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Fajar Rudityo
Tesis ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi tingkat likuiditas pada PT Bank BRISyariah. Berdasarkan studi literatur, dilakukan uji empiris terhadap data time series bulanan periode Maret 2009 – Februari 2013 melalui data sekunder dengan desain penelitian kuantitatif. Analisis dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode Ordinary Least Square (OLS) untuk mencari nilai koefisien regresi terbaik.
Kesimpulan yang dihasilkan melalui penelitian ini adalah pertama, faktor internal yang terdiri dari pembiayaan dan dana pihak ketiga secara statistik signifikan mempengaruhi likuiditas bank, sedangkan aset siap konversi menjadi kas secara statistik tidak signifikan mempengaruhi likuiditas bank. Pembiayaan berpengaruh negatif sedangkan dana pihak ketiga berpengaruh positif terhadap likuiditas. Kedua, faktor eksternal yang terdiri dari inflasi dan nilai tukar IDR terhadap USD secara statistik tidak signifikan mempengaruhi likuiditas bank.
Tingginya pembiayaan dan dana pihak ketiga dapat menurunkan dan meningkatkan likuiditas. Melalui penelitian ini bank harus lebih memprioritaskan perhatiannya terhadap faktor-faktor internal, sedangkan dilain pihak likuiditas bank dinilai cukup baik dalam menghadapi perubahan kondisi eksternal. Selain itu bank juga tidak harus menempatkan dananya pada surat-surat berharga syariah dalam jumlah yang besar, karena aset siap konversi menjadi kas tidak signifikan mempengaruhi likuiditas bank.

The objective of this thesis is to determine factors which influence liquidity level in sharia banking. Based on the literature study, conducted an empirical tests for monthly time series data period of March 2009 - February 2013 applying a quantitative research design. Analysis was performed using the method of Ordinary Least Square (OLS) for searching the best regression coefficients value.
The results of the research are firstly, the internal factors which consist of financing and third-party deposits are statistically significant on the bank liquidity, while the availability of liquid assets is not statistically significant. Financing has negatif correlation while the availability of liquid assets has positif correlation. Secondly, external factors consisting of inflation and IDR to USD exchange rate are not statistically significant on the bank liquidity.
The high of financing and third-party deposits may decrease and increase liquidity respectively. Through this research bank should prioritized attention to internal factors, while on the other hand bank liquidity is considered quite good in the face of changing external conditions. In addition banks also do not have to place their large funds in Islamic securities, since the availability of liquid assets is not significantly affect on the bank liquidity. "
Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Banu Aji Wicaksana
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor internal yang mempengaruhi pembiayaan di Baitul Maal wa Tamwil (BMT) area kota Bekasi. Dalam melakukan penilaian terhadap perkembangan pembiayaan di BMT dapat menggunakan faktor internal ataupun faktor eksternal. Dalam penelitian ini faktor yang digunakan adalah faktor internal dimana faktor internal menggunakan variabel-variabel tertentu yang berkaitan kondisi internal yang ada di BMT. Variabel-variabel tersebut diantaranya variabel simpanan/Dana Pihak Ketiga, Modal Sendiri, Non Performing Financing (NPF), Pendapatan Margin, dan Biaya Operasional. Penelitian ini menilai pengaruh dari simpanan/Dana Pihak Ketiga, Modal Sendiri, Non Performing Financing (NPF), Pendapatan Margin, dan Biaya Operasional terhadap Pembiayaan 3 (tiga) BMT di area kota Bekasi tahun 2007-2012. Data penelitian adalah data sekunder yang diambil dari beberapa sumber yaitu BMT terkait, Dinas Perindustrian, Perdagangan, dan Koperasi, dan data dari Internet. Model analisis yang digunakan adalah estimasi dengan menggunakan konsep data panel. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian diperoleh temuan bahwa secara individual variabel Simpanan/DPK, Pendapatan Margin, dan Biaya Operasional berpengaruh secara signifikan dengan tingkat kepercayaan 95% terhadap Pembiayaan. Sedangkan variabel Modal Sendiri dan NPF tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap Pembiayaan BMT area kota Bekasi. Keseluruhan variabel memiliki hubungan yang sesuai dengan teori.

