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Yulianti Savitri
"Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan rancangan crosssectional yang dilakukan pada periode rawat 4-15 Maret 2013 pada 114 pasien sebagai responden. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan persepsi pasien terhadap efektivitas komunikasi terapeutik perawat di ruang rawat inap RSU Bhakti Yudha Depok.
Hasil penelitian menggambarkan 66,7% responden menilai komunikasi perawat efektif, analisis lebih lanjut dengan regresi logistik menujukkan tidak ada hubungan signifikan antara umur, jenis kelamin, pendidikan, tipe kepribadian dengan persepsi pasien terhadap efektivitas komunikasi terapeutik perawat. Hanya variabel motivasi yang menunjukkan adanya hubungan yang signifikan antara persepsi pasien terhadap efektivitas komunikasi terapeutik perawat.
Dengan hasil penelitian ini disarankan kepada rumah sakit agar diadakan rencana pelatihan komunikasi terapeutik secara berkelanjutan bagi perawat. Selain itu, mengupayakan adanya penerapan komunikasi terapeutik perawat dengan optimal serta adanya pengawasan dari supervisor maupun kepala ruangan, dan pembinaan dari komite keperawatan bagi perawat.

The study was a quantitative cross sectional study conducted during the periodMarch 4th to March 15th 2013 and covering 114 client. The aim of the study was to determine the factors associated with patient's perceptions about effectiveness of therapeutic communication nursing inpatient unit.
The result was found 66,7% respondents think nurses have effectiveness communication and with the logistic regression analysis showed there was no association between age, sex, education, personality traits with patient’s perceptions about effectiveness of therapeutic communication nursing. It also found that there was association between motivation with patient's perceptions about effectiveness of therapeutic communication nursing.
This study recommends to hospital for make therapeutic communication periodic training. Besides that, seek the implementation of therapeutic communication nursing and monitoring from supervisor and the head of the room, also coaching from nursing committee for nurses.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Frieda Ayu Prihadini
"Dalam menjawab keluhan perawat mengenai besarnya beban kerja di ruang rawat inap Cattleya B RSU Bhakti Yudha, perlu dilakukan analisis kebutuhan tenaga perawat dengan menggunakan beberapa formula yaitu, Workload Indicator Staff Needs (WISN), formula Gillies, PPNI, dan formula Ilyas. Penelitian dilakukan di ruang rawat inap Cattleya B menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dan kualitatif dengan melakukan observasi terhadap aktivitas perawat menurut metode work sampling serta in-depth interview pada 21-30 Mei 2012.
Hasil penelitian menyatakan beban kerja perawat pada kategori produktif (80%) dengan hanya 33.98% yang merupakan aktivitas keperawatan langsung dan 47.4% merupakan aktivitas keperawatan tidak langsung. Penggunaan waktu untuk kegiatan pribadi dan non produktif perawatmasih di dalam standar ILO (14.98%) Formula Gillies dan PPNI, dan Ilyas tidak menggambarkan sejumlah kegiatan keperawatan tidak langsung dari perawat seperti administrasi dan pencatatan laporan, yang justru pada saat observasi membutuhkan proporsi yang lebih besar. Sebaliknya metode WISN yang menghasilkan jumlah perawat sebesar 35 orang ditambah dengan 1 kepala ruangan dianggap lebih tepat dan sesuai dengan RS karena menggambarkan beban kerja nyata.
Diharapkan pihak manajemen dapat memberikan toleransi seperti pemberian hari kepelatihan bagi perawat, menambah jumlah tenaga baik perawat dan non perawat sesuai kebutuhan untuk meningkatkan mutu pelayanan.

In order to answer the concern of high workload nursing care at Cattleya B Ward of Bhakti Yudha Hospital, there is a need to analyze the requirement of nursing staff with some formulas:Workload Indicator Staff Needs (WISN), Gillies?, PPNI, and Ilyas? Formula. This Research was held in Cattleya B Ward of Bhakti Yudha Hospital on May 21st-30th 2012 using Quantitative and Qualitative approach with an observation to nursing activity based on work sampling method and also in-depth interview with some informants to gain any information for analysis.
