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Abdul Aziz Sediqi
"Compliance of TB patients with anti TB drugs treatment is a universally recognized problem specially in asian developing countries which results at the consequences of the TB treatment compliances, today there are TB cases defaulters,relapses and MDRTB which is mostly occurring in all over the world due to deferent reasons of the compliances, and Afghanistan is one of the 22nd highest TB burden country in the world. The main problem of TB treatment compliance in Afghanistan can be explain at two aspects: First there would be a high prevalence of TB positivity in country level because of inaccessibility to the health services In the rural areas due to war and low security, second behavioral changes and lack of knowledge of the community about the disease and wrong beliefs and perceptions, socioeconomic factors, socio demographic factors and socio psychological factors, all these factors could be determined and influence the compliance of TB patients among the TB patients in the country.
To determine what factors associated and influenced the compliance of TB patients with anti TB Anti TB drugs treatment in Kandahar Afghanistan.
Materials and methods
It was descriptive study, the study was including 243 TB patients participated 79 TB patients interviewed with well structured questionnaire.
TB patients as much as 58.23 % was not good compliance of their anti TB treatment and 41.77% was good compliance of their anti TB treatment, and the compliance rate was higher among those patients who were not good compaliance, how ever from small sample size statistic could not detect any significant association.
The high prevalence of TB cases in the country and high level of compliance of TB patients among the TB confirm patients with the factors influencing the compliance of the treatment is essential to control and take measure immediately, the evidence strengthen the need of collaboration to change the behavior of the community properly for ten agers and activate the education and the result attract to focus more and pay attention on the factors influencing the compliance specially for those who have no any access to the health services to satisfy and encourage them for their regular anti TB treatment therapy."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nicolaus Novian Wahjoepramono
"MDR-TB menjadi masalah yang penting di Indonesia karena besarnya angka kematian dan morbiditas. Dengan mencari tahu alasan perkembangan tuberculosis menjadi MDR-TB, insidensi dari penyakit mematikan ini dapat dikurangi. Pengumpulan data dilakukan di RS Persahabatan dalam jangka waktu dari Desember 2009 sampai Agustus 2010 dan bertujuan untuk mengukur angka kepatuhan dalam pengobatan tuberculosis primer dan efek dari pembagian OAT secara gratis terhadap kepatuhan pasien. Pasien MDR-TB akan diwawancara secara retrospektif untuk mencari tahu derajat kepatuhan mereka saat pengobatan primer dulu. Hasil wawancara menunjukkan bahwa 46% dari pasien MDR-TB tidak mematuhi regimen pengobatan primer dulu. Angka ini jauh lebih buruk dari data tuberculosis pada umumnya. Hasil juga menyimpulkan bahwa hubungan antara pembagian obat secara gratis dan kepatuhan pasien sebagai non-signifikan.

The problem of Multi-Drug Resistant Tuberculosis in Indonesia is of high importance due to its high mortality and morbidity rate. Finding clues as to how MDR-TB develops from susceptible strains of TB will help Indonesia in eliminating the menace that is MDR-TB. Data collection is done in RS Persahabatan, Jakarta during the period of December 2009 until August 2010, and aims to measure the rate of compliance in the primary TB treatment of confirmed MDR-TB patients. The study also looks at the effect of free medication on patient compliance. Interview sessions will be set for MDR-TB patients to look in retrospect towards their primary TB treatment. Results show that 46% of patients did not comply in their primary treatment, a lot higher than normal. It also proves of the relationship between compliance and the accessibility of free drugs to be non-significant."