This study is striving for finding out the internals factors that influence on BMT financing in Bekasi City Area. In the assessment of BMT financing, we can use external factors and internal factors. In this study, the factors that we used is internal factors which always used by BMT itself. These variable are third party funds, equity of BMT, NPF, income margin, and operating cost. This studyassesses the influence of third party funds, equity of BMT, NPF, income margin, and operating cost to three BMT Financing in Bekasi City Area perios 2007-2012. Research data is secondary data drawn from several sources that is related BMT, service industry, commerce and cooperatives, and some data from internet. The model analysis that used in this study is estimation with data panel concept. Based on test result, the conclusions reached are individually third-party funds, income margin, and operating costs variable have significant effect on BMT financing in 95% trust rate, while equity of BMT and NPF shown do not have a significant effect on BMT financing. Overall, in this study shown all variable has the appropriate relationship with the theory."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Wahyu Jatmiko
"Penelitian ini secara komprehensif melihat pengaruh likuiditas dengan menggunakan proksi LOT terhadap perubahan yield di pasar keuangan Indonesia setelah mengontrol variabel-variabel umum penentu yield seperti, umur, variabilitas harga, dan faktor-faktor makroekonomi. Secara spesifik penelitian ini menggunakan sukuk sebagai unit analisa. Penelitian ini berkontribusi mengisi kekosongan studi empiris terkait pengaruh likuiditas pada perubahan yield di pasar sukuk Indonesia. Hasil estimasi menunjukan bahwa likuiditas dengan proksi LOT ?dihargai? pada perubahan yield sukuk di Indonesia. Namun, terdapat perbedaan efek ekonomis likuiditas terhadapa perubahan yield diantara sukuk negara dan sukuk korporasi. Temuan lain menunjukan bahwa periode krisis 2008 secara signifikan memengaruhi sukuk korporasi namun tidak pada sukuk negara.

The study comprehensively examines the impact of liquidity, using proxy LOT, on yield changes in the Indonesian financial market after controlling for the common sukuk-specific (price variability and age of asset) and macroeconomic variables. In particular, we use sukuk as unit of analysis. The study contributes new empirical evidence the impact of liquidity on yield changes sukuk in Indonesia. Our Findings justify that sukuk liquidity (using proxy LOT) is priced on yield changes in Indonesia. However, there is a difference impact of liquidity on yield changes between government sukuk and corporate sukuk. The other finding shows that 2008 financial crisis significantly affect corporate sukuk but the effect statistically seems to disappear in the government sukuk.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Aji Erlangga M.
Sebagai institusi yang rapuh secara karena mentransformasi aset dan menjamin likuiditas deposannya, maka bank mengelola likuiditasnya termasuk untuk berjaga-jaga dalam menghadapi liquidity shock. Salah satu caranya adalah dengan memegang aset likuid berupa buffer likuiditas dalam jumlah yang cukup.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis faktor-faktor apa saja yang berpengaruh terhadap likuiditas bank dalam bentuk buffer likuiditas. Penelitian dilakukan menggunakan model regresi berganda untuk menganalisis variabel¬variabel yang diteliti, dengan studi kasus pada PT Bank Syariah Mandiri pada periode tahun 2004-2006. Variabel dependen dalam penelitian adalah likuiditas bank berupa tingkat buffer likuiditas. Sedangkan variabel-variabel independen dalam penelitian adalah jumlah dana pihak ketiga, ketersediaan aset slap konversi menjadi kas, pertumbuhan pembiayaan (loan growth), akses pasar antar bank, kewajiban lancar dan keuntungan bank. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat dua variabel yang secara statistik signifikan terhadap tingkat buffer likuiditas bank yaitu dana pihak ketiga dan aset yang siap konversi menjadi kas. Dana pihak ketiga berpengaruh positif terhadap buffer likuiditas yang dimiliki bank dan ketersediaan aset yang siap dikonversi menjadi kas berpengaruh negatif dengan buffer likuiditas bank. Sedangkan variabel lain secara statistik tidak signifikan mempengaruhi tingkat buffer likuiditas bank.