The result of this research proved that nursing workload is in productive state (80%) with only 33.98% are direct nursing care activities and 47.4% are indirect nursing care activities. The usage of time for individual activity and non-productive activity are still in the ILO Standard (14.98%) Gillies?, PPNI, and Ilyas? Formula did not described some of indirect activity like administration, and making nursing report which in observation need higher proportions than others. In the contrary, WISN, which results 35 nurses as staff with 1 additional nurse as the head of Cattleya B ward, is suitable with hospital because described the real work load in the ward.
In the future, hopefully manager can give any tolerance like training day for nurse; add some staff both nursing staff and non-nursing staff as needs for service quality.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ria Prihatini
"Tesis ini membahas tentang analisis produk layanan rawat inap di Rumah Sakit Bhakti Yudha Baru. Alasan penelitian ini diambil adalah karena Rnmah Sakit Bhakti Yudha mengganti manajemen lamanya dengan manajemen baru sejak tiga tahun yang lalu. Tujuan dari penelitian lni adalah untuk menganalisis faktor ekstemal dan faktor internal yang berkaitan dengan produk layanan rawat inap dan manajemen rumah sakit. Penelitian lni menggunakan pendekaran kwllitatif didukung dengan data sekunder basil survei melalui kuesioner yang telah dilakukan oleh pihuk Rumah Sakit Bhakti Yudha baru pada bulan Mei-Juni. Hasil dari penentian ini memberikan kesimpulan bahwa pelayanan rawat inap di Rumah Sakit Bhakti Yudha sudah cukup memuaskan namun untuk mencapai tujuan, pihak manajemen nunah saklt belum menerapkan strategi komunikasi pemasaran karena beium tersedianya sumber daya yang dapat mengelolanya.

The focus of this study is to analyze the health care room facilities at Bhakti Yudha Baru Hospital. Bhakti Yudha Baru Hospital has changed the management into the new one since three years ago. The purpose of this study is to analyze internal and externals factors related to the product and manaagement. This study is using Qualitative methods with quantitative data from the hospital which was held on May and June through questionnaire. The result of this study is that Nursing care and service in Bhakti Yudha Baru Hospital is already good but to reach the goal the hospital management has not applying the best marketing."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ida Farida Yahya
"Dalam pelayananasuhan keperawatan, komunikasi terapeutik memegang peranan penting untuk membantu klien memecahkan masalahnya. Untuk mewujudkan terlaksananya komunikasi terapeutik secara efektif diperlukan adanya kemauan dan kesadaran diri yang tinggi dari perawat. Perawat harus mampu menciptakan kondisi (keterpercayaan) yang dapat menimbulkan adanya rasa percaya klien terhadap perawat, klien merasa diperhatikan: diterima, merasa aman, nyaman (deskripsi) merasa diikutsertakan dalam setiap tindakan yang akan dilakukan untuknya (orientasi masalah) pelayanan yang diberikan perawat dirasakan tulus, tidak dengan paksaan (spontanitas) informasi yang dibutuhkan klien harus jelas (kejelasan) klien merasa perawat dapat membantu mengurangi hal-hal yang mengganggu pikirannya dalam menghadapi penyakitnya dan tanpa memandang siapa klien tersebut (persamaan) sehingga klien merasa puas.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara faktor-faktor yang menumbuhkan hubungan interpersonal baik dengan efektifitas komunikasi terapeutik perawat-klien di ruang rawat inap rumah sakit Sumber Waras. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif analitik dengan pendekatan Cross Sectional. Sampel penelitian ini terdiri dari 2 sampel yaitu 139 perawat pelaksana dan 248 klien yang dirawat. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis dengan mempergunakan koefisien korelasi Product Moment, untuk melihat ada tidaknya hubungan antara variabel independen dan variabel dependen. Selanjutnya dilakukan analisis regresi linier sederhana untuk mengetahui bagaimana variabel dependen dapat diprediksi oleh variabel independen. Untuk mengetahui prediksi yang paling berhubungan antara variabel dependen dan independen digunakan regeresi liner ganda.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dari delapan variabel independen, lima variabel independen yang berhubungan secara signifikan dengan variabel dependen yaitu deskripsi, orientasi masalah, kejelasan, keterpercayaan dan kesinambungan & konsistensi. Sedangkan tiga variabel yang tidak berhubungan adalah spontanitas, persamaan dan provisionalisme.