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Menurut WHO (World Health Organization) sepertiga penduduk dunia telah terinfeksi dengan tuberkulosis (TB). Sekitar 2 juta orang meninggal akibat penyakit ini setiap tahunnya dan akan muncul lebih dari 8 juta penderita TB baru setiap tahunnya. Selain itu, kembali menurut WHO (2000), jumlah kematian akibat tuberkulosis akan menjadi 35 juta orang pada tahun 2000-2020. Sebagian besar pasien tuberkulosis di dunia masih tetap diobati dengan beberapa obat-obat tunggal, atau mungkin dengan obat TB kombinasi dosis tetap (KDT) yang berisi 2 obat. Untuk meningkatkan mutu hasil pengobatan maka WHO merekomendasikan penggunaan obat TB dalam bentuk TB kombinasi dosis tetap (KDT) yang berisi 2 dan 3 obat dalam strategi DOTS. Sejak 1999, KDT yang berisi 4 obat telah dimasukkan pula dalam “WHO Model List of Essential Drugs”. Dewasa ini KDT merupakan alat penting untuk makin meningkatkan mutu pelayanan pada pasien TB, dalam akselerasi program DOTS untuk segera mencapai target global. Obat TB dalam bentuk kombinasi dosis tetap (KDT) dapat menyederhanakan cara pengobatan dan juga manajemen pengelolaan / distribusi obat TB serta mampu mencegah timbulnya resistensi. KDT menyederhanakan cara pengobatan karena jumlah tablet yang harus ditelan pasien akan berkurang, ddari 15 – 16 buah menjadi 3 – 4 buah saja, dan juga menurunkan kesalahan penulisan resep. Juga jauh lebih mudah untuk menerangkan kepada pasien bahwa ia harus makan 4 tablet yang sejenis, daripada harus makan berbagai tablet dalam berbagai bentuk dan warna yang berbeda. Kemungkinan tidak memakan semua obat yang diharuskan juga dapat dicegah karena satu obat KDT sudah merupakan campuran dari beberapa obat sekalligus. KDT juga akan memudahkan para dokter dan petugas kesehatan karena hanya harus mengingat satu macam obat, lebih sederhana dan tidak membingungkan. Akhirnya, seluruh aspek distribusi obat (pembelian, pengapalan, penggudangan) juga jauh lebih sederhana dalam bentuk KDT ini.Efek samping obat tidaklah akan bertambah bila kita menggunakan KDT. Bila terjadi juga efek samping maka mungkin diperlukan obat dalam bentuk tunggal. Kualitas, keamanan dan efektivitas KDT ditentukan oleh proses pembuatannya, artinya seberapa jauh produsen mematuhi kaidah “good manufacturing practices (GMP)” dan spesifikasi farmakopea. Pengelola program TB nasional harus membuat sistem jaga mutu (“QA system”). Dalam hal ini WHO telah membangun jaringan laboratorium untuk menilai KDT yang ada sesuai dengan permintaan pihak industri farmasi. (Med J Indones 2003; 12: 114-9)

According to the World Health Organization, a third of the world’s population is infected with tuberculosis. The disease is responsible for nearly 2 million deaths each year and over 8 million were developing active diseases. Moreover, according to WHO (2000), tuberculosis deaths are estimated to increase to 35 million between 2000-2020. The majority of tuberculosis patients worldwide are still treated with single drugs, or with 2-drug fixed-dose combinations (FDCs). To improve tuberculosis treatment, 2- and 3-drug FDCs were recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO) as part of the DOTS strategy. Since 1999 a 4-drug FDC was included on the WHO Model List of Essential Drugs. Today, FDCs are important tools to further improve the quality of care for people with TB, and accelerate DOTS expansion to reach the global TB control targets. Fixed dose combination TB drugs could simplifies both treatment and management of drug supply, and may prevent the emergence of drug resistance .Prevention of drug resistance is just one of the potential benefits of the use of FDCs. FDCs simplify administration of drugs by reducing the number of pills a patient takes each day and decreasing the risk of incorrect prescriptions. Most tuberculosis patients need only take 3–4 FDCs tablets per day during the intensive phase of treatment, instead of the 15–16 tablets per day that is common with single-drug formulations It is much simpler to explain to patients that they need to take four tablets of the same type and colour, rather than a mixture of tablets of different shapes, colours and sizes. Also, the chance of taking an incomplete combination of drugs is eliminated, since the four essential drugs are combined into one tablet. FDCs are also simpler for care-givers as they minimize the risk of confusion. Finally, drug procurement, in all its components (stock management, shipping, distribution), is simplified by FDCs. Adverse reactions to drugs are not more common if FDCs are used. Nevertheless, whenever side-effects to one or more components in a FDC are suspected, there will be a need to switch to single-drug formulations. Quality, safety and efficacy of FDC drugs are determined by the manufacturing process i.e. by compliance of the manufacturer with the requirements of good manufacturing practices (GMP) and pharmacopoeial specifications. National TB programmes must establish a QA system WHO established a laboratory network that tests the quality of FDCs in the marketplace and registers products upon request from the pharmaceutical industry. (Med J Indones 2003; 12: 114-9)"
Medical Journal of Indonesia, 12 (2) April June 2003: 114-119, 2003
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jajat Hidajat
"Tuberkulosis Paru (TB. Paru) merupakan masalah kesehatan masyarakat penting, WHO memperkirakan bahwa di Indonesia setiap tahunnya ada 581.000 kasus baru tuberkulosis dengan 140.000 kematian dan merupakan penyumbang ke tiga terbesar kasus tuberkulosis di dunia setelah India dan Cina.
