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Joseph Kedang
Semenjak pemberlakuan kurikulum 1975, sistem pendidikan dan
pengajaran di sekolah mengacu kepada ?Tendidikau Berdasrkan
Kompetensi" (PBK) atau ?Competency Based Educationi Strategi
pembelajaran yang dianut dalam sistem tersebut adalah ? belajar
tuntas? (mastery leaming), dengan kompetensi minimal, yang mengacu
kepada taksonomi Bloom. Optimasi strategi tersebut dilakukfm mclalui
evaluasi formatjf dan evaluasi sumatif. .
Berlatar taksonomi Bloom, pada penelitan ini diterapkan empat
perlakuan. Pedakuan BI, yakni evaluasi formatif tertulis disusul
umpan balik MULTI DIMENSI. Perlakuan B2, yaitu efvaluasi fonnatif
tertulis clisusul umpan balik UNI DIMENSI (benar-sa1a.h). Perlakurrn B3,adalah eveluasi formatif tertulis tetapi TIDAK ADA umpan halik.
Perlakuan B4, yakni TIDAK ADA evaluasi fonnatif tertulis dan
(tergtunya juga) TIDAK ADA umpan balik.
Pada setiap perlakuan di atas terdapat siswa-siswi berinteligensi
ICURANG (Al = < 90), siswa berinteligensi SEDANG (A?2,= 90 -110), dan
siswa berinte1igensi TINGGI (A3 = > 110).
Permasalahan pokok adalah ? apakah perlakuan evaluasiformatif
tertulis dan umpan balik mempunyai pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap
prestasi belajar kelompok siswa yang berbeda inteligensinya
Untuk menjawab pertanyaan pokok di atas, diketengahkan
sembilan hipotesis yakni (1) ada pengaruh perlakuan evaluasi formafif
tertulis dan umpan balik yang signifikan terhadap prestasi belajar
kelompok siswa yang berbeda inteligensinyag (2) umpan balik MULTI
DIMENSI [Bl] memberi pengaruh paling tinggi; (3) UMPAN BALIK
[B1+B2) mempunyei pengaruh lebih tinggi dari pada TANPA umpan
balik (B3+B4); (4) evaluasi formatif tertulis (BS) lebih unggul dari pada tanpa evlauasi formatif (B4); (5) ada interaksi yang signifikan
evaluasi formatif tertulis dan umpan balik dengan inteligensi; [6]
umpan balilc MULTI DIMENSI [Bl] lebih menguntungkan kelompok
siswa berinteligensi KURANG [A 1] dan SEDANG (AQ) dari panda
kelompok siswa berinteligensi TINGGI (A3); (7) UMPAN BALIK (BU-BQ)
lebih menguntungkau kelompok siswa bcriuteligensi KU RANG (A 1) dan
SEDANG (A2) dari pada kelompok inteligensi TINGGI (A3); (8) umpan
balik MULTI DIMENSI (Bl) membantu lebih banyak siswa mencapai
kompctensi minimal 70.0% pada evaluasi sumatif; (9) UMPAN BALIK
(B1+B2) membantu lebih banyak siswa mencapai kompetensi minimal
70.0% pada evaluasi sumatif.
Dari sembilan hipotesis penelitian, lima hipotesis cliterima yakni
(1) ada pengaruh evaluasi formatif tertulis dan umpan balik terhadap
prestasi belajar siswa ( hipotesis ke 1; hal. 149; 168) ; (2) umpan balik
MULTI DIMENSI (B 1) memberi pengaruh optimal terhadap prestasi
belajar siswa (hipotesis ke 2; hal. 15},'168) ; (3) UMPAN BALIK ( B1+
B2] Iebih unggul pengaruhnya dari pada TANPA uzcnpan balik (B3+
B4) (hfporesis ke 3; ha1.15s,~169; (4) umpan balik MULLT1 DIMENSI
memberi manfaat lebih besar kepada kelompok siswa berinteligensi
KURANG (A1) aan SEDANG (AQ) am pada kelompok siswa
berinteligensi TINGGI (A3) (h)hipetensis ke 6; ha.160,'169]; (5) frekuensi siswa yang mendapat UMPAN BALIK (B\+B2) lebih banyak mencapai kompetensi minimal 70.0% padn eveduasi sumatif dari pada frekuensi siswa. yang tidak medapat umpan 'balik (B3-+B4) (hipotesi ke 9; hal. 166;17o).