Dengan demikian dapat dikatakan bahwa komunikasi terapeutik perawat-klien di ruang rawat inap RS Sumber Waras sudah dilaksanakan dengan baik, namun masih perlu adanya peningkatan pengetahuan dan keterampilan serta sikap perawat pelaksana dalam berkomunikasi dengan klien, Mengingat masih adanya keluhan-keluhan dari klien terhadap pelayanan asuhan keperawatan di RS Sumber Waras."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2003
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Manurung, Idawati
"Recent health service should ti-y to grant comprehensive service, in line with technology demand and society interest, clients have resumed to pay attention to profits of hospital providing qualified service, efficient cost and satisfaction to its clients. A hospital, if dose not pay attention to its client?s satisfaction, will diminish its clients and eventually will suffer a financial loss. One of many factors influencing client?s satisfaction is client-nurse communication.
The survey at Karya Bhakti Hospital, Bogor indicated that its clients have felt satisfied, yet they still have complaint on that the communication between nurses and clients in inpatient unit has not been active. In consequence, this research was to prove that there was a relation between nurse-client communication and a level of client?s satisfaction with the nursing service. The used method was descriptive correlation and the data collecting utilized cross sectional. The sample of research was 100 people who were patients of inpatient unit of Karya Bhakti Hospital, Bogor. The research was conducted in June and July 2001. The instrument of this research broke down into three part, namely: first client?s characteristics; second, nurses? communication toward client; and third, client?s satisfaction.
Characteristics of respondent were: age between 15-73 years old of age, mostly women educational level ranging from elementary to university, mostly from new patients who got service at first; and length of caring ranging from 3-12 days. The research was conducted at four inpatient units. The result of communication variable implied that the clients often got empathy, involved in planning and decision making lfl controlled caring process, entrusted and often got detail, systematic and transparent information as well as rewarding as an individu in nurse communication (Confirmation). The result finding at satisfaction level showed that the level of corespondent?s satisfaction was high enough. Their characteristic did not indicate a significant relation with the level of satisfaction There was a significant Connection between nurse-client COflhrfltiflication (confirmation) and client?s satisfaction on detail-systematic information granting (transparency) as well as attitude to appreciate client as an indivìdu (confirmation).
Based on the research, it is recommended that policy makers of the hospital should remain this achievement. And ¡t should be enhanced so the entire staffs of the hospital could run communication well and it could be remained by rewarding to executing nurse whom has carried his/her communication well, emphasizing to all hospital to do so. And they should establish teamwork that handles matter of communication in a hospital and compose a program which focuses on information restructuring such as health education through discharged planning that is adjusted with individual needs.
It is suggested that nurses should carry out nursing care using excellent communication. And create a program that control and facilitate communication program in environment of care. For further research, it is recommended that this result should be base of the following research using more complete method such as experiment equation or by direct-qualitative-interview on factors influencing clients? satisfaction. Due to the fact that this research had analyzed the content of communication, so the further research is recommended to ilivestigate some relations between nurse-client communication techniques and achievement of nursing service quality.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2001
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yessy Wirani
"Metode komunikasi kolaboratif untuk meningkatkan keselamatan pasien adalah komunikasi SBAR (Situation, Background, Assessment, Recomendation). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efektivitas pelatihan SBAR terhadap pengetahuan, sikap, dan keterampilan perawat di Rumah Sakit Pelabuhan Palembang tahun 2016. Jenis penelitian quasi eksperimental dengan desain one group pretest-posttest dilanjutkan pendekatan kualitatif (Mixed Research). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan perbedaan bermakna pengetahuan dan keterampilan perawat sebelum dan sesudah pelatihan komunikasi SBAR dan perawat memiliki reaksi baik sesudah pelatihan. Pelatihan komunikasi SBAR efektif meningkatkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan perawat. Saran untuk rumah sakit untuk membentuk unit diklat, membuat post training action plan secara konsisten dan program inhouse training lanjutan.