Berdasarkan survei tahun 1979 - 1993 didapat prevalensi BTA (+) rata-rata 0,29%, terendah di Bali (0,08%) dan tertinggi di Nusa Tenggara Timur (0,79%). Survei Kesehatan Rumah Tangga (SKRT) tahun 1995 menyebutkan bahwa TB. Paru adalah penyebab kematian ketiga, sesudah penyakit kardiovaskular dan penyakit saluran pernapasan. Di Kabupaten Pontianak prevalensi TB. Paru BTA (+) tahun 1994 adalah 0,55 per 1000 penduduk. Sampai saat ini belum ada penelitian mengenai ketidakpatuhan berobat penderita TB. Paru BTA (+) di Kabupaten Pontianak.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan ketidakpatuhan berobat penderita TB. Paru BTA (+) di Kabupaten Pontianak. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan Juni 2000, disain penelitian adalah kasus kontrol dengan sampel penelitian adalah penderita TB. Paru berumur 14 tahun dengan BTA (+) yang bertempat tinggal di Kabupaten Pontianak pada tahun 1999 - 2000 dan mendapat pengobatan dengan OAT, baik kategori-1 maupun kategori-2; sedangkan jurnlah sampel yang diambil berjumlah 108 kasus dan 108 kontrol.
Hasil yang diperoleh, dari 459 penderita TB. Paru BTA (+) yang diobati yang dinyatakan sembuh 74,1%, pengobatan lengkap 21,3%, lalai berobat 0,9%, gagal 2% dan meninggal 1,7%. Hasil analisis univariat, dari 216 responden 64,35% jenis kelamin laki-laki dan 33,65% perempuan; umur terbanyak pada kelompok umur 34-43 tahun (31,02%), tingkat pendidikan terbanyak pendidikan rendah (66,2%) dan pekerjaan terbanyak petani/pedagang (60,19%). Pada analisis univariat, dari 14 variabel independen temyata hanya 12 variabel yang dianggap potensial sebagai faktor risiko (p<0,25), variabel yang dianggap sama untuk kedua kelompok (p>0,25) adalah variabel jenis kelamin dan pendidikan.
Hasil analisis multivariat dengan metode regresi logistik dari 12 variabel independen yang diambil sebagai model, ternyata hanya 5 variabel yang mempunyai hubungan bermakna secara statistik (p<0,05), yaitu tidak mengerti materi penyuluhan (OR=5,6 95% CI : 2,3 ; 13,8 dan p=0,000), tidak ada PMO (OR-16,2 95% CI : 4,7 ; 56,0 dan p4,1,000), pengetahuan tentang TB. Paru kurang (OR=31,9 95% CI : 11,3 ; 89,9 dan p=0,000), pelayanan tidak Iengkap (OR-7,0 95% CI : 1,3 ; 36,2 dan p 0,000) dan kelompok umur. Kelompok umur di klasifxkasikan ke dalam 6 kelompok dengan kelompok umur 64-73 tahun sebagai referensi; hasilnya adalah kelompok umur 14-23 tahun (OR-12,9 95% Cl : 1,5 ; 108,5 dan p 0,019), kelompok umur 24-33 tahun (OR-8,3 95% CI : 2.0 ; 68.6 dan p 4l.048), kelompok umur 34-43 tahun (OR-4,9 95% CI : 0,8 ; 32,2 dan p=0,095), kelompok umur 44-53 tahun (OR=11,0 95% CI : 1,5 ; 82,0 dan p--0,020) dan kelompok umur 54-63 tahun (OR-2,7 95% CI : 0,3 ; 20,9 dan p=0,348).
Kesimpulan yang dapat ditarik yaitu faktor tidak mengerti materi penyuluhan, tidak ada PMO, pengetahuan kurang mengenai TB. Paru, pelayanan tidak lengkap, umur yang secara bersama-sama mempunyai hubungan yang bermakna (p<0,05) dengan ketidakpatuhan berobat penderita TB. Paru BTA (+) di Kabupaten Pontianak tahun 1999-2000.
Selanjutnya dapat disarankan agar faktor penyuluhan kesehatan dari petugas kesehatan supaya lebih di intensifkan lagi, dilakukan pembinaan secara berkesinambungan terhadap PMO dan meningkatkan kemampuan pengelola program P2 TB Paru di Puskesmas. Selain itu juga juga perlu dilakukan penelitian lanjutan mengenai ketidakpatuhan berobat, terutama terhadap faktor stigma masyarakat, ESO, PMO dan persepsi terhadap kemajuan pengobatan dengan suatu alat ukur atau instrurnen yang lebih baik.