Dua hipotesis diterima sebagian, yakni (1) kelompok siswa
berinteligensi KURAN G (A 1) dan kalompok siswa berinteligensi
SEDANG (A2) , yang mendapat UMPAN BALIK (B 1+B2), mendapat
memfaat lebih besar berupe. peningkatan prestasi belajar yang
sigfiniken; ternyata hanya kelompok siswa berinteligensi KURANG
(Al) yang mendapat memfaat tersebut (hipotesis ke 7; hal- 1603715 (2)
frekuensi siswa yang mendapat umpan balik MULTI DIMENSI (131)
lebih banyak mencapai kompetensi minimal 70.0?% pada eveduasi
sumatif, dari pada feekuensi siswa dari perlakufm B2, Bl), B4;
kenyataannya frekuensi Bl hanya mengungguli frekuensi dari
kelompok B4, tetapi tidak lebih banyak dari kelompok B2 dam E33
(hipotesis ke 8; hal. 165,171 )
Dua hipotesis ditolak yalni (1) kelompok siswa yang mengikuti
evaluasi formaiif tertulis (B3) mempunyai presemtasi belajar lebih. tinggi secara signifikan dari pada kelompok siswa yang TIDAK mengikuti
evaluasi formatif` tertulis (B4) (hipotensis ke 4; hal.152:169). (2) Ada pengaruh intereksi yang signifikan antara evaluasi formatif tertu tulis dan umpan balik dengan inteligensi terhadap prestasi belajar kelompok siswa (hipotesrls ke 5; hal. 150,169 ).
Penelitian ini mengetengahkan Sejumlah saran untuk
Departemen terkait dan sekolah sehubungan dengan pelaksanaan
?secara murni dan konsekuen? dari sistern Pendidikcm Berdasakan
Kompetensi (PKB) dengan ?strategi belajar' tuntas? beracuan kriteria.
Rangkuman pendapat para pakar tentang evaluasi dan umpem balik
diketengahkan juga untuk mempertinggi daya guna penelitian ini dan
memperluas cakrawala pandang. Beborapa pokok terkait yang bulum
dapat dihadirkan pada penelitian ini, diutarakan sebagai ve1riabel
penelitian lanjutan bagi yang berkepentingan

UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yulinda Rachma Dewi
"[Penelitian ini membahas mengenai evaluasi implementasi kebijakan revitalisasi kawasan Kota Tua di Jakarta. Jakarta sebagai ibukota negara memiliki suatu kawasan Kota Tua seluas ± 334 ha yang dulunya merupakan pusat kegiatan ekonomi dan pemerintahan pada tiga masa kekuasaan, dimulai dari masa pemerintahan Pangeran Jayakarta, masa penjajahan Portugis, dan masa penjajahan Belanda. Tingginya nilai
budaya dan sejarah di kawasan tersebut merupakan potensi pariwisata yang baik, oleh karena itu pemerintah DKI Jakarta membuat kebijakan revitalisasi Kota Tua Jakarta yang dimulai sejak masa pemerintahan Gubernur Ali Sadikin pada tahun 1970. Namun proses revitalisasi kawasan tersebut dianggap masih belum memenuhi harapan. Pada tahun 2014 revitalisasi dicanangkan kembali dengan diterbitkannya Peraturan Gubernur no. 36 tahun 2014 tentang Rencana Induk Kota Tua Jakarta dan
diselenggarakan kerjasama pemerintah-swasta melalui konsorsium JOTRC (Jakarta Old Town Revitalization Corp.). Tujuan dilaksanakannya penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi implementasi kebijakan revitalisasi kawasan Kota Tua Jakarta, dan menganalisis evaluasi implementasi kebijakan revitalisasi kawasan tersebut. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan post-positivis. Penelitian ini menghasilkan temuan yaitu implementasi kebijakan revitalisasi Kota Tua Jakarta masih belum efektif. Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi belum efektifnya kebijakan revitalisasi Kota Tua Jakarta antara lain karena status kepemilikan bangunan-bangunan yang beragam antara pribadi, swasta/BUMN, dan Pemprov DKI Jakarta. Sedikitnya bangunan yang dimiliki Pemprov DKI Jakarta membuat proses revitalisasi terhambat, ditambah lagi belum adanya leading sector dan minimnya SDM maupun anggaran dari Unit Pengelola Kawasan (UPK) Kota Tua Jakarta sebagai pengelola kawasan
tersebut. Namun dilakukannya kerjasama pemerintah-swasta dengan keberadaan konsorsium JOTRC merupakan upaya yang baik dalam melakukan percepatan pembangunan di kawasan Kota Tua. Beberapa saran yang diajukan dalam penelitian antara lain implementasi badan otorita yang mengelola kawasan Kota Tua Jakarta secepatnya sebagaimana diamanatkan dalam Pergub DKI Jakarta no. 36 tahun 2014, pelibatan ahli cagar budaya dalam setiap pemugaran di kawasan Kota Tua sehingga tidak merusak atau menghilangkan nilai historis bangunan tersebut, serta pelibatan masyarakat lokal dalam pembangunan kawasan Kota Tua.