T 20675
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Drajat Ari Cahyadi
"Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menganalisis faktor-faktor yang memengaruhi risiko likuiditas pada perbankan konvensional dan syariah di Indonesia. Faktor-faktor dalam penelitian ini dibandingkan untuk mengukur efek pada risiko likuiditas, yang meliputi faktor internal dalam bentuk ukuran bank (SIZE), Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR), Return on Assets (RoA), Non Performing Loan/Financing (NPL/F), Pembiayaan terhadap Total Aset (FIN), Equity to Total Asset (ETA) dan faktor eksternal (variabel makroekonomi) dalam bentuk Gross Domestic Product (GDP), Inflasi (INF) dan suku bunga (INT). Sementara itu, untuk mengukur likuiditas, penulis menerapkan pendekatan Loan to Deposit Ratio (LDR) dan Financing Gap to Total Asset Ratio (FGAPR). Regresi panel data dari 50 bank konvensional dan 11 bank syariah dari 2012 hingga 2016 dianalisis untuk mengevaluasi hubungan mereka dengan tujuan bahwa faktor-faktor yang memengaruhi risiko likuiditas dapat diidentifikasi, diukur, dan diantisipasi oleh manajemen dalam mengelola risiko likuiditas bank

This research is conducted to analyze the factors that influence liquidity risk in conventional and sharia banking in Indonesia. Factors in this study were compared to measure the effect on liquidity risk, which includes internal factors in the form of bank size (SIZE), Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR), Return on Assets (RoA), Non Performing Loan / Financing (NPL / F), Financing to Total Assets (ETA), Equity to Total Assets (ETA) and external factors (macroeconomic variables) in the form of Gross Domestic Product (GDP), inflation (INF) and interest rate (INT). Meanwhile, to measure liquidity, we apply the Loan to Deposit Ratio (LDR) and Financing Gap to Total Asset Ratio (FGAPR) approach. The panel data regression from 50 conventional banks and 11 sharia banks from 2012 to 2016 were analyzed to evaluate their relationship with the aim that factors affecting liquidity risk can be identified, measured, and anticipated by management in managing bank liquidity risk."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Teuku Muhammad Reza Farobby
Sistem perbankan syariah sebagai struktur perbankan baru telah secara drastis meningkatkan operasinya untuk memperluas penggunaannya di berbagai negara. Tujuan utama dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi preferensi pelanggan dalam memilih layanan perbankan syariah. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menyebarkan kuesioner pada 166 responden dan teknik yang digunakan adalah random sampling. Hasil olah data yang menggunakan Structural Equation Modelling menunjukkan bahwa Islamic Branding, Convenience of Services dan Ethical Organization memilliki hubungan yang siginifikan, sedangkan Perception of Services menunjukkan hubungan yang tidak signifikan, yang artinya tidak adanya pengaruh Perception of Services pada preferensi pelanggan dalam memilih layanan perbankan syariah. Temuan dari studi ini dapat memfasilitasi penyedia layanan perbankan syariah untuk memberikan penawaran pelayanan inovatif sesuai dengan yang dibutuhkan oleh pelanggan, serta peningkatan transparansi informasi ke publik.

The Islamic banking system as a new banking structure has drastically increased its operations in order to expand its usage in various countries. The main objective of this research is to identify the factors that influence customers in choosing Islamic banking services. This research was conducted by distributing questionnaires on 166 respondents and using random sampling techniques.The results of data processing using Structural Equation Modelling show that the Islamic Branding, Convenience of Services and Ethical Organization have significant relationships, while Perception of Services shows a non-significant relationship, which means there is no influence of Perception of Services on customer preferences in choosing Islamic banking services. The findings of this study can facilitate sharia banking service providers to give innovative service offerings in according what is needed by customers and advancing transparency of information. "
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ari Permana
"[Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kinerja keuangan perbankan syariah di Indonesia yaitu ROA dan ROE yang dilihat dari; karakteristik bank dan kondisi makroekonomi. Analisis dalam penelitian ini bersifat kuantitatif dan kualitatif serta menggunakan data dari 3 bank Islam yang terdapat di Indonesia dengan periode 2004-2014. Analisis kuantitatif dilakukan dengan metode Generalised Least Square ( GLS ) serta fixed effect dan random effect. Analisis kualitatif yang dilakukan adalah untuk mendapatkan deskripsi tentang keterkaitan antara variabel yang di uji berdasarkan model yang ada. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa kinerja keuangan bank syariah yang dilihat dari ROA dan ROE dipengaruhi oleh karakteristik bank,dan kondisi makroekonomi yaitu equity to assets ratio, deposit & short term funding to asset ratio, Loan to Asset Ratio, Liabilities to Asset Ratio, Cost of Efficiency, PDB dan inflasi, ROA hanya di pengaruhi oleh variabel EAR, COE dan Inflasi sedangkan ROE di pengaruhi oleh Variabel COE, PDB dan Inflasi.