Daftar Pustaka 46 : (1986 - 2000)

Pulmonary Tuberculosis (Pulmonary TB) is serious public health problem, WHO estimated about 140 thousands of TB deaths in Indonesia annually, and every year 483 thousands new TB Cases and contributed the 3 rd greatest number of TB cases in the world after India and China. Based on survey between 1979 - 1993, the prevalence of AFB (+) is about 0.29%, the lowest is in Bali (0.08%) and the highest is in East Nusa Tenggara (0.79%). The Household Health Survey (SIKRT) in 1995 mentioned that Pulmonary TB was the Std caused of death after Cardiovascular Diseases and Respiratory Diseases. In Pontianak Regency prevalence of Pulmonary TB in 1994 is 0.55% per 1000 people and there is no formal research result about incompliance treatment of pulmonary TB AFB (+) patient mentioned in area.
The objective of this research is to understand key factors associated with incompliance treatment of patients of Pulmonary TB AFB (+) in Pontianak Regency. Research was done in June 2000, by using case control design. Population sample are the Pulmonary TB patients in the age over 14 year old with AFB (+) who live in Pontianak Regency in 1999 - 2000 with anti-TB drugs treatment, not only the first category but also the second category. The sample size were 108 cases and 108 controls.
The results pre, from 459 Pulmonary TB treated patients AFB (+), 74.1% recovery, 21.3% completed treated, 0.9% defaulted, 2.0% failure and 1.7% dead. The univariate analysis results from 216 respondences 64.35% male and 35.65% female; 31.02% at age group of 34-43 years old, most of them have low education level (66.2%) and 60.19% stated as farmer/merchant. Based on univariate analysis, from 14 independent variables found that only 12 considered as potential risk factors (p<0,25), the variables considered as similar for two categories (p>0.25) are gender and education.
In logistic regression method using 12 independent variables in the model and incompliance toward treatment variable as dependent variable, there were only 5 independent variables that have significant relationship (p<0.05). The 5 variables were : the lack of understanding of health promotion materials (OR=5.6 95% CI : 2.3 ; 13.8 and p=0.000), the availability of overseer of the DOT (OR-I6.2 95% Cl : 4.7 ; 56.0 and p=0.000), the lack of knowledge of Pulmonary TB (OR=31.9 95% CI : 11.3 ; 89.9 and p=q.000), the incomplete of facilities service (OR-7.0 95% CI : 1,3 ; 36,2 and p=0,000) and the age groups. The age groups were classified into 6 groups; i.e. 14-23 year old, 24-33 year old, 3443 year old, 44-53 year old, 54-63 year old and 64-73 year old, The age group of 64-73 year old had become a reference for other groups. Each other groups was compared to reference (64-73 year old). The comparisons result in OR-12,9 95% CI : 1.5 ; 108.5 and p=0.019 (group of age 14-23 year old), OR=8.3 95% Cl : 2,0 ; 68.6 and p O.048 (group of age 24-33 year old), OR=4.9, 95% CI : 0.8 ; 32.2 and p=0.095 (group of age 34-43 year old), (OR-11.0 95% CI : 1,5 ; 82,0 and p=0,020 (group of age 44-53 year old) and OR=2.7 95% CI : 0.3 ; 20.9 and p=0.348 ( group of age 54-63 year old ).
The conclusion is that the lack of understanding of health promotion materials, the availability overseer of the DOT, the lack of knowledge of Pulmonary TB, the uncompleted of facilities service and the age group have significant relationships (p<0.05) with incompliance toward treatment among patients of Pulmonary TB AFB (}) in Pontianak Regency in 1999 - 2000. Furthermore, it is suggested to make health promotion from health staff more intensive, cultivate the overseer of DOT continuously and improve the capability of the organizer TB Program in health center (Puskesmas). Besides that, it needs to do further research on incompliance toward treatment, mainly on community stigma, drug side effect, efficacy of overseer of the DOT and the perceived treatment using a better indicator or instrument.
Reference : 46 (1986 - 2000)
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2000
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tissy Fabiola
"Penyakit tuberculosis (TB) telah dinyatakan sebagai salah satu permasalahan kesehatan dunia oleh WHO semenjak tahun 1993, danjumlahpenderita tuberkulosis kian meningkat setiap tahunnya. Mycobacterium tuberculosis, agen penyebab dari penyakit tuberkulosis telah bermutasi menjadi strain resistant erhadap lebih dari satu obat antituberkulosis, yang melahirkan sebuah penyakit yang disebut Multidrug-resistant Tuberculosis (MDR-TB). Studi ini bermaksud mengetahui pengaruh usia dan status pekerjaan pada pasien MDR-TB selama pengobatan inisial TB terhadap kepatuhan pasien dalam pengobatan. Data diambil di RS Persahabatan Jakarta (n=50), pada bulan Desember 2009 hingga Agustus 2010 dengan metode cross sectional. Sample diperoleh dengan metode convenient sampling method. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 34% pasien berusia 16-20 tahun dan 70% pasien memiliki pekerjaan saat pengobatan TB pertama, serta baik usia pasien maupun status pekerjaan pasien tidak ada hubungan yang signifikan dengan kepatuhan pasien.