This research discusses the evaluation of policy implementation of the revitalization of the Old Town area in Jakarta. Jakarta as the capital of the country has an Old Town area of ± 334 ha which was once the center of economic activity and government for three reigns, starting from the reign of Prince Jayakarta, the Portuguese colonial period, and the Dutch colonial period. The high value of the culture and history of the region is a potential for tourism, therefore, the local government make the revitalization of Jakarta old town area, which began during the reign of Governor Ali Sadikin in 1970. However, the process of revitalization of the area still has not met expectations. In 2014 revitalization proclaimed back with the issuance of the Peraturan Gubernur no. 36 tahun 2014 tentang Rencana Induk Kota Tua and held public-private partnership through a consortium called JOTRC (Jakarta Old Town Revitalization Corp.). The objective of this research is to analyze the factors that influence policy implementation of revitalization of the old city area, and analyzing the evaluation of policy implementation of revitalization of the region. The method used in this research is qualitative method with post-positivist approach. Results of this of this research is that the implementation of the Jakarta Old Town revitalization policies is still ineffective. Factors that influence the implementation of the policy is because of the ownership status of the buildings which vary between personal, private/state-owned enterprise, and local government plus the absence of leading sector and the lack of human resources and the budget of the Unit Pengelola Kawasan (UPK) Kota Tua as the area manager. But the establishment of JOTRC as a form of publicprivate partnership for revitalization of Jakarta old town is a good effort to accelerate the development in that area. Some suggestions from this research are immediate implementation of autonomous body that manages the old city area as mandated in Pergub no. 36 tahun 2014, the involvement of cultural heritage experts in development of the Old City area so as not to damage the historical value of the building, and empowerment of local communities. This research discusses the evaluation of policy implementation of the revitalization of the Old Town area in Jakarta. Jakarta as the capital of the country has an Old Town area of ± 334 ha which was once the center of economic activity and government for three reigns, starting from the reign of Prince Jayakarta, the Portuguese colonial period, and the Dutch colonial period. The high value of the culture and history of the region is a potential for tourism, therefore, the local government make the revitalization of Jakarta old town area, which began during the reign of Governor Ali
Sadikin in 1970. However, the process of revitalization of the area still has not met expectations. In 2014 revitalization proclaimed back with the issuance of the
Peraturan Gubernur no. 36 tahun 2014 tentang Rencana Induk Kota Tua and held public-private partnership through a consortium called JOTRC (Jakarta Old Town Revitalization Corp.). The objective of this research is to analyze the factors that influence policy implementation of revitalization of the old city area, and analyzing
the evaluation of policy implementation of revitalization of the region. The method used in this research is qualitative method with post-positivist approach. Results of this of this research is that the implementation of the Jakarta Old Town revitalization policies is still ineffective. Factors that influence the implementation of the policy is because of the ownership status of the buildings which vary between personal, private/state-owned enterprise, and local government; plus the absence of leading sector and the lack of human resources and the budget of the Unit Pengelola Kawasan (UPK) Kota Tua as the area manager. But the establishment of JOTRC as a form of publicprivate partnership for revitalization of Jakarta old town is a good effort to accelerate the development in that area. Some suggestions from this research are immediate implementation of autonomous body that manages the old city area as mandated in Pergub no. 36 tahun 2014, the involvement of cultural heritage experts in development of the Old City area so as not to damage the historical value of the building, and empowerment of local communities.;This research discusses the evaluation of policy implementation of the revitalization