This aim of this research is to analyze the profitability determinant of Islamic banks which can be seen from variable, such as; bank characteristic and macroeconomic condition. Quantitative and qualitative are used in this study, by using data from 3 Islamic bank in Indonesia in the 2004-2014. Quantitative analysis is generated through panel data reggression model with Generalized Least Square ( GLS ) also fixed effect well as random effect and also common effect Model based on Hausman test. Qualitative analysis is used to capture description ofthe relationship between variables exist in the model. The result shows that; bank characteristics that appear equity to assets ratio, Cost of Efficiency and macroeconomic that appear inflation have significant effect to ROA, while ROE is only influenced by Cost of Efficiency, GDP and Inflation., This aim of this research is to analyze the profitability determinant of Islamic banks which can be seen from variable, such as; bank characteristic and macroeconomic condition. Quantitative and qualitative are used in this study, by using data from 3 Islamic bank in Indonesia in the 2004-2014. Quantitative analysis is generated through panel data reggression model with Generalized Least Square ( GLS ) also fixed effect well as random effect and also common effect Model based on Hausman test. Qualitative analysis is used to capture description ofthe relationship between variables exist in the model. The result shows that; bank characteristics that appear equity to assets ratio, Cost of Efficiency and macroeconomic that appear inflation have significant effect to ROA, while ROE is only influenced by Cost of Efficiency, GDP and Inflation.]"
Depok: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Panji Soenyono
Tesis ini membahas mengenai pengaruh sumber daya nasabah terhadap non performing finance tujuannya adalah untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor dari sumber daya nasabah yang mempengaruhi pembiayaan bermasalah. Objek penelitian adalah Koperasi Jasa Keuangan Syariah ABC di Jawa Timur, lokasi ini dipilih karena terdapat banyak pembiayaan bermasalah. Metode yang digunakan dalam menganalisis datanya yaitu dengan menggunakan model logistik berganda.
Dalam penelitian ini peneliti menggunakan enam faktor yang dapat mempengaruhi pembiayaan bermasalah yaitu banyaknya pelatihan yang pernah diikuti, pengalaman usaha, tingkat pendidikan, jumlah anggota keluarga, biaya rumah tangga perkapita, jumlah anggota keluarga nasabah dan rasio angsuran pinjaman di tempat lainnya (data tahun 2011).
Dari hasil analisis ini didapatkan bahwa faktor yang berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap pembiayaan bermasalah adalah nasabah Koperasi Jasa Keuangan Syariah ABC yang melakukan pelatihan mempunyai kecenderungan menurunkan risiko pembiayaan bermasalah sebesar 0.485 kali dibandingkan dengan yang tidak melakukan pelatihan dan nasabah dengan setiap rasio angsuran pinjaman di tempat lainnya sebesar 1% mempunyai kecenderungan mengalami risiko pembiayaan bermasalah 721.243 kali dibandingkan dengan yang 0%.

This thesis discusses about the influence of customer resources to finance non-performing goal is to determine the factors of customer resources that affect financing problems. Cooperative research object is ABC Islamic Financial Services in East Java, the location was chosen because there are a lot of financing problems. The method used in analyzing the data by using logistic regression models.
In this study the researchers used six factors that may affect the financing problems that many who had attended training, business experience, level of education, household size, per capita household expenses, family size and the ratio of installment loan customers in other places (as of 2011).
