ABSTRAKPenelitian ini ditujukan untuk mengkaji variabel-variabel yang mempengaruhi
kepercayaan peserta didik dalam menggunakan fasilitas transportasi kota, yang
disediakan khusus oleh Pemerintah Provinsi DKI Jakarta yaitu bus sekolah, yang
diharapkan menjadi contoh transportasi layak dan ramah bagi peserta didik untuk
berangkat dan pulang sekolah, ditengah keterbatasan kualitas pelayanan yang
diberikan angkutan umum lainnya. Jenis penelitian yang dilakukan adalah
penelitian kuantitatif menggunakan metodologi penelitian survey kuesioner,
dengan responden peserta didik dari berbagai tingkatan kelas sekolah. Dari hasil
penelitian diketahui bahwa terdapat 4 (empat) variabel yang mempengaruhi
tingkat kepercayaan peserta didik yaitu keselamatan, keamanan, aksesibilitas dan
kenyamanan. Variabel yang memberikan pengaruh signifikan dalam pembentukan
tingkat kepercayaan peserta didik adalah variabel aksesibilitas dan kenyamanan.
ABSTRACTThis study is dedicated to analyze variables, which influenced school tuition to
use the urban transportation facilities, which provided specifically by Local
Government of DKI Jakarta which is Bus Sekolah, Which is expected to be an
example of transportation for school tuition of viable and friendly to go and return
from school, despite limitation of quality service rendered by other public
transportation. The kind of research done is quantitative research; using research
methodology survey questionnaire, with respondents from the student tuition on
various levels school classes. From the research seen that there are four variables
That influences the level of trust school tuition; namely of peace offerings,
security, the accessibility and comfort. Variables that provide significant influence
in the formation of the level of trust school tuition are accessibility and comfort.;This study is dedicated to analyze variables, which influenced school tuition to
use the urban transportation facilities, which provided specifically by Local
Government of DKI Jakarta which is Bus Sekolah, Which is expected to be an
example of transportation for school tuition of viable and friendly to go and return
from school, despite limitation of quality service rendered by other public
transportation. The kind of research done is quantitative research; using research
methodology survey questionnaire, with respondents from the student tuition on
various levels school classes. From the research seen that there are four variables
That influences the level of trust school tuition; namely of peace offerings,
security, the accessibility and comfort. Variables that provide significant influence
in the formation of the level of trust school tuition are accessibility and comfort.;This study is dedicated to analyze variables, which influenced school tuition to
use the urban transportation facilities, which provided specifically by Local
Government of DKI Jakarta which is Bus Sekolah, Which is expected to be an
example of transportation for school tuition of viable and friendly to go and return
from school, despite limitation of quality service rendered by other public
transportation. The kind of research done is quantitative research; using research
methodology survey questionnaire, with respondents from the student tuition on
various levels school classes. From the research seen that there are four variables
That influences the level of trust school tuition; namely of peace offerings,
security, the accessibility and comfort. Variables that provide significant influence
in the formation of the level of trust school tuition are accessibility and comfort., This study is dedicated to analyze variables, which influenced school tuition to
use the urban transportation facilities, which provided specifically by Local
Government of DKI Jakarta which is Bus Sekolah, Which is expected to be an
example of transportation for school tuition of viable and friendly to go and return
from school, despite limitation of quality service rendered by other public
transportation. The kind of research done is quantitative research; using research
methodology survey questionnaire, with respondents from the student tuition on
various levels school classes. From the research seen that there are four variables
That influences the level of trust school tuition; namely of peace offerings,
security, the accessibility and comfort. Variables that provide significant influence
in the formation of the level of trust school tuition are accessibility and comfort.]"