of the Old Town area in Jakarta. Jakarta as the capital of the country has an Old Town
area of ± 334 ha which was once the center of economic activity and government for
three reigns, starting from the reign of Prince Jayakarta, the Portuguese colonial
period, and the Dutch colonial period. The high value of the culture and history of the
region is a potential for tourism, therefore, the local government make the
revitalization of Jakarta old town area, which began during the reign of Governor Ali
Sadikin in 1970. However, the process of revitalization of the area still has not met
expectations. In 2014 revitalization proclaimed back with the issuance of the
Peraturan Gubernur no. 36 tahun 2014 tentang Rencana Induk Kota Tua and held
public-private partnership through a consortium called JOTRC (Jakarta Old Town
Revitalization Corp.). The objective of this research is to analyze the factors that
influence policy implementation of revitalization of the old city area, and analyzing
the evaluation of policy implementation of revitalization of the region. The method
used in this research is qualitative method with post-positivist approach. Results of
this of this research is that the implementation of the Jakarta Old Town revitalization
policies is still ineffective. Factors that influence the implementation of the policy is
because of the ownership status of the buildings which vary between personal, private
/state-owned enterprise, and local government; plus the absence of leading sector and
the lack of human resources and the budget of the Unit Pengelola Kawasan (UPK)
Kota Tua as the area manager. But the establishment of JOTRC as a form of publicprivate
partnership for revitalization of Jakarta old town is a good effort to accelerate
the development in that area. Some suggestions from this research are immediate
implementation of autonomous body that manages the old city area as mandated in
Pergub no. 36 tahun 2014, the involvement of cultural heritage experts in
development of the Old City area so as not to damage the historical value of the
building, and empowerment of local communities., This research discusses the evaluation of policy implementation of the revitalization
of the Old Town area in Jakarta. Jakarta as the capital of the country has an Old Town
area of ± 334 ha which was once the center of economic activity and government for
three reigns, starting from the reign of Prince Jayakarta, the Portuguese colonial
period, and the Dutch colonial period. The high value of the culture and history of the
region is a potential for tourism, therefore, the local government make the
revitalization of Jakarta old town area, which began during the reign of Governor Ali
Sadikin in 1970. However, the process of revitalization of the area still has not met
expectations. In 2014 revitalization proclaimed back with the issuance of the
Peraturan Gubernur no. 36 tahun 2014 tentang Rencana Induk Kota Tua and held
public-private partnership through a consortium called JOTRC (Jakarta Old Town
Revitalization Corp.). The objective of this research is to analyze the factors that
influence policy implementation of revitalization of the old city area, and analyzing
the evaluation of policy implementation of revitalization of the region. The method
used in this research is qualitative method with post-positivist approach. Results of
this of this research is that the implementation of the Jakarta Old Town revitalization
policies is still ineffective. Factors that influence the implementation of the policy is
because of the ownership status of the buildings which vary between personal, private
/state-owned enterprise, and local government; plus the absence of leading sector and
the lack of human resources and the budget of the Unit Pengelola Kawasan (UPK)
Kota Tua as the area manager. But the establishment of JOTRC as a form of publicprivate
partnership for revitalization of Jakarta old town is a good effort to accelerate
the development in that area. Some suggestions from this research are immediate
implementation of autonomous body that manages the old city area as mandated in
Pergub no. 36 tahun 2014, the involvement of cultural heritage experts in
development of the Old City area so as not to damage the historical value of the
building, and empowerment of local communities.]