From the results of this analysis showed that factors significantly influence customers' financing problems were ABC Islamic Financial Service Cooperatives are doing the training have tended to reduce the risk of non-performing financing by 0485 times compared with no training and customer with every installment loan ratio in other places of 1% have a tendency to experience financing problems 721 243 times the risk compared with the 0%."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nathania Anindyajati
"Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK) berencana untuk menerapkan Liquidity Coverage Ratio (LCR) kepada seluruh bank umum konvensional di Indonesia, penerapan LCR ini akan menjadikan Bank dalam Kelompok Berdasarkan Modal Inti 1 (KBMI 1) yang saat ini tidak diwajibkan untuk menghitung dan memenuhi LCR, kedepannya akan diwajibkan memenuhi dan melaporkan LCR. Oleh karena itu, dalam rangka persiapan pemenuhan LCR bagi KBMI 1, maka perlu dilakukan penelitian untuk mengkaji faktor-faktor apa saja yang mempengaruhi Liquidity Coverage Ratio (LCR). Penelitian ini juga mengkaji perbedaan determinan LCR antara sebelum dan selama pandemi Covid-19. Analisis menggunakan regresi dengan data panel menggunakan data rasio keuangan bank sebagai faktor determinan LCR. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ukuran bank (SIZE), rasio kecukupan modal (CAR), current account saving account per total dana pihak ketiga (CASA), return on asset (ROA), loan to deposit ratio (LDR) dan suku bunga bank sentral berpengaruh terhadap LCR. Penelitian ini menemukan perbedaan determinan LCR antara sebelum dan saat pandemi Covid-19. Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi LCR sebelum pandemi adalah CASA, CAR, NPL, ROA dan suku bunga acuan bank sentral. Sedangkan pada masa pandemi faktor yang mempengaruhi LCR adalah CASA, CAR dan LDR

The Financial Services Authority (FSA) plan to applies Liquidity Coverage Ratio (LCR) to all conventional commercial banks in Indonesia, this implementation of LCR will make Banks in Group Based on Core Capital 1 (KBMI 1) which is currently not required to calculate and fulfil LCR limit, in the future required to fulfil and report LCR. Therefore, in order to make preparations for the fulfilment of the LCR for the KBMI 1, research is needed to examine what factors affect the Liquidity Coverage Ratio (LCR). This study also examines the difference LCR determinants between before and during pandemic Covid-19. The analysis use regression with panel data using bank’s financial ratio as the determinant factors of LCR. The results showed that bank size (SIZE), capital adequacy ratio (CAR), current account per total third party fund (CASA), return on assets (ROA), loan to deposit ratio (LDR) and central bank interest rates had an effect on the LCR. This research found several differences in the LCR determinants between before and during pandemic Covid-19 situation. Factors that affect LCR before the pandemic are CASA, CAR, NPL, ROA and BI rate. Meanwhile, during the pandemic, factors that affect LCR are CASA, CAR and LDR."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Edward Pranata
Bank dalam menjalankan pengelolaan likuiditasnya mempunyai potensi
keuntungan dan kerugian yang selalu mengikuti. Untuk mengendalikan risiko
tersebut perlu suatu proses manajemen risiko yang memadai, mulai dari
identifikasi risiko, pengukuran risiko hingga implementasi mitigasi risiko.
Pengukuran risiko likuiditas pada Bank Sinarmas yaitu menggunakan Liquidity
Coverage Ratio. Penyediaan likuiditas sangat penting untuk mengantisipasi
adanya kebutuhan likuiditas sehingga dapat mengcover kewajiban Bank baik
dalam kondisi normal maupun krisis. Namun demikian, penyediaan likuiditas
tidak boleh tersedia secara berlebihan karena timbul biaya likuiditas yang harus
ditanggung oleh Bank. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan penetapan limit biaya
pengelolaan likuiditas yang bersedia di tanggung oleh Bank berdasarkan risk
appetite dari management serta batas limit maksimum Liquidity Coverage Ratio
harus ditetapkan oleh Bank. Penetapan limit tersebut merupakan hal penting
dalam proses mitigasi risiko agar pendapatan yang hilang karena adanya
penyediaan likuiditas dapat diminimalkan sehingga dapat tercipta peningkatan
laba bagi Bank. Data yang diperoleh dalam penelitian ini merupakan komponen
dari Liquidity Coverage Ratio Bank Sinarmas selama 3 Tahun (2012-2014).