Collaborative communication methods to improve patient safety is communication SBAR (Situation, Background, Assessment, Recommendation). This study aims to determine the effectiveness of training SBAR to knowledge, attitudes, and skills of nurses at Pelabuhan Hospital Palembang in 2016. Type quasi experimental design with one group pretest-posttest followed a qualitative approach (Mixed Research). The results showed significant differences in the knowledge and skills of nurses before and after training SBAR communication and nurses have a good reaction after training. SBAR communication training effectively improve knowledge and skills of nurses. Suggestions for the hospital to restructurisation a unit training, evaluate a post training action plan consistently and advanced in-house training
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Chairunisa Saraswati Hakim
"Dokumentasi keperawatan adalah catatan yang merekam bagaimana proses keperawatan dilakukan dan merupakan salah satu indikator mutu asuhan keperawatan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis gambaran kelengkapan dokumentasi asuhan keperawatan di RS X tahun 2011-2014 berdasarkan rincian aspek-aspek dari proses keperawatan. Metode pada penelitian ini adalah kuantitatif menggunakan instrumen baku yang diterbitkan oleh Kemenkes RI, yaitu Instrumen Studi Dokumentasi Penerapan Standar Asuhan Keperawatan (Instrumen A). Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa nilai kelengkapan Pengkajian, Diagnosa, Perencanaan dan Evaluasi Asuhan Keperawatan RS X 2011-2014 masih dibawah standar Kemenkes RI. Sedangkan variabel Implementasi Asuhan Keperawatan, kelengkapan catatan asuhan keperawatan sudah mencapai standar Kemenkes RI.

Nursing documentation is a record that records how the nursing process is done and is one indicator of the quality of nursing care. This study aims to analyze the complete overview of the documentation of nursing care in the hospital X in 2011-2014 based on the details of the aspects of the nursing process. The method in this research is quantitative using standard instruments issued by Ministry of Health of Indonesia, namely Instrumen Studi Dokumentasi Penerapan Standar Asuhan Keperawatan (Instrument A). These results indicate that the value of the completeness of the Assessment, Diagnosis, Planning and Evaluation Nursing in X hospital at 2011-2014 was below the standard of Ministry of Health Affairs. While the variable implementation of Nursing, the completeness of the record of nursing care has reached the standard of Ministry of Health Affairs."
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Masri Robiansya Putra
"Komunikasi pemasaran merupakan ujung tombak pemasaran, sering tindakan pemasaran tidak: atau kurang dikenal oleh konsumen karena kurang dilakukan tindakan komunikasi pemasanm. Layanan kebidanan RSU Bbakti Yudba Depok merupakan layanan tertua dan memiliki pengalaman yang lebih banyak dari layanan yang ada di rumah sakit tersebut dalam melayani masyarakat kota Depok tentu saja bisa menjadi market leader rawat inap kebidanan diantam rumah sakit lainnynamun sayangnya biarpun menjadi market leader bagi rawat inap kebidanan tingkat kunjungan rawat inap tersebut mengaiami penurunan bisa dilihat data kunjungan rawat inap di RSU Bhakd Yudba pada tabun 2007 sebesar 28,51% dan padn tahun 2008 sehesar 26,91% turun sekitar 1.60% dihandingkan pada tabun scbelumnya. Oleh karena itu tujuan penelitian inl adalah menganalisis bauran komunikasi pemasarnn di instalasi layanan kebidanan rwnah sakit umum Bhakti Yudba Depok. Jenis penelitiannya adalah penelitian studi kasus dengan pendekatan kualitatif hennaksud uutuk melakukan analisis yang bersifat mendalam terhadap bauran komunikasi pemasuran lnstalasllayanan kebidnnan di rumah sakit umum Bhakti Yudba Depok Cara pengumpulan data menggunakan metode wawancara mendalam (Indeplh Interview) dan observasi Japangan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa bauran komunikasi yang telah dilaksanakan oleh lnstalasi layanan kebldnnan masih terbilang kunmg ideal dihandingkan kan teori yang ada yang mengakibatkan target yang dikehendaki belum bisa terpenuhi.