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yogyakarta: BP FE, 1982
001.42 SUP e
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Himpunan Psikologi Indonesia (Himpsi) is the only organization for psychologists in Indonesia. After almost 50 years since it was founded in 1959, Himpsi shows limited improvement to its members. Himpsi Jaya is the "Jakarta chapter of the organization. The lack of significant activities in raises issues whether the organization benefits to its member. Most complains include slow membership process and difficulties in paying annual fee. This study attemps to evaluate the organization based on the perspectives of members, ex, members, and those who want to be members. It is a descriptive quantitative study and the sample of the population was taken non-randomly. It was a joint peoject between Atma Jaya Catholic University and Himpsi Jaya. The sampling technique was convenience sampling. Questionnaire was distributed directly when Himpsi Jaya held activities and indirectly through beranda@himpsijaya.org mailing list. Of the expected 150 sample size (about 10% of total members who pay annual fee regularly), 83 respondents returned the questionnaires.Most respondents aged between 21 and 30 years old, not married, had been psychologists and graduated at the master level. Some were fresh graduates and in the process of looking for jobs. This indicates that ypung members pay attention seriously to the improvement of the organization, especially because they expect Himpsi helps their careers improved. Members though that the performance of the organization is very limited. The need to develop professional competency and certification should make Himpsi Jaya improve its performance."
150 PJIP 1:2 (2009)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Penelitian dan penilaian; Analisa komputer; Pengolahan data"
Surabaya : Usaha Nasional,
001.42 PED
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Anas Sudijono
Jakarta: Radja Grafindo Persada, 2011
371.27 ANA p
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Simanjuntak, Manto
"Skripsi ini membahas bagaimana  permasalahan perusahaan minyak dan gas sejak era gross split dalam melakukan efesiensi terhadap proses pengadaan barang dengan ruang lingkup peralatan pipa tubing dan casing yang menjadi salah satu barang pendukung utama produksi minyak.
Sistem pengadaan barang dan jasa dengan CIVD sangat membantu staff pengadaan untuk mencari dan menyeleksi pemasok pemasok yang terdaftar di dalam sistem secara administratif, adapun sistem KPI pemasok masih sedang di kembangkan di PT XYZ sehingga peneliti mencoba membantu mengembangkan sistem seleksi pemasok  dengan metode AHP-Promethee dimana pembobotan dan peringkat pemasok yg terbangun berdasarkan proses yang objektif dan di kemudian hari dapat terhubung dengan sistem ERP sehingga database KPI pemasok dapat di bentuk untuk tujuan lebih lanjut yaitu program rasionalisasi pemasok.

This thesis discusses the problems of oil and gas companies since the Gross-Split era in making the efficiency of the procurement process of goods with the scope of tubing and casing pipe equipment which is one of the main supporting goods for oil production.
