. 68% from basic production capacity of
this plant. Risk analysis of this plant using Monte Carlo 's method considering that the value of IRR is
more than the disconto level (11%), it can be summarized that the certainly of feasibility level of this
plant for city gas distribution using pipeline method is 82.l5%, whilst using CNG is 79. 78%. Based on
economic analysis mentioned above, this plant is considered being feasible for a commercial