Communication is the spearhead of marketing, marketing actions are often not or less known by consumers. the lack of action undertaken marketing communications, Midwifery services RSU Bhakti Yudba Depok is the oldest and services have the experience more of a service that is in the hospital in Jakarta to serve the people of the city, of course, can be a market leader Inpatient obstetrics among other hospital but unfortunately even become a market leader for care inap-level midwifery Inpatient visits are decreasing data traffic can be seen in the Inpatient RSU Bhakti Yudha in 2007 was 28.51% and in the year 2008 of approximately 26.91% down 1.60"/o compared to the previous year. Therefore, the purpose of this research is analyzing a mixture of marketing communications services in the Installation obstetrics hospital general Bhakti Yudha Depok. Type of research is case study research with a qualitative approach wanted to make a deep analysis of a mixture of marketing communications Installing midwifery services at a public hospital Bhakti Yudha Depok. How data collection methods using depth interviews (depth Interview) and field observations. Results of this research showed that the mixture of communication that have been implemented by the Installation midwifery services is relatively less compared to a theoretical ideal that is the target of the desired result can not yet met.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Cornelia Jackqualina
"Komunikasi terapeutik adalah komunikasi interpersonal yang dilakukan perawat saat berinteraksi demi kesembuhan pasien. Tujuan penelitian mengetahui gambaran persepsi pasien dan faktor yang mempengaruhi komunikasi terapeutik perawat di ruang rawat inap RS MMC Jakarta. Menggunakan disain penelitian kuantitatif dan kualitatif dengan kuesioner, observasi dan wawancara mendalam. Besar sampel 90 pasien. Hasil penelitian gambaran persepsi pasien untuk komunikasi terapeutik diterapkan baik 65,6% dan kurang diterapkan 34,4%.
Hasil observasi dan wawancara mendalam rata-rata perawat telah menerapkan komunikasi terapeutik dengan baik, walaupun masih perlu perbaikan. Analisis bivariat variabel yang berhubungan signifikan adalah usia, pendidikan, kondisi fisik dan kelas kamar. Analisis multivariat variabel yang memiliki hubungan paling kuat adalah usia.

Therapeutic Communication is an interpersonal communication done by the nurse when she interacts and for curing the patient.The purpose of this study is to identify the perception of the patient and the factors that influenced the nurse therapeutic communication in the inpatient ward at MMC Hospital. Using the quantitative and qualitative method, data collected by questionnaire, observation and in-depth interview. Amount of sample is 90 patients.
The result showed that 65,6% of respondent had a good perception. Observation and in-depth interview showed good result in general. Bivariate analysis showed the variable which has significant relationship with the perception are age, education, physical condition and Room Class as well. Multivariate analyses showed that age has the strongest relationship with the perception.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Prasetyaningtyas Agustrianti
"Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan efektivitas komunikasi perawat-pasien di ruang rawat inap RS Harapan Mulia. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan rancangan crossectional yang dilakukan pada periode rawat Maret-Mei 2015 pada 60 pasien dan 30 perawat sebagai responden.
Hasil penelitian menggambarkan 53,3% responden pasien menilai komunikasi perawat efektif, analisis lebih lanjut dengan regresi logistik menunjukkan tidak ada hubungan yang bermakna antara karakter perawat, kelelahan fisik dan mental, bahasa, dukungan pimpinan dan manajemen rumah sakit, fasilitas dan penghargaan dengan efektivitas komunikasi perawat dan pasien.

The study aims to determine the factors associated with the effectiveness of nurse and patient communication at inpatient unit in Harapan Mulia Hospital located in Bekasi Regency. It is a quantitative study with cross-sectional design. Samples are the total population amounted up to 30 nurses with 60 patients as respondents conducted in March - May 2015.
The results showed that 53.3% of patients perceived that nurses?s communication was effective, further analysis with logistic regression showed no significant relationship between the characters nurses, physical and mental fatigue, language, leadership and management support for hospitals, facilities and reward with the nurses and patients communication effectiveness.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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