Tuberculosis (TB) disease has been declared as a global emergency according to WHO since 1993 and the number of the people who become infected with this disease keeps increasing throughout the year. Mycobacterium tuberculosis, the causative agent of tuberculosis disease has mutated to be resistant to more than one antituberculosis drug, leading to a disease called Multidrug-resistant Tuberculosis (MDR-TB). This study aims to measure the influence between age and employment status during primary TB treatment and the development towards MDR-TB in relation to patient compliance. Data is collected in Persahabatan Hospital, Jakarta (n=50) on December 2009 until August 2010, using cross sectional method. Samples are obtained using convenient sampling method. The result shows that 34% patients were 16-20 years old and 70% patients were employed during their primary TB treatment, and neither age nor employment status has a significant association with patient compliance."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Titi Sekarindah
Ruang Lingkup dan Cara Penelitian : Penyakit tuberkulosis paru masih merupakan masalah di negara berkembang termasuk Indonesia. Tuberkulosis menduduki urutan ke 2 sebagai penyebab kematian menurut hasil survey nasional 1992. Dari kepustakaan diketahui bahwa pada penderita tuberkulosis didapati kelainan imunitas seluler, sehingga untuk penyembuhan penyakit tuberkulosis diperlukan pengaktifan sistem imun testa imunitas seluler. Vitamin A sudah lama dikenal sebagai imunomodulator. Dari penelitian terdahulu pemberian retinoid dapat meningkatkan respon imun seluler antara lain kenaikan sel T penolong dan T penolong/supresor. Pada penelitian ini diharapkan pemberian vitamin A sejumlah 2x 200000IU pada penderita TB paru dengan OAT dapat meningkatkan imunitas seluler. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menilai pengaruh pemberian vitamin A pada penderita tuberkulosis paru yang sedang mendapat OAT terhadap jumlah limfosit total, limfosit T total, sub populasi limfosit T, kadar retinol plasma, dan keadaan klink penderita. Vitamin A 200.000 IU diberikan pada awal penelitian dan setelah 4 minggu. Penelitan dilakukan secara uji klinik tersamar ganda pada 40 penderita TB paru. Penderita dibagi dalam 2 kelompok masing-masing 20 orang yang diberi vitamin A dan placebo. Pada akhir penelitian yaitu setelah 8 minggu, ada 5 orang drop out.
Hasil dan kesimpulan : Dari 40 orang peserta penelitian 10% kadar retinol plasma rendah (<20pg/dl), 30%normal, rendah(20-30pg/d.l), 60% normal. Pada pemeriksaan imunitas seluler 53,85% ada gangguan dan 46,15% normal. Nilai rata rata hitung (X) retinal plasma kelompok placebo dan perlakuan sebelum pemberian vit. .A/placebo berturut-turut adalah 30,24 ± 7,51 µg/dl dan 30,82 ±7,31 µg/dl. Setelah pemberian adalah 36,85 ± 9,74 µg/dl dan 38,02 ± 8,29 µg/dl. Pada uji t berpasangan dari kelompok perbkkan kenaikannya bermakna (p

Scope and Method of Study : Pulmonary tuberculosis is still a major health problem in the developing countries including Indonesia. Tuberculosis is number 2 as cause of death (National Survey's data, 1992). According to literature study tuberculosis patients are suffering from an immune defect. To recover from the disease the immune response especially the cellular immune response needs to be activated, because mycobacterium TB are living intracellular. Vitamin A is known as an immunomodulator. From earlier research it is known that retinoid could enhance cellular immune response, ie. increasing T helper cells and the ratio Thelperffsupresor. The hypothesis is that supplementation of vitamin A 2x2000001U to pulmonary TB patients could increase the cellular immunity. The aim of this study was to asses the vitamin A supplementation on the immune?s profile of pulmonary TB patient who are on oral anti tuberculosis treatment. Plasma retinot, nutrients intake, BMI, clinical findings were examined. Vitamin A 200.000M was given twice, in the beginning of the study and after 4 weeks. The design of the study was a randomized double blind clinical trial. Forty patients were selected and divided into 2 groups, a placebo and treatment (vitamin A) group. At the end of the study (after the 8th week), 5 patients dropped out.