Metode dalam penelitian ini secara kuantitatif. Pada kondisi saat ini Bank
Sinarmas belum melakukan pengelolaan likuiditas jangka pendeknya secara
efektif. Hal ini terbukti dari hasil perhitungan rata-rata Liquidity Coverage Ratio
yang masih tinggi yaitu 206.01%. Bahkan pernah tertinggi sebesar 392% pada
bulan Juli 2014. Regulator menetapkan batas Liquidity Coverage Ratio minimum
sebesar 100%. Dengan adanya, penetapan pengelolaan biaya pemeliharaan
likuiditas maksimum dan penetapan limit maksimum Liquidity Coverage Ratio
diharapkan dapat diimplementasikan oleh Bank Sinarmas sehingga dapat tercipta
peningkatan laba bagi Bank

Bank in carrying out liquidity management always followed with potential gains
and losses. There should be an adequate risk management process to manage these
risks, starting from risk identification, risk measurement to risk mitigation
implementation. Liquidity risk measurement in Bank Sinarmas using Liquidity
Coverage Ratio. The providing of liquidity is very important to anticipate liquidity
needs so as to cover the liabilities of the Bank both in normal and crisis
conditions. However, the providing of liquidity should not be available to excess
liquidity because there will be costs to be borne by the Bank. Therefore, it is
necessary to establish limit liquidity management fee paid by the Bank prepared
based on the risk appetite by management as well as the maximum limit of the
Liquidity Coverage Ratio must be determined by the Bank. The limit setting
process is important in order to mitigate the risk of lost revenue due to the
providing of liquidity could be minimized so as to create an increase in profits for
the Bank. Data obtained in this study is a component of the Liquidity Coverage
Ratio Bank Sinarmas for 3 years (2012-2014). The method in this research is
quantitative. In the current conditions the Bank Sinarmas not do short-term
liquidity management effectively. This is evident from the results of the
calculation of average Liquidity Coverage Ratio are still high at 206.01%. The
highest ever amounted to 392% in July 2014. Regulator set a minimum limit of
the Liquidity Coverage Ratio at 100%. With the, determination of maximum
liquidity management of maintenance costs and maximum limits Liquidity
Coverage Ratio is expected to be implemented by the Bank Sinarmas so as to
create an increased Bank profitability;Bank in carrying out liquidity management always followed with potential gains
and losses. There should be an adequate risk management process to manage these
risks, starting from risk identification, risk measurement to risk mitigation
implementation. Liquidity risk measurement in Bank Sinarmas using Liquidity
Coverage Ratio. The providing of liquidity is very important to anticipate liquidity
needs so as to cover the liabilities of the Bank both in normal and crisis
conditions. However, the providing of liquidity should not be available to excess
liquidity because there will be costs to be borne by the Bank. Therefore, it is
necessary to establish limit liquidity management fee paid by the Bank prepared
based on the risk appetite by management as well as the maximum limit of the
Liquidity Coverage Ratio must be determined by the Bank. The limit setting
process is important in order to mitigate the risk of lost revenue due to the
providing of liquidity could be minimized so as to create an increase in profits for
the Bank. Data obtained in this study is a component of the Liquidity Coverage
Ratio Bank Sinarmas for 3 years (2012-2014). The method in this research is
quantitative. In the current conditions the Bank Sinarmas not do short-term
liquidity management effectively. This is evident from the results of the
calculation of average Liquidity Coverage Ratio are still high at 206.01%. The
highest ever amounted to 392% in July 2014. Regulator set a minimum limit of
the Liquidity Coverage Ratio at 100%. With the, determination of maximum
liquidity management of maintenance costs and maximum limits Liquidity
Coverage Ratio is expected to be implemented by the Bank Sinarmas so as to
create an increased Bank profitability;Bank in carrying out liquidity management always followed with potential gains
and losses. There should be an adequate risk management process to manage these
risks, starting from risk identification, risk measurement to risk mitigation
implementation. Liquidity risk measurement in Bank Sinarmas using Liquidity
Coverage Ratio. The providing of liquidity is very important to anticipate liquidity
needs so as to cover the liabilities of the Bank both in normal and crisis
conditions. However, the providing of liquidity should not be available to excess
liquidity because there will be costs to be borne by the Bank. Therefore, it is
