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Ditemukan 6657 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
"Buku ini berisi kumpuilan cerita pendek yang ditulis oleh 15 orang Korea. Buku ini berisi cerita yang bijak dan membangun semangat dalam menjalani kehidupan"
Kyeonggi: Wisdom House, 2007
KOR 895.71 SAE
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Kim, Mi-wol
"Asia Publishers presents some of the very best modern Korean literature to readers worldwide through its new Korean literature series . We are proud and happy to offer it in the most authoritative translation by renowned translators of Korean literature. We hope that this series helps to build solid bridges between citizens of the world and Koreans through a rich in-depth understanding of Korea. Part of the story Kong says if he had known about all of this ahead of time, he would have given up on things like preparing for employment earlier on, and traveled a lot and had slept with women to his heart's content. Then all of a sudden he blurts out: "Do you know who's the bitterest person in the world at this moment?" "Well... rich people?" "The person whose last orthodontics appointment is tomorrow." I laugh loudly. He continues: the man getting discharged from the army service tomorrow; the college prep student receiving his admission letter tomorrow; the head of a family who's finally able to own a house for the first time tomorrow; the woman giving birth tomorrow; the baby born tomorrow... The people who feel bitter the most aren't those who already have a lot, but those who have a future to await. "You know, Halley's Comet." "Yeah, what about it?"Kong gazes up at the distant sky. "Will it still come here even after the earth's disappeared?""
Soul Tukpyolsi: Asia, 2014
KOR 895.730 9 KIM a
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Seong, Seok-Je
Seoul: Dosochulphan Gang, 2009
KOR 895.73 SEO a
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Gyeonggido: Chang bi, 2007
KOR 895.730 8 SEG
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Buku ini merupakan kumpulan cerpen kontemporer Korea yang ditulis pada abad 20 oleh 10 orang penulis Korea"
Gyeonggi: Changbi, 2012
KOR 895.730 8 SEG
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Cho, Hae-il
Seoul: Dong-su-Munhak-sa, 1990
895.74 CHO a
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Lee, Ok-Soo
"Buku ini ditulis oleh Lee, Ok-Soo, menceritakan tokoh wanita Korea bernama Shinsaimdang, seorang penulis, penyair, seniman, penulis, cendekiawan dari Dinasti Joseon "
Seoul: Biryongso, 2009
KOR 895.730 8 LEE s
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Massie, Ria Mahallia
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuktikan bahwa kolonialisme Jepang di Korea tidak hanya merenggut nyawa, sumber daya alam, dan identitas bangsa Korea semata. Akan tetapi, juga membuat kehidupan masyarakat Korea, khususnya kaum petani, lekat dengan kemiskinan dan kesengsaraan. Penulis merumuskan bagaimana Kim Yujeong menggambarkan ironi kaum petani dalam cerpen Manmubang, Geum Ttaneun Kong Bat, dan Sonakbi yang dirilis pada 1935. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kualitatif dengan metode close reading. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kolonialisme Jepang di Korea turut melatarbelakangi lahirnya karya sastra yang menggambarkan realita penderitaan kaum kelas bawah akibat kebijakan-kebijakan pemerintah kolonial. Dalam karya tersebut, para sastrawan biasanya menyelipkan kritik-kritik yang ditujukan kepada Jepang. Berbagai kritik tersebut disuguhkan menggunakan aliran sarkasme. Di sisi lain, Kim Yujeong menyuguhkan gagasan-gagasannya melalui karakter-karakter kaum kelas bawah menggunakan ironi sebagai alat kritik terhadap pemerintahan Jepang. Ironi situasional tersirat dalam cerpen Manmubang dan Geum Ttaneun Kong Bat, sedangkan ironi dramatis tersirat dalam cerpen Sonakbi.

This research aims to prove that Japanese colonialism in Korea not only took the lives, natural resources, and the identity of Korean people. However, it also made the peasantry lived in poverty and misery. The writer stated how Kim Yujeong described the irony of peasantry in Manmubang, Geum Ttaneun Kong Bat, and Sonakbi released in 1935. This research is a qualitative descriptive research using close reading method. The results show that Japanese colonialism in Korea has influenced the birth of literature works that portraying the harsh reality of the lower class people due to the policies of the colonial government. In the literature works, the writers put in critics for the Japanese colonialism. Many of the critics are served in a sarcastic way. On the other hand, Kim Yujeong presented his ideas through the characters of the lower class people in an ironical way as a means of criticism to the Japanese government. Situational irony is implied in Manmubang and Geum Ttaneun Kong Bat, while dramatic irony is implied in the Sonakbi."
UI - Makalah dan Kertas Kerja  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sarah Nur Hikmah
Jurnal ini menganalisis fokalisasi yang terdapat pada cerpen Bincheo karya Eun Hee Kyung yang terbit pada tahun 1996. Cerpen ini menceritakan kehidupan dari pernikahan sepasang suami dan istri yang tidak bahagia. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian kualitatif. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah cerpen ini berfokalisasi internal jenis variable melalui penggunaan kata ganti orang pertama berupa ? na yang berarti saya atau aku dan adanya pergantian fokus antara tokoh ldquo;aku rdquo; suami dan tokoh ldquo;aku rdquo; istri , yang dibedakan melalui narasi yang terdapat pada cerpen. Fokalisator pada cerpen ini mengetahui pikiran atau pendapat kedua tokoh dan juga mengetahui perasaan yang dirasakan oleh kedua tokoh, seolah-olah ia menjadi kedua tokoh itu sendiri.

This journal analyzes the focalization in Eun Hee Kyung 39;s Bincheo short story published in 1996. This story tells about the marriage life of an unhappy couple. Qualitative researched method is used in this research. The result of this research is this short story has internal focalization with the type of variable through the use of the ldquo;first person rdquo; in the form of ? na which means me or I and there is a focus shift between the I husband and the I wife character who is differentiated through narration in the short story. The focalisator in this short story knows the thoughts or opinions and the feelings felt by the two characters as if he was the two characters themselves."
UI - Makalah dan Kertas Kerja  Universitas Indonesia Library
Kim, Dong-in
Seoul : Munhakkwaji Seongsa, 2009
KOR 895.730 8 KIM
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
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