Findings and Conclusions : Among 40 patients 10% showed plasma ret noK20 p g/dl), 30% normal low (20-30pgldl) and 60% normal. (03011g041). The cellular immunity was 53,85% abnormal and 46,15% normal The means (X) of plasma retinol of the placebo and study group before supplementation were 30.24 ± 7,51 µg/dl and 30.82 ± 7.31µg/dl respectively; after supplementation 36.85±9.74µg/dl and 38.02 ± 8.29µgldl respectively. Statistical analysis using paired t test showed that the study group was increasing s' 0,05), however there was no Significant difference between the 2 groups. The mean (X) of total lymphocyte before supplementation of the placebo and study group were 22.61 ± 6.51% and 22.63 ± 8,62%; after supplementation 38.09 ± 19.91% and 35.20 + 10.71%. Both were increasing significant; however there was no significant difference between the 2 groups. The T lymphocyte, T helper and ratio Thelper CT supresor were decreasing. T helper more in the placebo group 5.75% 2.29% but there was no significant difference. This study concluded that although vitamin A supplementation 2 X 200.000 IU could increase the plasma retinol but could not yet improve the immune response and clinical status significantly.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 1996
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Pada tahun 2015 Indonesia berada pada peringkat 2 dari 20 negara dengan penderita tuberkulosis terbanyak di bawah India. Pengobatan tuberkulosis cukup lama dan polifarmasi sehingga meningkatkan keluhan efek samping obat yang akan mempengaruhi kepatuhan dan kesuksesan pengobatan. Penelitian ini untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan efek samping obat anti tuberkulosis. Desain penelitian adalah kasus kontrol. Kasus adalah pasien yang mengalami efek samping obat dan kontrol adalah pasien yang tidak mengalami
efek samping obat antituberkulosis. Jumlah sampel 342 terdiri dari 171 kasus dan 171 kontrol. Akhir analisis multivariat membuktikan ada 4 faktor yang berhubungan dengan efek samping obat yaitu umur, jenis kelamin, BTA(+) dan riwayat pengobatan TB dengan peran yang berbeda terhadap efek samping ringan dan efek samping berat. Faktor yang berhubungan dengan kejadian efek samping ringan adalah usia ≥40 tahun (OR = 2.17, 95% CI: 1.60 ? 4.75), jenis kelamin perempuan (OR= 4.67, 95% CI: 1.26 ? 17.33); faktor yang berhubungan dengan kejadian efek samping berat adalah usia ≥40 tahun (OR = 3.22, 95% CI: 1.73 - 5.96), jenis kelamin perempuan (OR= 2.92 95% CI: 1.07 ? 7.97), BTA(+) (OR=0.59, 95% CI: 0.35 ? 0.98) dan riwayat pengobatan TB (OR= 3.19, 95% CI: 1.16
? 8.74).

Indonesia was ranked 2nd out of 20 countries with the highest tuberculosis patients in the world after India. Long term exposure to anti-tuberculosis medication and polypharmacy increase risk of adverse drug reaction and which might determine adherence and therefore theraphy succes. The aim of this study was to determine factors associated with anti-tuberculosis adverse drugs reactions.
A case control study was performed. Controls were defined as not having reported as side effect, receiving anti-TB during the same time that the case had appeared. A total of 342 patients (171 cases and 171 controls) were analyzed. At the end of multivariate model prooved 4 factors (age, gender, BTA+ and previous anti-Tb therapy) associated with adverse drug reaction in different role. In multivariable model, age especially those over 40 years (OR = 2.17, 95% CI: 1.60 - 4.75), gender (OR= 4.67, 95% CI: 1.26 - 17.33) were independently associated with mild-adverse drug reaction and age over 40 years (OR = 3.22, 95% CI: 1.73 ? 5.96), gender (OR= 2.92 95% CI: 1.07 - 7.97), BTA(+) (OR= 0.59, 95% CI: 0.35 - 0.98) and previous anti-Tb therapy (OR= 3.19, 95% CI: 1.16 - 8.74) were independently associated with severe-adverse drug reaction.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Zahrah Maulidia Septimar
Multi Drug Resitance Tuberculosis (MDR TB) merupakan masalah terbesar dalam
pencegahan dan pemberantasan TB dunia. Indonesia berada di peringkat 8 dari 27 negara
dengan MDR TB terbanyak di dunia. WHO Global Report 2013, memperkirakan pasien
MDR TB di Indonesia berjumlah 6.900 pasien. MDR TB adalah penyakit yang
disebabkan oleh Mycobacterium Tuberculosis yang resisten minimal terhadap rifampisin
dan isoniazid. Penelitian ini berfokus pada bagaimana pengalaman pasien menjalani
pengobatan Multi Drugs Resistance Tuberculosis dan seperti apa pasien memaknai
pengalamannya tersebut. Desain penelitian kualitatif fenomenologi dipilih untuk
mendapatkan informasi yang sifatnya individual secara mendalam sesuai pengalaman dan
kondisi penyakit yang dialami. Partisipan ditentukan dengan tehnik purposive sampling,
berjumlah tujuh orang. Tehnik wawancara mendalam dilakukan menggunakan alat
perekam dan panduan wawancara semiterstruktur, serta catatan lapangan. Analisa data
menggunakan qualitative content analysis dengan pendekatan Collaizi. Tema yang
ditemukan sebagai hasil penelitian yaitu : Pemahaman penyakit MDR TB;
ketidaknyamanan saat menjalani pengobatan Multi Drugs Resistance Tuberculosis;
hambatan penderita untuk sembuh, menerima dukungan, dan harapan pengobatan.