The procurement system of goods and services with CIVD is very helpful for procurement staff to find and select suppliers suppliers registered in the system administratively, while supplier KPI systems are still being developed at PT XYZ so researchers try to help develop supplier selection systems using the AHP-Promethee method where weighting and rating of suppliers that are built based on an objective process and can later be connected to an ERP system so that the supplier KPI database can be formed for further purposes, namely the supplier rationalization program.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Avisha Ayu Namira
"Latar Belakang: Altmetrics atau Alternative Metrics digunakan untuk melihat dampak sosial dari sutu penelitian. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk menganalisis dampak sosial dan perhatian online dari penelitian dalam bidang Kesehatan Gigi Masyarakat dan Kedokteran Gigi Pencegahan. Metode: Melakukan pencarian artikel di Dimensions free app. Pencarian mencakup tujuh jurnal terkait yang terdaftar di SCImago Journal Rank dari tahun 2017 sampai 2021. 200 artikel pertama dengan nilai AAS (Altmetrics Attention Score) tertinggi beserta data terkait publikasi, topik dan tipe studi penelitian dikumpulkan. Data sitasi diambil dari Scopus. Hasil: Jurnal dengan perhatian online tertinggi yaitu Community Dentistry And Oral Epidemiology dan International Journal of Paediatric Dentistry. Sumber yang paling umum dalam nilai AAS adalah Twitter dan Outlet Berita. Topik yang paling umum yaitu Oral Hygiene dan Fluoride, dan tipe studi yaitu Observational Cross Sectional. Korelasi antara AAS dan sitasi di scopus sangat lemah (r = 0,211 and p < 0,05) Kesimpulan: Para peneliti dan editor jurnal harus mempertimbangkan penggunaan platform media sosial untuk menyebarluaskan hasil penelitian baik ke akademisi maupun non-akademisi. Altmetrics dapat dikombinasikan dengan metrik sitasi untuk memberikan gambaran dampak suatu penelitian secara komprehensif.

Background: Altmetrics or Alternative Metrics are used to describe the social impact of a research. The aim of this study were to analyze the social impact and online attention to research in the fields of Dental Public Health and Preventive Dentistry. Methods: The articles were identifed by a search performed through the Dimensions Free App. The search included seven journals related to dental public health and preventive dentistry listed in the SCImago Journal Rank from 2017 to 2021. The 200 articles with the highest AAS (Altmetric Attention Score) collected and screened for data related to publication, topics, and study design research. Citations were harvested from Scopus. Results: Journals with the highest online attention are Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology and International Journal of Pediatric Dentistry. The most common sources of AAS scores were Twitter and News Outlet. The most common topics were Oral Hygiene and Fluoride, and the study design was Observational Cross Sectional. The correlation between AAS and scopus citation was poor (r = 0.211 and p < 0.05) Conclusions: Researchers and journal editor should consider using social platforms to disseminate their research among scholars and nonscholars. Altmetrics can be combined with citation metrics to provide a comprehensive assesment of the research impact."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"A small collection of majoid spider crabs of the genus Paratymolus Miers, 1879, s.l from Lombok Island, Indonesia contains four species namely P.hastatus Alcock (1895), P.coccus Loh & Ng (1999), P.cygnus Loh & Ng (1999), and Litosus sexspinosus (Miers,1884). Except for L. spinosus, the three other species are new records for indonesia. Paratymolus coccus is previously known from only female specimens, and the presence of male specimens in the collection studied provides the oppurtunity to complete the description of male characters. Paratymolus hastatus is reported for the first time outside Indian Ocean and P.cygnus is recorded for the first time after its description."
Jakarta : LIPI Press,
550 MRI
Majalah, Jurnal, Buletin  Universitas Indonesia Library
Indonesia is particularly rich in Echinoderms and North Sulawesi lies at the geographic centre of this biodiverse marine realm. While further studies on Sulawesi Echinodermata are required in order to obtain full understanding of current biodiversity status, preliminary SCUBA and intertidal surveys in early 2012 in the vicinity of the Lembeh Island, a region little explored previously, recorded a total of 76 species of 4 classes (Asteroidea, Ophiuroidea, Echinoidea and Holothuroidea) from shallow waters (0-40 m) at 36 sites (sea grass, coral rubble and reef). The class Crinoidea is not reported here. A review of Echinoderm literature for North Sulawesi noted that there are 114 species belonging to 5 classes of Echinodermata.
Jakarta: LIPI Press, 2014
550 MRI 39:2 (2014)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
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