necessary to establish limit liquidity management fee paid by the Bank prepared
based on the risk appetite by management as well as the maximum limit of the
Liquidity Coverage Ratio must be determined by the Bank. The limit setting
process is important in order to mitigate the risk of lost revenue due to the
providing of liquidity could be minimized so as to create an increase in profits for
the Bank. Data obtained in this study is a component of the Liquidity Coverage
Ratio Bank Sinarmas for 3 years (2012-2014). The method in this research is
quantitative. In the current conditions the Bank Sinarmas not do short-term
liquidity management effectively. This is evident from the results of the
calculation of average Liquidity Coverage Ratio are still high at 206.01%. The
highest ever amounted to 392% in July 2014. Regulator set a minimum limit of
the Liquidity Coverage Ratio at 100%. With the, determination of maximum
liquidity management of maintenance costs and maximum limits Liquidity
Coverage Ratio is expected to be implemented by the Bank Sinarmas so as to
create an increased Bank profitability;Bank in carrying out liquidity management always followed with potential gains
and losses. There should be an adequate risk management process to manage these
risks, starting from risk identification, risk measurement to risk mitigation
implementation. Liquidity risk measurement in Bank Sinarmas using Liquidity
Coverage Ratio. The providing of liquidity is very important to anticipate liquidity
needs so as to cover the liabilities of the Bank both in normal and crisis
conditions. However, the providing of liquidity should not be available to excess
liquidity because there will be costs to be borne by the Bank. Therefore, it is
necessary to establish limit liquidity management fee paid by the Bank prepared
based on the risk appetite by management as well as the maximum limit of the
Liquidity Coverage Ratio must be determined by the Bank. The limit setting
process is important in order to mitigate the risk of lost revenue due to the
providing of liquidity could be minimized so as to create an increase in profits for
the Bank. Data obtained in this study is a component of the Liquidity Coverage
Ratio Bank Sinarmas for 3 years (2012-2014). The method in this research is
quantitative. In the current conditions the Bank Sinarmas not do short-term
liquidity management effectively. This is evident from the results of the
calculation of average Liquidity Coverage Ratio are still high at 206.01%. The
highest ever amounted to 392% in July 2014. Regulator set a minimum limit of
the Liquidity Coverage Ratio at 100%. With the, determination of maximum
liquidity management of maintenance costs and maximum limits Liquidity
Coverage Ratio is expected to be implemented by the Bank Sinarmas so as to
create an increased Bank profitability, Bank in carrying out liquidity management always followed with potential gains
and losses. There should be an adequate risk management process to manage these
risks, starting from risk identification, risk measurement to risk mitigation
implementation. Liquidity risk measurement in Bank Sinarmas using Liquidity
Coverage Ratio. The providing of liquidity is very important to anticipate liquidity
needs so as to cover the liabilities of the Bank both in normal and crisis
conditions. However, the providing of liquidity should not be available to excess
liquidity because there will be costs to be borne by the Bank. Therefore, it is
necessary to establish limit liquidity management fee paid by the Bank prepared
based on the risk appetite by management as well as the maximum limit of the
Liquidity Coverage Ratio must be determined by the Bank. The limit setting
process is important in order to mitigate the risk of lost revenue due to the
providing of liquidity could be minimized so as to create an increase in profits for
the Bank. Data obtained in this study is a component of the Liquidity Coverage
Ratio Bank Sinarmas for 3 years (2012-2014). The method in this research is
quantitative. In the current conditions the Bank Sinarmas not do short-term
liquidity management effectively. This is evident from the results of the
calculation of average Liquidity Coverage Ratio are still high at 206.01%. The
highest ever amounted to 392% in July 2014. Regulator set a minimum limit of
the Liquidity Coverage Ratio at 100%. With the, determination of maximum
liquidity management of maintenance costs and maximum limits Liquidity
Coverage Ratio is expected to be implemented by the Bank Sinarmas so as to
create an increased Bank profitability]"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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