Diperlukan studi lebih lanjut untuk mengkaji secara mendalam tema yang telah
teridentifikasi pada jumlah partisipan yang lebih banyak dan bervariasi.ABSTRACT Multi Drug Resistant (MDR - TB ) is the biggest problem of TB prevention and
eradication in the world. Indonesia is ranked 8 of 27 countries with MDR-TB in the
world. WHO global reported 2013, estimated MDR-TB patients in Indonesia amounted to
6.900 patient. MDR-TB is caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis that resistant to at least
rifampicin and isoniazid. This study will focus on how the experience of undergoing
treatment of Multi Drugs Resistance Tuberculosis and patient?s insight of the experience.
Phenomenological qualitative research design was choosen to obtain information that is
significantly individual according to the experience. Participants were determined by
purposive sampling technique to seven people. In-depth interview conducted using a
recorder and semi-structured approach. Themes found as a result of the research : the
understanding of MDR TB; the experience discomfort while undergoing treatment of
Multi Drugs Resistance Tuberculosis; difficulties experienced during treatment; the
support received during treatment; and client expectations. Further study is needed to
profoundly examine the themes that have been identified on more numerous and varied
participants, Multi Drug Resistant (MDR - TB ) is the biggest problem of TB prevention and
eradication in the world. Indonesia is ranked 8 of 27 countries with MDR-TB in the
world. WHO global reported 2013, estimated MDR-TB patients in Indonesia amounted to
6.900 patient. MDR-TB is caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis that resistant to at least
rifampicin and isoniazid. This study will focus on how the experience of undergoing
treatment of Multi Drugs Resistance Tuberculosis and patient’s insight of the experience.
Phenomenological qualitative research design was choosen to obtain information that is
significantly individual according to the experience. Participants were determined by
purposive sampling technique to seven people. In-depth interview conducted using a
recorder and semi-structured approach. Themes found as a result of the research : the
understanding of MDR TB; the experience discomfort while undergoing treatment of
Multi Drugs Resistance Tuberculosis; difficulties experienced during treatment; the
support received during treatment; and client expectations. Further study is needed to
profoundly examine the themes that have been identified on more numerous and varied
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Leny Wulandari
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengukur peran pengetahuan terhadap perilaku pencarian pengobatan penderita suspek TB Paru setelah dikontrol oleh umur, jenis kelamin, status perkawinan, status pekerjaan, tingkat pendidikan, jarak dan waktu tempuh ke Puskesmas dan RS. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif dengan desain cross sectional yang menggunakan data sekunder hasil survei Pengetahuan Sikap Perilaku (PSP-TB) 2010. Sampel penelitian adalah anggota keluarga yang berumur ≥ 15 tahun yang mengalami gejala TB Paru sebanyak 443 responden. Hasil penelitian menemukan bahwa ada hubungan antara peran pengetahuan penderita suspek TB Paru dengan Perilaku Pencarian Pengobatan TB Paru di Indonesia setelah dikontrol pekerjaan (OR=2,3, CI=1,349-3,952). Serta adanya interaksi antara pengetahuan dan pekerjaan.

This study aims to quantify the role of knowledge on treatment seeking behavior of patients with suspected pulmonary TB after controlled by age, gender, marital status, employment status, education level, distance and travel time to health center and hospital. The study was a quantitative study with cross sectional design using secondary data of Knowledge Attitudes Behaviour (PSP-TB) Survey 2010. Research sample is a sample of respondents aged ≥ 15 years with symptoms of pulmonary TB as many as 443 respondents. Based on the results of the study found there is a relationship between the role of knowledge of patients with suspected pulmonary TB with treatment seeking Behavior of Pulmonary TB in Indonesia after controlled by variable of employment status (OR = 2.3, CI = 1.349 to 3.952), and there is interaction between knowledge and employment status.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Idris Ahmad
"Tuberkulosis merupakan penyakit yang disebebakan oleh bakteri Mycobacterium tuberculosis. pada tahun 2012 mencapai prevalensi 12 juta prevalensi kasus dan 990 ribu kematian di dunia. Di Indonesia prevalensi penyakit ini sebesar 423/100.000 penduduk dan mortalitas sebesar 27/100.000 penduduk. Salah satu provinsi yang memiliki prevalensi yang lebih tinggi dari rata-rata nasional adalah Jawab Barat.Dalam sepuluh tahun terakhir pencapaian penemuan kasus baru TB BTA positif (CDR) kota Bekasi belum pernah mencapai target nasional. Selain itu, dari 31 puskesmas yang berada di wilayah Kota Bekasi hanya 3(10%) puskesmas yang mencapai target nasional.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan cakupan penemuan kasus baru TB BTA positif di puskesmas wilayah Kota Bekasi tahun 2012. Penelitian ini menggunkan metode cross sectional deengan analisis uji T dan Chi square. Penelitian ini dilakukan bulan April–Juni 2013 dengan menggunakan data sekunder baik register TB di puskesmas, dinas Kesehatan, dan laporan pendukung lainnya. Konsep yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah pendekatan sistem.
Hasil didapatkan bahwa dilihat dari kondisi SDM, terdapat 14 (54,8%) puskesmas dengan kondisi kurang, tingkat tanggung jawab yang dimiliki oleh penanggung jawab program TB 23 (74,2%) puskesmas tinggi, terdapat 26 (83,9%) puskesmas dengan penanggung jawab program TB dengan tingkat pengetahuan baik, dan 16 (51,6%) puskesmas memiliki proporsi pelatihan tinggi. Dari kondisi sarana dan prasarana diperoleh bahwa terdapat 23 (74,2%) puskesmas memiliki kondisi sarana dan prasarana yang baik.
Berdasarkan alokasi dana tersebar merata 45,2% puskesmas untuk rendah ataupun tinggi. Dilihat dari angka penjaringan suspek diperoleh bahwa 16 (51,6%) puskesmas memiliki angka penjaringan suspek tinggi, dilihat menurut frekuensi kegiatan KIE TB terdapat 26 (83,9%) puskesmas dengan frekuensi KIE TB tinggi, terdapat 20 (64,5%) puskesmas dengan tingkat pemeriksaan kontak tinggi, dan terdapat 16 (51,6%) puskesmas dengan tingkat kemitraan masyrakat rendah.
Hasil analisis antara proses dan output didapatkan adalah terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara angka penjaringan suspek dengan cakupan penemuan kasus baru TB BTA positif. Didapatkan hubungan yang tidak signifikan antara KIE TB, pemeriksaan Kontak, dan juga kemitraan masyarakat. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah angka penjaringan suspek berpengaruh terhadap cakupan penemuan kasus TB BTA Positif.

Tuberculosis is a disease that caused by the Mycobacterium tuberculosis. In 2012, the prevalence of the cases reached 12 million and caused 990 thousand death cases in the world. In Indonesia, the prevalence of this disease is 423/100.000 with 27/100.000 for the mortality rate. One of the provinces which have a higher prevalence than the national average is West Java. Bekasi, as one of the city in West Java still has problem in TB control. In the last ten years, the Case Detection Rate has not reached the national target. In addition, there are only 3 (10%) health centers in Bekasi City which are achieved the national target.
This reaserch is aimed to determine the factors related to the scope of tuberculosis new cases detection in Bekasi Regional Health Center Area in 2012. It then cross-sectional analysis with the T and Chi square test. The research was conducted on April-June 2013 by using secondary data from health centers, health departments, and other supporting reports. Furthermore, a system approach is used in this study.
The results obtained that the human condition 14 (54.8%) in health centers with the low conditions, the level of responsibility held by the person in charge of the TB program 23 (74.2%) in health centers with a high level of responsibility, there were 26 (83.9% ) which had charge of the TB program with a good level of knowledge, and 16 (51.6%) with high training proportions. In term of infrastructure condition, it is obtained that there are 23 (74.2%) health centers in the good condition.
Based on the fund allocation, it is equally spread 45.2% for good and low condition. In crawl suspect, it is obtained that 16 (51.6%) health center with high crawl suspect, seen by the frequency of Communication, Information, and Education of TB (KIE TB) activities there were 26 (83.9%) centers with a high frequency of KIE TB, then there are 20 (64.5%) health center with high examination for the person in contact, and there are 16 (51.6%) health centers with low levels of society partnerships.
The result for the process and output is obtained that there is a significant correlation between the number of crawl suspected to number of coverage of the Tuberculosis (+) new case detection. Meanwhile, there is no significant correlation between KIE TB, contact examination and as well as community partnerships. The conclusion of this study is the crawl of the suspect affects number of coverage of the Tuberculosis (+) new case detection.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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